Thursday 16Sep21
Sunday 19Sep21
Tuesday 21Sep21

Carta de una desconocida

Première in Europe
3 Shows
16 Sep 20:00 h. - 21 Sep 20:30 h.
60 min.
(El Rosario, Adeje y Los Realejos)
Musical Theatre/Colombia
 MEI ()

The theatre festival Muestra Escénica Iberoamericana (MEI) has programmed Carta de una desconocida, (Letter from a stranger) by the Colombian theatre company Señor M, also known as 4 Paredes for the stage space where they perform in their country.

It is based on an unrequited love story: a man receives a letter from a woman. She tells him how she has loved him since she was a child. She used to watch him through her window and continued to love him throughout her life. It is the story of silent love that she has so far not dared to reveal. Despite the signs, he has failed to discover it. It is a story of loneliness, pain, and hope with small happy moments. The play talks about women's privacy, time, hope, and love... It deals with how we construct and idealize ‘the other’ and relationships; it talks about those deep and silent loves that become idyllic and perfect. They live only in the lover's mind and are not deteriorated by use and habit. It deals with sublime loves that last a lifetime. But the story also talks about silence, and how we let ourselves be carried away by a desire for the here and now.

Adaptation of the novel by Stefan Zweig

Direction: Manolo Orjuela

Actors: Patricia Tamayo, Cristina Umaña, Paula Estrada, María José Jaramillo and Martina Toro

Production: Señor M

Performances of Carta de una desconocida in Tenerife:

Casa de la Cultura La Esperanza, El Rosario-16 September. Book your tickets by dialling the number 922010160 ext 1024 or write an email to

Escuela de Música, Adeje-19 September. Tickets will be on sale soon.

Casa de la Cultura, Los Realejos-21 September. Tickets will be on sale soon.

En este espacio se podrá disponer de una visualización del espectáculo solo para los programadores con clave de la Red Española de Teatros, Auditorios, Circuitos y Festivales de Titularidad Pública (Redescena) y la Red Eurolatinoamericana de Artes Escénicas (Redelae).

Tickets or invitations can be purchased at each venue under their own conditions and measures.

Recommended for audience over 14 years of age.

Thu 16Sep21
Sun 19Sep21
Tue 21Sep21