Foro La pedagogía se mueve [Pedagogy moves Forum]

This annual event gets together relevant figures of dance and movement pedagogy to discuss the present situation of this art and find ways of improving professional qualification, training, and spreading it. The third Forum was held in June 2019.

In the current historical-social-cultural-educational period we wish to offer people the technical tools used in teaching dance and movement as an exploratory process; the use of body language and its social function, so that it can reach everyone who is interested and they can include it in their reality by creating their own movement art and interacting through it.

Three main sections


Education should also involve individual and group body movement in order to develop attitudes that favour social integration. With movement pedagogy one establishes a knowledge of one’s own body, the way it reveals and expresses itself, to enhance the development of your own qualities and abilities. Developing body awareness and presence requires 4 fundamental pillars: body construction, space construction, time construction and dynamic construction. The body is the vehicle that links us to reality, having a body means having a world; corporality, therefore, expresses and experiences thoughts and emotions. Having corporality means referring to the human body, which is full of physical life and whose biological structure can generate movement, to feel, perceive and express one’s psychic and emotional life consciously.


Social pedagogy specifically addresses the development of physical and virtual sociability in individuals, focusing on the way people are influenced. In general, we may say that socialization and sociability are the realm of education and Social Pedagogy. This type of pedagogy seeks the participation of individuals, groups or communities who are in a vulnerable situation, at risk or in social conflict. Therefore, it acts in the different contexts -both physical and virtual- these people, groups or communities experience everyday life.


It is based on the idea that expression is a natural condition in every human being. It aims at contributing to personal development through a deep stimulation of creativity by using writing, music, painting/sculpting, photography/pictures and theatre games. It encourages students to work on their emotions with creative aims without it necessarily leading to exhibiting or staging their work. The starting point is the desire and need to express emotion, regardless of the expressive ability, that would take an individual to a specific artistic-theatrical level. Therefore, the main goal is the affective development of people. Together with training in practical skills, artistic, musical, and theatrical pedagogy has gained importance in terms of ethics and aesthetics training. The arts are considered to be an understanding of the world, culture, language and meaning of life.

Who is it for?

It is aimed at everyone involved in teaching; teachers, trainers, pedagogues, teachers specialising in the performing arts, dance, music, collectives, associations and people interested in hearing about existing projects and proposals or in promoting new ones.

Would you like to attend?

Programme and registration of the IIII Foro La pedagogía se mueve.


Download programme of I Foro La pedagogía se mueve held on 24-26 November 2017

Download the programme of the II Foro La pedagogía se mueve held on 2-4 November 2018


Helena Berthelius: Director and general coordination. Director of Tenerife Danza’s Learning Section. She is officially trained as dance teacher, choreographer, dance pedagogue and fascial therapist.

José Luis Rivero: Content Manager. Auditorio de Tenerife Artistic Director.



Cori González Luis: Doctor in Philosophy and Education Studies, Professor of History of Pedagogical Thought.

Ana Isabel González: Doctor in Philosophy and Education Studies.


Martín Padrón: Coordinator of the Dance Education and Pedagogy Department.


Daniel Buraschi and Natalia Oldano: Espacio Plural para la Educación Social. Asociación y Educación para la convivencia.

Teaching resources

Eti-Queta Teaching resources

Drakaina Draco y las 7 semillas mágicas Teaching resources

De Cabo a Rabo Teaching resources