Auditorio presents a research conference on the performing arts
Auditorio de Tenerife presents The future is late(r), a conference on research and theory of the performing arts to be held from Friday, 17th May to Sunday the 19th in different rooms in Auditorio and in TEA Tenerife Espacio de las Artes. Starting from the meeting with four guest artists, Cuqui Jerez, Ignacio de Antonio, Norberto Yopis and Mar Medina, we will look into their careers, methodologies and processes.
The future is late(r) is organised by Cabildo’s Tenerife Distrito de las Artes and produced by Auditorio de Tenerife, with the collaboration of TEA and the artistic coordination of Masu Fajardo. To attend the series please register by sending an email including your full name, telephone number, and your connection to culture to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. stating in the subject Inscripción TFIL.
The event starts on Friday at 10:00 am in Sala Puerto of Auditorio de Tenerife with a welcome session; it then goes on with a lecture-talk with Ignacio de Antonio, a stage creator and architect who does research through artistic practice. At 12:00 noon “Entremeses” with fragments of All things, by Norberto Yopis, an artist from Valencia who works on the boundary between choreography, performance and thought.
“Las condiciones” starts at 1:00 pm; in this activity, all participants get together to work in order to establish and review the conditions of the collective practice that is taking place in the afternoon. After lunch, at 4:00 pm the collective practice “After talk” starts under the guidance of Norberto Yopis, Ignacio de Antonio and Cuqui Pérez, an artist, choreographer and performer.
At 10:30 am on Saturday, the 18th there will be a lecture-talk by Norberto Yopis in Sala Puerto. At 11:30 am “Las condiciones” start again to then go on to do the stage practice Mi primera pieza de Danza, by Ignacio de Antonio at 12:30 pm.
After the break, at 4:00 pm, the “After talk” will consist of a collective practice guided by the three artists. At 8:00 pm TEA’s Sala B will host a live work entitled Manejar el hacer líquido de forma indisciplinada, by Mar Medina, a Barcelona dancer and teacher.
Finally, on Sunday the 19th Cuqui Jerez is giving a lecture-talk at 10:30 am to then go on to do the last activity in the event: a collective practice with Norberto Yopis, Nacho de Antonio and Cuqui Jerez.