Wednesday 08Sep21
Thursday 09Sep21
Saturday 11Sep21
Sunday 12Sep21


Première in Europe
4 Shows
08 Sep 20:00 h. - 12 Sep 20:00 h.
60 min.
(El Sauzal, Guía de Isora, Adeje, y Puerto de la Cruz)
Musical Theatre/Nicaragua
 MEI ()

The theatre festival Muestra Escénica Iberoamericana (MEI) has programmed 'Francisca' a monologue by the theatre company Teatro Justo Rufino Garay from Nicaragua.

The play revolves around Francisca, a Mexican-Nicaraguan woman who on All Souls' Day prepares the table for her ancestors. As she does so, her memories from both cultures appear; sometimes she is Mexican and sometimes Nicaraguan. A new cultural identity takes shape, with the culinary flavour and songs of the two countries that trigger their memories.

According to the author, once again the rehearsal of this play provided support to the group, helped them stay alive and active during the pain and crisis that Nicaragua suffered in April 2018.

Author and actor: Lucero Millán

Direction: René Medina Chávez

Performances of 'Francisca' in Tenerife

Teatro El Sauzal-8 September Tickets are on sale HERE

Escuela de Música, Adeje-9 September Tickets not available so far.

Teatro Timanfaya, Puerto de la Cruz-11 September Tickets not available so far.

Auditorio, Guía de Isora-12 September Tickets not available so far.


En este espacio se podrá disponer de una visualización del espectáculo solo para los programadores con clave de la Red Española de Teatros, Auditorios, Circuitos y Festivales de Titularidad Pública (Redescena) y la Red Eurolatinoamericana de Artes Escénicas (Redelae).

Tickets will be on sale at each venue under their own conditions and measures.

Wed 08Sep21
Thu 09Sep21
Sat 11Sep21
Sun 12Sep21