More than 180 educational establishments have shown their interest in receiving the artistic proposals.


The ninth edition of the Teatro en la Escuela (Theatre at School) programme kicks off this month as an initiative organised by the Auditorio de Tenerife with the collaboration of the Department of Culture of the Island Council. The representatives of the selected companies held a meeting yesterday (Monday 30th of September) with the Regional Minister of Culture, José Carlos Acha, and the artistic director of the Auditorio de Tenerife, José Luis Rivero.

Acha announced to those present that 'the significant increase (183) of applications presented by the island's educational establishments has led the Island Council to make an effort. Thus, the number of performances by the thirteen companies selected in the schools has increased. The councillor recalled that seven artistic proposals had been chosen for the exhibition - each one will be staged in fourteen centres - and six creative processes will take place in seven educational facilities.

José Luis Rivero added that 'we would like to achieve a balance between the requests from the educational centres between the functions (338 this year) and the creative processes' and considered that they are working in the right direction because 141 applications have been received in this edition.

The thirteen artistic proposals have been chosen through a competitive public call for proposals. They are aimed at pupils for preschool, primary, secondary, baccalaureate education, and training cycles. In addition, the Auditorio de Tenerife will provide teachers with a teaching guide to prepare the work beforehand in class and optimise the educational possibilities of the programme.

The following shows comprise Theatre at School catalogue in the 2024-2025 course: The Brave Squirrel by Laura Escuela, La más bonita (The Most Beautiful) by Bolina Títeres, A Ciencia cierta (For Sure), by El Wije Producciones, Abuelo Ado y señor Balleno (Grandfather Ado and Mr. Balleno) by Ana Erre, uNpACKAGING by Zireja, Manos Mojadas (Wet Hands) by Mon Peraza and ¡Valientes! (Brave) by Burka Teatro.dvx3. The six companies chosen to carry out the creative processes are La bailarina y la caja mágica (The dancer and the magic box) by the company I+D Danza with Ana Beatriz Alonso, Asombrario by Paloma Balandis, Guateque by Innova_ dos23 and Paula Quintana, Atrás. Hacia futuros fantásticos (Back. Towards fantastic futures) by Producciones Arteide-Aleksandar Georgiev, Ellos y ellas también escriben canciones (They write songs too) by Andrés Molina and Tormenta (Storm) by Susana García.