MAPAS extends its academic activities for professionals and the general public to include 10 talks and three round tables
The academic activity will increase in the third Mercado de las Artes Performativas del Atlántico Sur, MAPAS 2019, as a total of ten talks and lectures and three round tables have been scheduled. These are all open to participating professionals and the general public. These activities are taking place on Thursday the 11th in the morning, at TEA Tenerife Espacio de las Artes and at Museo de la Naturaleza y la Arqueología (MUNA), from 9:00 am to 1:30 pm, so that all those interested can attend. Admission to all these talks is free and there is no need to enrol.
Network working, collaboration and visibility of the professional performance of women in the creative industries are top issues in the training offered at MAPAS 2019, with round tables and lectures like the one by Daniela Bosé on Mujeres en la Música [Women in Music]. Bosé has a wide-ranging career that combines academic and business work. In her more than 20 years of experience she has held high managerial positions in BMG Ariola Ediciones Musicales, Ediciones Musicales Polygram, Sony Music or the Ministry of Culture. She directed the documentary Mujeres de la Música. The lecture will be held at 9:00 am at TEA’s Salón de Actos.
Next, there will be a round table SatéliteLAT. Mujeres en las Artes performativas iberoamericanas, [SatéliteLAT. Women in Latin American performing arts] moderated by María Isabel Delgado (the Canaries), with the participation of professionals like Noela Salas (Chile), Daniela Bosé (Spain), Dani Ribas (Brazil), Fabiola Pazmiño (Ecuador) and Paula Rivera (Argentina).
The minister for Culture and Youth of Costa Rica and winner of Cartográfa Ilustre in MAPAS 2018, Sylvie Durán, will talk about Cómo trabajar juntos. El trabajo en red [How to work together. Network working] at 11:00 am at TEA. Durán will explain, through her vast professional experience, how working together in the sphere of culture can help to strengthen projects and establish creative industries in a globalised world in which cultural activities must face every day new competitors and threats but challenges and opportunities too.
The round table afterwards will also deal with this topic, with the title El papel de las redes. ¿Qué podemos hacer juntos, que no podemos hacer solos? [The role of networks. What can we do together, what can’t we do on our own?]. It will be chaired by MAPAS co-director, Octavio Arbeláez, and participants include outstanding representatives of networks and associations like Red Eurolatinoamericana de Artes Escénicas (Redelae), Red de Teatros y Auditorios de España (Redescena), Asociación para el Desarrollo de la Industria de la Música Iberoamericana (ADIMI), Iberescena, Ibermúsicas or SatéliteLAT.
The Museo de la Naturaleza y la Arqueología (MUNA) is hosting several talks from 9:00 am, like Iberescena y el espacio escénico iberoamericano, [Iberescena and the Latin American stage] by Zaida Rico, followed by the presentation of Mercartes, by Nines Carrascal. Next comes a talk by the artistic director of Auditorio de Tenerife, José Luis Rivero, about El modelo de Tenerife en Artes Escénicas y Música. Retos y oportunidades para las compañías [Tenerife’s model in the Performing Arts and Music. Challenges and opportunities for companies] .
Finally, there will be a Debate de gallos [Cockdebate], a round table moderated by journalist Nicolás Castellano with the participation of Serge (Smockey) Bambara and Henry Arteaga, El Jke. Bambara is a member of Smockey & The Agama Band, a band from Burkina Faso who do Afro rap whose lyrics are politically and socially committed. He is also one of the creators of the social movement “citizen’s broom”, which was committed to the fall of dictator Blaise Compaore. For his part, Henry Arteaga, El Jke, is a member of Colombian Crew Peligrosos, an artistic proposal that has given them a loyal audience thanks to their professional way of dealing with the stage. They are also known for their proposals of social construction from art.
TEA’s Sala Cilindro is the venue for part of the training activities of MAPAS 2019, which start at 9:00 am on 11 July with the talk Estrategias digitales en el mundo de las músicas actuales de Iberoamérica [Digital strategies in the world of current Latin American music], by Ismael Comas. At 9:50 am, Jordi Puy presents UNISON: Nuevos modelos de gestión de derechos de propiedad intellectual [New management models of intellectual property rights]. In the same place, Javier Jiménez and Sergio Arbeláez will talk about Sostenibilidad ambiental y festivales de música [Environmental sustainability and Music Festivals], while Tamara Criado will deal with La gestión de los derechos de propiedad intelectual de los artistas de las artes en vivo o performativas [The management of intellectual property rights of live or performing arts artists]. Finally, Ouafa Belgacem (Culture Funding Watch) will present Fundraising for cultural projects and companies in Africa.
MAPAS is organised by the Cabildo de Tenerife, Circulart and unahoramenos, with the sponsorship of the Government of the Canary Islands, Santa Cruz de Tenerife City Council and the INAEM, in addition to the support of Acción Cultural Española (AC/E) through their Programa para la Internacionalización de la Cultura Española (PICE) in the section Visitantes, which fosters the participation in the Market of ten performing arts professionals from Africa and Latin America. Other collaborators include Casa África, Secretaría General Iberoamericana, Fundación SGAE, Iberia and Hyundai, among other public and private institutions.