Auditorio de Tenerife’s Coro Juvenil to take part at the World Choir Games in Belgium
The Coro Juvenil de Auditorio de Tenerife, conducted by Roxana Schmunk, has been selected to take part in the 11th World Choir Games 2020, one of the top world competitions to be held from 5 to 15 July in Flanders, Belgium.
The ensemble, resident at Auditorio de Tenerife, makes its debut in this prestigious competition only three years after being set up. The group has already won several international prizes, including the gold medals at the European Choir Games in Gothenburg last July.
The Cabildo’s councillor for Culture, Youth, Education and Sport, Concepción Rivero, said that “we’re proud to see the development of this ensemble, which has reached a high level in Europe within a short period of time, as they have won different competitions. Their fresh mise-en-scene is worth noting as it outdoes traditional choral singing canons”.
The Coro Juvenil will have the chance to share the stage with more than 21,000 singers of 542 choirs from 69 countries in a historic World Choir Games, as it is welcoming the largest number of candidates since it started 20 years ago.
The Tenerife ensemble will be competing at the Mixed Youth Choirs and Música Sacra with accompaniment, two of the 27 categories included in the competition.
The traditional Arrorró, arranged by Beatriz Corona, and Cuando te beso, by Juan Luis Guerra arranged by César Alejandro Corrillo, Daniel Elder’s Ballade To the Moon and Let my Love Be Heard by Jake Runestad make up the repertoire the Auditorio de Tenerife’s Coro Juvenil will perform in the Mixed Youth Choir category.
Regarding Música Sacra with accompaniment, the songs included are Laudate Dominum by Giuseppe Ottavio Pitoni, Pater Noster by Giuseppe Verdi, Light in Us by Kin André Arnesen and lastly, Jake Runestad’s I Will Lift Mine Eyes.
In addition, the Coro Juvenil de Auditorio de Tenerife will be guest performer at the Friendship Concert, one of the parallel activities of the event. They will sing Ansia de Mar by Rafael Arozarena and Julio Domínguez’s Ballade to the Moon and Cuando te beso.