Thursday 20Apr23


Melodías francesas
1 Shows
20 Apr 19:30 h.
70 min. aprox.
Music/Ciclo de Cámara
 Auditorio de Tenerife (Sala de Cámara)
 15 €

Auditorio de Tenerife offers, within its Chamber Music Cycle, the concert Fleurs, a recital for piano and voice.


Melody Louledjian presents an exceptional bouquet of 61 flowers, veritable musical floral catalogue. Alongside pianist Martin Surot and with her voice of a thousand nuances, she portrays each of these flowers, with their contrasting and touching characters. Sometimes mischievous, sometimes dreamy, each flower is unique and wonderfully depicted by French composers: Satie, Wiener, Honegger, Milhaud, Buxeuil. This musical, floral and springtime promenade will fill each sense with perfumes, colours and charms.

Jean Wiéner (1896-1982)
Les Chantefleurs

Le gardénia - Le begonia - Le géranium - La giroflée - La rose - La pivoine - Le seringa
- L'églantine, l'aubépine et la glycine - L'angélique - Le glaïeul - Le souci - La fleur d'oranger - Le bouton d'or - L'iris - La marjolaine et la verveine - La véronique - La jacinthe - La renoncule - Le lilas - La violette - La tulipe - Le jasmin - Le muguet - Le mimosa - La digitale - La fleur de pommier - La belle de nuit - Le coquelicot - Le myosotis - Le chèvrefeuille - La marguerite - La pervenche et la primevère - Le lotus - L'orchidée et la pensée - Le bluet - La lavande - La capucine - Le narcisse et la jonquille - Le cyclamen - Le perce-neige - L'hortensia - Le réséda - Le rhododondron, l'oeillet et le lilas - L'edelweiss - La sensitive - Le camélia et le dahlia - Le genêt - Le lis, l'amaryllis le volubilis, la mélisse - Le soleil - Le coucou

Darius Milhaud (1892-1974)
Catalogue de Fleurs op.60

La Violet
Le Bégonia
Les Fritillaires
Les Jacinthes
Les Crocus
Le Brachycome

Arthur Honegger (1892-1955)
Nature morte, H. 11 (Still life)

Erik Satie (1866-1925)
Les Fleurs (The flowers)

René de Buxeuil (1881-1959)
L’Âme des roses (The Soul of Roses)

"This is what we call a little wonder"
Frederic Casadesus, Médiapart

"Naturalness, simplicity, served by a colourful, expressive voice, as well as by a deep understanding of the texts."
Yvan Beuvard, Forum Opera

"Exquisite, with a voice clear as a bell, the finest gradations and a certain nonchalance."
Karin Coper, Orpheus

"The soprano, with her luminous and ductile voice, draws and paints."
Patrice Henriot, Opera Magazine

"Perfect tonal approach, impressive intonation and tonal beauty"
Klaus Billand, Orpheus

"Carefully cultivated artistry, an endearing timbre and a remarkable flexibility of emission."

Access is only allowed to children over five years of age.

For further information, please check the general terms and purchase conditions.

If you have any questions while purchasing your tickets, you can write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 922 568 625 from Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., except for public holidays.

Thu 20Apr23