Primavera Musical brings 180 musicians to Auditorio de Tenerife
The Primavera Musical series, organised by Federación Tinerfeña de Bandas in collaboration with the Cabildo, is bringing four bands totalling 180 musicians to Auditorio de Tenerife. The concert is taking place at 11:30 am on Sunday, the 28th at Sala de Cámara. Admission is free.
The first group to play is Asociación Musical Amigos del Arte, from San Andrés, made up of 40 musicians who are conducted by Juan Antonio Domínguez Martín. Their repertoire starts with the paso doble Pepita Greus, by Pascual Perez Choví, to then go on with The Last of The Mohohicans, by Trevor Jones. Finally, they will interpret Malando Vlak’s Rivieren Cyclus.
Asociación Musical Fasnia, which also has 40 members, start their performance with Manuel Lillo’s paso doble Isla de la Toja. Next, they are playing Queen of the Dolomites, by Jacob de Haan. The band, led by Radamé Rodríguez Gómez, will finish with The Blues Brothers Revue, arranged by Jay Bocook.
Then, Asociación Musical de Adeje is coming on stage. The group is made up by 40 musicians who are led by Francisco José Flores Casañas. They are starting with paso doble Solera fina by Pascual Marquina to go on with Castles in Spain, by R. Beck and J. Mabar. They have chosen the soundtrack of Guardians of the Galaxy arranged by Michael Brown to end their performance.
The 60 members of Asociación Amigos del Arte de Güímar, under the baton of Benigno González Coello, will close the sixth concert of Primavera Musical. Once again, they open with a paso doble, Al Centenario, by Ferrer Ferrán, to then play the overture Prince Igor, by Alexander Borodin. They will put the finishing touch with the Afro-Cuban piece with variations Conga del Fuego, by Arturo Márquez.
The next Primavera Musical concert is taking place on 5 May at the same time and in the same venue. It features the bands of José Manuel Cabrera Mejías (Icod de los Vinos), Garchico Crearte (Tejina) and Princesa Yaiza (El Rosario).