Lava brings their recently premiered double programme 'Yalacha' and 'Hush' to Teatro Pérez Galdós on Thursday
Lava is performing their new double programme at Teatro Pérez Galdós at 8:00 pm on Thursday, the 5th. The dance company will put onstage two original creations that were premiered at Auditorio de Tenerife’s Sala Sinfónica last Sunday. They are the work of two choreographers of international scope: Yalacha, by Korean Dongkyu Kim and Hush, by Israeli Roy Assaf.
Both creators were invited by the company’s artistic director, Daniel Abreu (Premio Nacional de Danza 2014), to work with the dancers who currently make up Lava’s dance troupe: Emiliana Battista Marino, Fabiana Mangialardi, Virgina Martín, Paula Parra, Alicia Pirez and Amanda Rubio, who were selected through public notice. These pieces have been expressly created for the group resident at Auditorio de Tenerife.
This programme, which is now travelling to Gran Canaria with tickets on sale on, displays the versatility and strength of creation for international dance. Israel and South Korea are the countries currently leading the international arena of contemporary dance thanks to their great creativity and command.
Daniel Abreu explains that "turning to these places led us to Roy Assaf’s talent, with his peculiar use of body gestures and the deep, clear message conveyed; on the other hand, Dongkyu Kim is accurate regarding the body and shows quality in movement; his works convey strength, impetus and an interesting questioning of everything human".
Roy Assaf’s advice is that “while seeing Hush I encourage you to ignore the unswerving temptation of seeking for the plot; refuse the stubborn need to understand, trust your instinct -being honest and sincere about it- and follow your tender heart, that has a great capacity for imagination”.
Dongkyu Kim, who has worked on the island with his assistants Nara Yoon and Jiho Jang, also a composer, says that “we all make our own sound”. That’s why in Yalacha “sound doesn’t come from the mouth but from life: I live my own life and I make my own sound through the sound of others but, what sound do you make? he wonders. The piece is part of the Jisoo Gook Laboratory Dance Project.