Ana Vassalo and Fernando Aguilera give a workshop on Voice, Body & Emotion at the Auditorio de Tenerife
The Instituto de Artes Escénicas of Auditorio de Tenerife, which is under the Department of Culture, Education, Youth and Sport of the Cabildo de Tenerife, led by Councillor Concepción Rivero, offers the workshop Voz, cuerpo y emoción [Voice, Body & Emotion]. Ana Vassalo, singer and teacher specialising on choral singing, and Fernando Aguilera, a renowned tenor, will give a workshop aimed at choir conductors, music teachers, choralists, singers and signing students on 24 and 25 April at the Auditorio de Tenerife.
The workshop, which if organised by Red de Coros de Tenerife [Tenerife Choir Network], is free of charge. It aims at developing natural voice through awareness. Participants will learn to develop free, harmonious singing, both individually and as a group, by focusing on the importance of the body and the emotions to achieve authentic communication.
On the 24th the workshop is on from 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm, while on the 25th it will be held from 09:00 am to 1:00 pm and 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Participants will be accepted to the 20 available places in order of registration, which is done through the “Formación” section on the Red de Coros website . The deadline is on 21 April.
In a total of 16 hours of training, divided in 12 classroom attendance and 4 with no classroom attendance, Ana Vassalo and Fernando Aguilera will provide simple and practical tools to boost the work done in choirs and encourage fluid communication between the conductor and the choir or the teacher and his/her students.
Ana Vassalo, a native of Lisbon, is a professional singer, and a member of the Coro Nacional de España [Spanish National Choir] since 2004. She has been teaching singing for 10 years and coaching for singing students, professionals and therapists for 5 years. Vassalo, who has taken part in international productions, won the first prizes at the 1992 Concurso da Juventude Nacional Portuguesa and at Cleveland International Eisteddfod. In 2017 she recorded the CD Vassalo-Atlântica with original music by Julio García.
Fernando Aguilera teaches singing and is a professional singer and member of the Coro Nacional de España. He made his debut in 1996 in the role of Don Ramiro in Rossini’s opera Cenerentola at Pforzheim’s theatre in Germany. This was the start of a successful career as tenor which has led him to perform some 400 times in different venues in Germany and Austria. He started giving workshops on singing and voice with Ana Vassalo eight years ago.