You can now enrol for the 8th Course on Risk Management in the Performing Arts
Tenerife LAV presents the 8th Course on Risk Management in the Performing Arts to be held from 2 to 11 October from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm at Teatro Leal in La Laguna. The classes are coordinated by Juan Bay, graduate in Chemistry and expert in Work Risk Management specialising in Hygiene, Safety, Ergonomics and Psycho-sociology.
Enrolment, at a subsidized fee of 50 euros per person, is available via the email address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Please include your personal details. This 50-hour course offered by the Auditorio de Tenerife’s scheme has the collaboration of the Government of the Canary Islands, through its Canarias Cultura en Red, and of Teatro Leal under La Laguna Town Council.
The course is accredited by Previmac-Grupo Preving, and is aimed at professionals of the performing arts ranging from technicians to impresarios, to actors, producers, etc. It takes into account all the possible hiring systems including, third parties, self-employed, temp agencies, subcontracting plus the necessary coordination of business activities as established by law.
The course offers a training pack that consists of a basic course in compliance with the current legislation plus a supplement on specific risks as this sector has a wide and specific range of situations regarding risk management.
Since the current legislation establishes rights and duties in all the departments, the course aims at making up for a gap in the teaching area. Therefore, on the one hand it aims at making all those who are not part of the performing arts aware of risk management.
On the other hand, the goal is to provide attendees with the skills to carry out the duties granted by the law once they have completed the basic course, in agreement with Real Decreto 39/1997. For example, they will learn to collaborate in the assessment and control of general and specific risks of the company, and so be able to pay visits, listen to complaints and suggestions, record data and whatever other functions of the kind are needed.
The participants will also learn how to perform in the event of an emergency or first aid situation. They will also be able to make basic risk assessments and, if applicable, establish the appropriate measures according to their level of training.