Tenerife LAV is seeking artists for Puzzleatípico‘s fourth season
PuzzleAtípico, the Canarian video and performance group made up by people with the Asperger syndrome starts their fourth season with a call for artists and groups. The deadline to take part in this project by the Asociación Asperger Islas Canarias Aspercan [Canary Islands Asperger Association] and the Laboratorio de las Artes Vivas Tenerife LAV, with the support of the Teatro Leal in La Laguna, is 2 December.
The project proposes using different disciplines as mediation tools: theatre, dance, performance and video-art to make projects related to collective and individual identity in which audiovisual and body tools gain relevance, as they are designed and performed by the group with the company of the artists and facilitators of the activity. Information on the rules and registration is available on www.puzzleatipico.com.
The call is aimed at dance, movement and interdisciplinary artists and group of artists whose work relies mainly on the use of video and body performance in addition to other stage and/or stage-related techniques and practices (textuality, sound art, film, choir, video art and video installation, working with objects…). These projects should be aimed at working together with the group thus turning them into projects that feed on and are fed by PuzzleAtípico.
PuzzleAtípico is a video creation and performativity group made up by young people with Autism Spectrum Disorder, who started working with video as a tool of expression, by experimenting with recording what they felt and then putting the images together. Up till now the group has shown their work at the Centro Cultural de La Caja de Canarias (CICCA) in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Auditorio de Puerto del Rosario, at the Festival Barriometrajes and at Teatro Leal’s Sala de Cámara where they regularly work.