Auditorio hosts a concert with students of Conservatorio Profesional de Música
On Sunday, 24th Auditorio de Tenerife welcomes a concert by students of Conservatorio Profesional de Música de Santa Cruz de Tenerife (CPM). The Orchestra of 2nd stage CPM students and the CPM Symphonic Band are playing at 12:30 pm at Sala de Cámara. Admission is free.
Under the baton of Cristina Padrón, the Orchestra will be the first to play. Pieces include Señor JOU, by Pablo Camacaro (arranged by César Cuéllar) and George Gershwin’s Cuban Overture, (arranged by Jeff Manookian).
It will then be the turn of the Conservatoire Symphonic Band, conducted by Sergio Díaz. Their programme includes Los Barbas, by Ferrer Ferrán; Egmont, by Beethoven; Ciclo de los ríos, by Arie Malando (Movimiento Río Negro, 2º Movimiento Orinoco and Movimiento Chubut); Tchaikovsky’s Slavonic March, and Agüero by José Franco.
As part of their educational project, the Conservatorio Profesional de Música de Santa Cruz de Tenerife, wishes to encourage students to take part in activities outside the school. That is why they give a concert like this one at Auditorio at least once a year.
With this concert, the Conservatoire wishes to show the excellent level achieved and the work done by both students and teachers.
This activity is part of Auditorio de Tenerife Education and Social area with the collaboration of Fundación Cepsa.