The 2024-2025 school year catalogue offers thirteen artistic proposals, including performances and creative processes.


The Auditorio de Tenerife and the Island Council's Culture Area present the ninth edition of the 'Teatro en la Escuela' programme (Theatre at School). The catalogue comprises thirteen proposals, including creative processes and performances related to theatre, music, dance and movement arts. Schools can now submit their applications to host some of these activities in their facilities during the school year.

The catalogue's proposals have been chosen through a competitive public call for proposals. They are aimed at pupils for preschool, primary, secondary, baccalaureate education, and training cycles. In addition, the Auditorio de Tenerife will provide teachers with a teaching guide to prepare the work beforehand in class and optimise the educational possibilities of the programme.

After the schools have chosen from the 2024-2025 catalogue those proposals they are interested in, they just have to complete the fillable form to be downloaded from the section 'Teatro en la Escuela' of the Educational and Social area of the organisation's website: and send it to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. As the activities start in October and will run throughout the school year until June 2025, the deadline for their submission is 30 September.

The catalogue includes the following performances: The Brave Squirrel by Laura Esucela, La más bonita (The Most Beautiful) by Bolina Títeres, A ciencia cierta (For Sure) by El Wije Producciones, Abuelo Ado y señor Balleno (Grandfather Ado and Mr. Balleno) by Ana Erre, uNpACKAGING by Zireja, Manos Mojadas (Wet Hands) by Mon Peraza and ¡Valientes! (Brave) by Burka Teatro. Regarding the creative processes, the following projects have been selected: La bailarina y la caja mágica (The dancer and the magic box) by the company I+D Danza with Ana Beatriz Alonso, Asombrario by Paloma Balandis, Guateque by Innova_ dos23 and Paula Quintana, Atrás. Hacia futuros fantásticos (Back. Towards fantastic futures) by Producciones Arteide-Aleksandar Georgiev, Ellos y ellas también escriben canciones (They write songs too) by Andrés Molina and Tormenta (Storm) by Susana García.

The specific topics included in the project are one of the new features of this edition. They might be representations or processes linked to multiculturalism, interculturality or the objectives of some of UNESCO’s SDGs, such as promoting mental health or eliminating gender disparity.

Making students aware of performing and musical languages in their educational context, as well as providing access to and disseminating the performing and music arts among pupils on the island are some of the objectives of this programme.

In addition, it is important to link academic aspects to the professional context of performing and musical arts in Tenerife. Encouraging the all-around development of students through arts and creating the foundations to encourage the socialisation of students within the school facility through cultural activities are other goals of this initiative, which is celebrating its ninth consecutive year.