The aim is to bring out the values inherent to every group through dance as an artistic fact. In all the programmes, dance shows are created collectively with all the members taking part. The shows are then performed at different venues: from local theatres to dance festivals, including public spaces or any other place that suits each specific show. Based on the experience gained and the work done in the past years, Danza en Comunidad currently has the following programmes in place:

Tarjeta de Visita [Visiting Card]

Tarjeta de Visita [Visiting Card]

Goal: getting to know each other through movement (mainly done at initial meetings).

Number of sessions: 2

Minimum nº of participants: 8

Maximum nº of participants: 40 if they are adults. 20 if they are children

Total hours: 3

Juntos [Together]

Juntos [Together]

Goal: group cohesion (also good at initial meetings).

Number of sessions: 8

Minimum nº of participants: 8

Maximum nº of participants: 40 if they are adults. 20 if they are children

Total hours: 24

Cita a ciegas [Blind date]

Cita a ciegas [Blind date]

Goal: blend two or more collectives and people of the open call without sharing the process. They will only get together on the day of the general rehearsal and the performance.

Number of sessions: 8 (per collective)

Minimum nº of participants: 8

Maximum nº of participants: 40 if they are adults. 20 if they are children.

Total hours: 24

Isla flotante [Floating Island]

Isla flotante [Floating Island]

Goal: blend two or more collectives and people of the open call throughout the creative process.

Number of sessions: 8

Minimum nº of participants: 8

Maximum nº of participants: 40 if they are adults. 20 if they are children

Total hours: 24

Transmisión [Transmision]

Transmisión [Transmision]

Goal: transferring a piece created by one of the collectives to other groups in order to share the common and sensitive values they may experience.

Number of sessions: 4

Minimum nº of participants: 8

Maximum nº of participants: 40 if they are adults. 20 if they are children

Total hours: 8

Paso a paso [Step by step]

Paso a paso [Step by step]

Goal: keep up a year-round process with collectives that because of their characteristics, require a longer period of work.

Both the number of sessions and the number of participants will be agreed with the different collectives to suit their needs.

Training trainers at Danza en Comunidad

Training trainers at Danza en Comunidad

This programme is aimed at people who wish to learn about the tools of community dance so that they can apply them to their work and talk about their application.

During the two periods below:

First period: February-July

Second period: September-December

Danza en Comunidad will carry out two training sections in each period for two days. You can choose to come either in the morning or in the afternoon.

This programme is facilitated by the Danza en Comunidad team.

The selection criteria are based on active participation in the Danza en Comunidad project, that is, people working with the collectives with whom we do our programmes during the year. But there is room for more people.

To register all you need to do is send an email to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




If you wish to take part in the Danza en Comunidad project as a COLLECTIVE, ASSOCIATION or GROUP please fill in and send this form. You will hear from us as soon as possible. The selection criteria are:

  • • - Yearly work capacity of the Danza en Comunidad team.
    • - Needs of the collective, association or group to add artistic activities to their programme.
    • - Active participation of the people who work in the collective, association or group.
    • - Representation of population segments.