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Ópera de Tenerife presenta la conferencia 'Luisa Fernanda a través de sus intérpretes' en la que el catedrático de Historia, José Miguel Mederos, revisitará la próxima producción lírica de Auditorio de Tenerife. Este encuentro tendrá lugar el próximo martes 26 de junio a las 19:00 horas en la Sala Alisios del Auditorio de Tenerife.

En este viaje musical a través del tiempo, Mederos mostrará mediante documentos gráficos y sonoros, muchos de ellos extraídos de las primeras ediciones en gramófono, el trabajo de los diferentes artistas que han puesto voz a los personajes de la composición de Federico Moreno Torroba. El recorrido se iniciará con los intérpretes del estreno en el año 1932: Faustino Arregui, Selica Pérez Carpio, Laura Nieto y Emilio Sagi Barba.

José Miguel Mederos Rivero es catedrático de Historia, ha sido secretario del Consejo Canario de Enseñanza Musical de la Consejería de Educación del Gobierno de Canarias y miembro del jurado del Festival de Cine Histórico de La Laguna en sus dos ediciones. Obtuvo el primer premio “Educación e inventiva” de la Consejería de Educación del Gobierno de Canarias por el trabajo titulado La Laguna: recorrido histórico arquitectónico a través de cinco edificios.

Además ha sido director de la Coral Universitaria de La Laguna, miembro del Consejo Administrativo del Conservatorio Superior de Música de Santa Cruz de Tenerife. También ha ocupado el cargo de consejero del Patronato Insular de Música del Cabildo de Tenerife, miembro de la Comisión Asesora del Festival de Música de Canarias y miembro de la Comisión Organizadora del Festival de Ópera de Tenerife.

Mederos publica regularmente para revistas especializadas, casas discográficas, orquestas nacionales y festivales de música. En su faceta como conferenciante, ha participado en el ciclo y mesa redonda sobre la figura de Pablo Sorozábal y su obra, organizados por ERESBIL y la Universidad del País Vasco, con motivo de cumplirse el centenario del nacimiento de este compositor

La zarzuela Luisa Fernanda, que se representará el 30 de junio a las 19:30 horas en el Auditorio de Tenerife, y que ha colgado el cartel de entradas agotadas, se sitúa en los últimos días del reinado de Isabel II, donde se forja la historia de un amor imposible.

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For the third week of July, the Cabildo has a new proposal: the first Campamento Coral de Tenerife (Choir Camp). It is about sharing a few days led my music teachers from Florida, Spain and Portugal. The camp is open to everyone who is interested in enjoying themselves while polishing their singing, choral conducting, and piano techniques.      

The camp is organized by the Escuela Coral de Tenerife, which is part of the Tenerife Artes Escénicas del Cabildo (Performing Arts Scheme) and takes place from 16 to 21 July at IES La Laboral in La Laguna. The programme, which has been designed with the island school choirs in mind, includes classes, rehearsals, masterclasses and joint performances.

The camp is open to children and young adults aged from 8 to 25, piano advanced students wishing to train as accompanying pianists, people with an interest in choral conducting (choir members, music teachers, musicians, conductors, etc). Thus, the camp will be divided in four groups: choir students aged from 8 to 15; another group for the aged from 15 to 25; piano students; people interested in choral conducting.

The music teachers for the Campamento Coral de Tenerife are Cara Tasher, Director of Choral Studies at the University of North Florida; Portuguese Paulo Vassalo Lourenço, doctor in Choral Conducting from the University of Cincinnati/College-Conservatory of Music; Esther Andueza, pianist and Head of the Department of Repertoire and Singing at the Conservatorio Profesional Arturo Soria in Madrid; and Basilio Astulez, teacher of Choral Singing at the Conservatorio Municipal de Leioa in the Basque Country.

The fee is 85 Euros and you can enrol via Tenerife Artes Escénicas website here or via the email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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El Cabildo ha presentado hoy, jueves 14 de junio, la primera edición del Festival Internacional de Música Antigua de Tenerife (Fimante) y el ciclo Nova Ars Organorum (NAO). Se trata de un programa de conciertos que revivirán sonidos del pasado y que tendrán lugar en el Auditorio de Tenerife, el ex convento de Santo Domingo de Garachico e iglesias de toda la isla. Los detalles de este nuevo proyecto fueron dados a conocer por el director insular de Cultura y Educación del Cabildo, José Luis Rivero; el director de Fimante, Conrado Álvarez, y la responsable del ciclo NAO, Rosario Álvarez.

José Luis Rivero explicó que “el objetivo es poner en valor tres elementos: los instrumentos tradicionales que nos han sido legados, el repertorio historicista en un contexto internacional y a los grandes músicos que tenemos en la isla”. El responsable insular de Cultura aseguró que se trata de “un momento importante para el Cabildo porque se recuperan las tradiciones y volvemos a estar en los circuitos de la música antigua  europea” y también hizo hincapié en la veintena de órganos puestos a punto por el plan de restauración del patrimonio histórico del Cabildo, “los cuales se unen a otros del siglo XX y XXI que alberga la isla para dar una gran oferta cultural”.

El primer espectáculo de este nuevo evento cultural, que se prolongará hasta diciembre, será este domingo 17 de junio en la Iglesia de San Juan de La Orotava. La organista vasca Loreto Aramendi comenzará a las 19:30 horas el programa Ecos barrocos. Se escucharán obras de autores del área noreuropea (Sweelinck, Buxtehude, Pachelbel) o italiana (Frescobaldi), así como música española, con nombres del Barroco hispano como Correa de Arauxo, Pablo Bruna, Joan Baptiste Cabanilles y fray José de Larrañaga. La entrada de concierto es gratuita hasta completar aforo.

Conrado Álvarez y Rosario Álvarez se mostraron ilusionados con la puesta en marcha de la iniciativa. “Este proyecto llega después de 20 años trabajando por la música antigua en Canarias”, recordó el también director artístico de la Orquesta Barroca de Tenerife. “Este festival servirá como plataforma de los más de 300 músicos canarios que están coordinando proyectos de este tipo fuera de nuestras fronteras”, augura Conrado Álvarez, quien declara que “daremos una nueva visión de Tenerife, también para los turistas, demostrando todo lo que podemos aportar”.

Rosario Álvarez sentenció que “en Tenerife damos la nota con los órganos porque cada uno es diferente al resto y conforman un patrimonio histórico valiosísimo que se remonta al siglo XVII”. La directora de NAO también destacó los órganos del siglo XX y XXI de la isla, como el que alberga el Auditorio de Tenerife, “que es único en el mundo por sus registros y medios técnicos y que volveremos a dar vida”. Álvarez habló de una corriente entre los organistas actuales de transcribir piezas sinfónicas para órgano, “algo que escucharemos en este ciclo”.

Impulsados por el Cabildo, Fimante + Nova Ars Organorum se suma a la oferta cultural insular para revivir repertorios, tanto en los tradicionales y emblemáticos como en los  nuevos espacios culturales de la isla, apoyados en los intérpretes canarios de instrumentos de época, la recuperación de los órganos históricos, las últimas investigaciones multidisciplinares y la posición histórico-geográfica, convencidos de mantener y divulgar el patrimonio cultural a las futuras generaciones.

17 junio


Loreto Aramendi

Ecos barrocos

Órganos de la Iglesia de San Juan de la Orotava

19:30 horas

22 julio


Juan de la Rubia

El gran órgano sinfónico 2.0

Órgano de la Sala Sinfónica del Auditorio de Tenerife

12:30 horas

29 septiembre


Andrés Cea Galán

Entre el norte y el sur

Órgano de la Iglesia Nuestra Señora de la Encarnación de la Victoria

19:30 horas

10 noviembre


Juan Luis Bardón

El vademécum de un órgano romántico

Órgano de la Iglesia de Nuestra Señora del Pilar de Santa Cruz

20:30 horas

01 diciembre


Daniel Oyarzábal

La música como una pulsión

Órgano de la Sala Sinfónica del Auditorio de Tenerife

12:30 horas

02 diciembre


Pere Ros, viola da gamba

Eine Hamburgische Begegnung

Sala de Cámara del Auditorio de Tenerife

12:30 horas

08 diciembre


Alfonso Sebastián

Bach: el triunfo de la invención

Iglesia de Santa Úrsula Mártir de Adeje

19:00 horas

09 diciembre


Afecto ilustrado

Dal ‘700

Ex convento de Santo Domingo de Garachico

12:00 horas

15 diciembre


Orquesta Barroca de Tenerife

Nöel a la Francesa

Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de la Merced de El Médano

19:00 horas

16 diciembre


Orquesta Barroca de Tenerife

Nöel a la Francesa

Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de los Remedios de Buenavista

17:00 horas

22 diciembre


Morimoto Barroque Ensemble

Cantatas italianas

Iglesia Nuestra Señora de La Luz de Los Silos

19:00 horas

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On Saturday, 16 singer Pablo López is giving a concert as part of his “Santa Libertad” tour. It will be at 8:00 pm at Sala Sinfónica of Auditorio de Tenerife Adán Martín. He is presenting his record Camino, fuego y libertad and tickets for the show were sold out just a few days after going on sale.

“With this record I’ve turned things over: my life, my stories, even my home”, the Andalusian songwriter says, who is also singing his greatest hits at the concert. Since it came out on 15 December 2017, “Camino, Fuego y Libertad” has gone beyond the singer’s expectations as it won the gold record on its first week and the platinum record two weeks after it was issued.

The theme that presents this new record “El Patio”, has meant a liberation for López. Since it came out he can’t help getting emotional every time he sings it. “This song has healed me, it’s been more like yelling, I needed to let go something inside me, get rid of many of my ghosts… it set me free and it’s true it’s become some kind of exorcism every time I sing it because it stirs me deeply; to me it’s almost like a person”, he admits. “El Patio” music video reached 7 million visits on Youtube in just a month and is now over 18 million. The story is about the patio we all have inside ourselves, told by means of an artistic concept developed by Pablo López himself.  He had the collaboration of friends like Javier Cámara, Pablo Motos, Malú, Fernando Tejero, Juan Betancourt, Ana Milán o rManuela Melles.

After two records which have positioned him as one of the most relevant authors in Spain, the Andalusian singer is enjoying the best moment in his career, along with the success of Camino, Fuego y Libertad. This good professional moment comes too with the added popularity he has gained in the TV talent show La Voz, where he was one of the coaches.

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Tenerife International Contemporary Music Festival (FMUC) is offering the concert “An evening of compositions” by the Serbian musician Nebojsa Jovan Zivkovic on Thursday, 14 June at 7:30 pm at the Sala de Cámara in Auditorio de Tenerife. The international musician will be accompanied by the Vienna Conservatoire Percussion Group, which he directs, and the Percussion Group of the Conservatorio Superior de Música de Canarias [Canary Islands Higher Music Conservatoire].

Nebojsa Jovan Zivkovic, hailed by critics as one of the most expressive players of marimba and percussion, has included in his programme a total of eight pieces of his own: Homo Balcanicus, Oriental Fantasy, The Castle of the mad King, Lamento e danza barbara, Tensio, Sandy the hurricane, Carte Blanche and Tak-Nara (2º mov.). An hour before the concert, percussionist Verónica Cagigao will be giving a talk to put the repertoire in context and look into the figure of Nebojsa Jovan Zivkovic and the Schlagwerk Wien Ensamble. The talk takes place at Sala de Cámara and admission is free.

Tickets for the concert can be purchased at the Auditorio de Tenerife box office, from 10:00 am to 7:30 pm Monday to Saturday, via the internet here or calling 902 317 327.

Nebojsa Jovan Zivkovic, who is back at the FMUC once again, has had a great influence on international percussion for the last two decades, as authoritarian composer and virtuoso performer. He has toured throughout Europe, from Siberia to Spain, from Greece to Finland, several times in Asia, and in Latin America and the US every year. His marimba and percussion compositions have created a new level of performance and his captivating and energetic concerts have influenced generations of marimba players. Many of Zivkovic’s compositions (like Ilijas, Ultimatum 1, Trio per uno) have become standard in world contemporary percussion repertoire. His symphonic compositions are played by the best orchestras, such as National Symphony Orchestra from Washington D. C.; BBC Concert Orchestra, London; Orchestra di Santa Cecilia, Rome; Hiroshima Symphony Orchestra; and the Northern Symphony in Newcastle, United Kingdom. As a charismatic soloist mostly with his own marimba and percussion concerts, Zivkovic has played with Stuttgart Philharmonic; Munich Symphony Orchestra; Bochum Philharmonic; Austrian Chamber Orchestra; Hannover Radio Symphony Orchestra; Bielefeld Philharmonic; Belgrade Philharmonic; Slovenia Philharmonic; Slovenia Radio Symphony Orchestra; and Costa Rica National Symphony Orchestra, among others.

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Tenerife Contemporary Music International Festival (FMUC) is offering a concert by Tenerife group DifrAcción Ensemble at Círculo de Bellas Artes de Tenerife, in Santa Cruz. The recital is on Tuesday, 12 June at 7:30 pm. Admission is free.

The artistic director of the Tenerife ensemble, Leandro Martín, will be giving a talk about the repertoire an hour before the event. The musicians who make up the group are: Pablo Díaz (flauta), Laura Delgado (oboe), Samuel Hernández (clarinet), Mari Luz Trujillo (piano), Carlos Llácer (percussion), Judith Choi (violin), Sviatoslav Belonogov (viola) and David Barrera (cello).

The repertoire starts with “Asleep, my love 2”, by Daniel Roca Arencibia ; to then go on with “Mal despertar”, by Candelaria Dorta; followed by Tomás Rivero’s “Un nuevo comienzo”, and “Frei aber froh” by Germán Medina Calle, closing with “Past”, by Leandro A. Martín, “Aqua”, by Sergio Rodríguez and “Neum”, by Mirjana Anastasjevic.

On this occasion the programme is exclusively made up of pieces composed in this century by living Canarian composers who are members of Cosimte, the association of symphony composers and musicologists of Tenerife.

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The Orchestra of the Conservatorio Profesional de Música of Santa Cruz de Tenerife is offering a family concert on Saturday, 9 June at 12:00 noon. The adventures of Ábor and Gen is for children aged six and over and tells the story of a brother and a sister who pursue their dreams.

The Boys’ Choir of Conservatorio Profesional de Música de Santa Cruz de Tenerife is also performing. The programme includes pieces by composers like Luis Cobiella, G. Bizet, J. Williams, E. Morricone, F. Delgado Herrera, R. Chapí and Strauss, among others. Through a combination of music, choir and narration by Moisés Évora we will learn about the lives of Ábor and Gen, set in the 16th century. From their seats, all the members of the family can take part in a story about self-improvement that portrays two siblings whose goal is to do what they really like doing.

The concert is conducted by Ángel Camacho with soloists Airán Fariña (oboe), Georgy Mikheile (violin), Víctor Estárico and Eduardo Afonso (timples), María Candelaria Hernández (soprano) and Borja M. Molina (baritone). The choir is directed by Juan Ramón Vinagre.

The Orchestra of Conservatorio Profesional de Música de Santa Cruz de Tenerife is made up of students between the 4th and 6th years of professional training. Their main objective is to give its most outstanding students the opportunity to play in a group like this one as part of a training that will eventually allow them to become members of a professional orchestra. On the other hand, the Conservatoire promotes the staging of the music repertoire students have been working on during the year, giving them the chance to take part as soloists in different instrument specialities.

Tickets for this concert are all five Euros and can be purchased at Auditorio de Tenerife box office from 10:00 am to 7:30 pm, on the internet here or calling 902 317 327.

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The 9th Tenerife Contemporary Music International Festival (FMUC), on until 17 June, is offering a concert by Wing Marimba Duo on 6 June at Espacio Cultural CajaCanarias at 7:30 pm. Tickets to enjoy the Japanese ensemble, made up of composer Takayoshi Yoshioka and performer Reiko Shiohama, are free of charge.

The international musicians will be accompanied by Tuópali Dúo (Francisco Díaz and Carlos Llácer), Tak-Nara Percussion Group (Carlos Castañeda and Verónica Cagigao), and Andrea Domínguez, who are all local percussion players. An hour before the show, Cagigao herself is offering a conference to give us an insight into the Japanese duo career and repertoire.

They are performing pieces composed by Takayoshi Yoshioka. The recital starts with “Transfiguration” for marimba duet, followed by “Divertiment” for marimba trio and then, “Square Dance” for four marimbas, and “Three Dances for marimba and percussion”. The show finishes with a Concerto for marimba, kettledrums, and four percussionists.

Wing Marimba Duo is also giving a masterclass on Thursday, 7 June at 4:00 pm at the Conservatorio Superior de Música de Canarias. If you would like to attend please register at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

In 2013 Takayoshi Yoshioka and Reiko Shiohama set up this duo that has toured the US, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Brazil, Colombia, Argentina, Peru, Paraguay, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Honduras, El Salvador, Thailand and Korea. Their repertoire includes arrangements of symphony music and original music composed for them.

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Con motivo de la próxima producción de Auditorio de Tenerife, La traviata, el intendente de Ópera de Tenerife, Alejandro Abrante, ofrecerá una conferencia en la que abordará su visión del clásico de Verdi que se representará en la Glorieta de San Francisco este fin de semana, y de la que es su director de escena. Este encuentro tendrá lugar en el Espacio TEA Garachico a las 18:30 horas, donde a su término se inaugurará la exposición Virtudes públicas, vicios ocultos, que da a conocer el proceso de creación de este título.

Durante la disertación bajo el título La imagen de lo invisible en el reflejo de las tres mujeres que inspiraron a Verdi en ‘La traviata’: Alphonsine Duplessis, Marguerite Gautier y Violeta Valéry”, Abrante abordará las coordenadas androcentristas de la sociedad decimonónica que el compositor italiano reflejó en su obra. Será a través de una amplia visión sobre el perfil psicológico de estas tres mujeres. Además hará un repaso a la escena que se podrá observar en las representaciones y que plasma fielmente el ambiente encorsetado a la moral vigente.

La exposición Virtudes públicas, vicios ocultos consta de un recorrido a lo largo de 10 paneles ilustrados con 65 imágenes y 4 paneles de texto, se podrá contemplar de forma amena el proceso de producción de este proyecto lírico desde sus inicios. Además se podrá contemplar de cerca dos trajes femeninos que muestran el trabajo de confección artesanal realizado por el departamento de Sastrería de Auditorio de Tenerife. Se podrá visitar hasta el domingo [día 10], en horario de 11:00 a 14:00 horas y de 15:00 a 18:00 horas.

En esta muestra, que ya se expuso en el Paraninfo, han colaborado la Universidad de La Laguna, el Instituto Universitario de Estudios de las Mujeres, la Cátedra Cultural Pedro García Cabrera y la Facultad de Filosofía de la Universidad de La Laguna, el CIFP Las Indias de Santa Cruz de Tenerife y el Ayuntamiento de Garachico.

Las entradas para las representaciones en la Glorieta de San Francisco de este sábado (21:00 horas) y domingo (18:00 horas) pueden adquirirse en los canales habituales del Auditorio de Tenerife: en taquilla de 10:00 a 19:30 horas; por internet; o por teléfono en el número 902 317 327. También estarán a la venta en el Bazar Cas Cayo ubicado en la calle Francisco Martínez de Fuentes, Local 4.

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The Cabildo de Tenerife, through Ópera de Tenerife, has opened its call for entries to the 5th Ópera de Tenerife International Singing Competition, to be held at Auditorio de Tenerife Adán Martín from 1 to 4 July. The competition closes with an award-winners concert on 5 July.

All singers who were born on or after 1 January 1978, can take part in the competition whose aim is to help them achieve a higher level and a more successful career. The rules are published on the Auditorio website Entries must reach us no later than 24 June 2018.

This year we are introducing a new prize: the “María Orán Award” for best zarzuela aria performance, a tribute Ópera de Tenerife pays to the memory of the Tenerife soprano. The winner will be given the opportunity to play a role in one of the zarzuela season titles, in accordance with the specific needs of each title and vocal and stage suitability.

The winners will be awarded prizes of 5,000, 3,000 and 1,000 Euros respectively; there will also be an honorary Audience Extraordinary Award. The audience can thus vote for any of the singers taking part in the final, regardless of their having received any other award.

Participants must choose five arias to perform and if they also enter the Maria Orán Award competition, they have to prepare two arias from the zarzuela repertoire. Arias will be sung from memory and the selected programme cannot be changed once the Competition Organizing Committee accepts it. The call is open to the following types of voice: soprano, mezzosoprano, contralto, counter-tenor, tenor, baritone or bass.

The rules of the competition establish a qualifying phase on 1 and 2 July. The semi-final takes place on 3 July and on 4 July, the finalists will sing an opera aria chosen by the jury in addition to a zarzuela aria, if they are also competing for the María Orán Award. The winners will offer a concert on Thursday, 5 July where they will be accompanied by maestro Dario Tondelli.

All the members of the jury have a solid artistic and technical reputation. This year we can count on the collaboration of nine international professionals thanks to Acción Cultural Española (AC/E) [Spanish Cultural Action] and their aid through the Programme for the Internationalization of Spanish Culture (PICE), in the Visitors category. The jury will be chaired by, vice-president Giovanna Lomazzi. The casting manager and musical director assistant of Teatro Massimo di Palermo, Alessandro Di Gloria; the artistic director of the Fondazione Teatri di Piacenza, Cristina Ferrari; the general manager of Teatro Comunale di Bologna, Fulvio Macciardi; the stage manager and artistic production manager of Teatro Argentino de La Plata, Pablo Maritano; the artistic programming manager of  Teatro Regio di Parma, Cristiano Sandri; the artistic manager of the Young Artists Opera Programme at the Bolshoi Theatre, Dmitry Vdovin; the member of the Society for the promotion of Chinese Traditional Culture, Qing Xu; and Italian pianist, Darío Tondelli.

The following will also be members of the jury: Martin Boschet, executive manager of Teatro Colón in Buenos Aires; Javier Menéndez, general and artistic director of Ópera de Oviedo; Hein Mulders, intendant of Theater und Philharmonie Essen; and the artistic director of Barcelona Gran Teatre del Liceu de Barcelona, Christina Scheppelmann.”




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Giulio Zappa, director of Opera (e)Studio, has announced the 13 singers that make up the 6th year of this academic project included in the Ópera de Tenerife season. Italy and Russia, with three singers each, head the list which also includes singers from Germany, Chile, Spain, China, Costa Rica, Mexico and Australia. They were picked from 113 candidates who went to the auditions held in Bologna, Madrid and Tenerife in May.

The singers chosen are Maria Ostroukhova (Russia), Milos Bulajic (Germany), Matías Moncada Albarrán (Chile), Gianni Giuga (Italy), Francesco Samuele Venuti (Italy), Inés Lorans Millán (Spain), Sophie Burns (Australia), Vittoria Vimercati (Italy), Li Biao (China), Aleksandr Utkin (Russia), William Alonso Hernández (Costa Rica), Esteban Sebastián Baltazar (Mexico) and Anna Kabrera Eliseeva (Russia).

Four performances

These singers will arrive in Tenerife in the first week of September to start the process of comprehensive artistic improvement supervised by Giulio Zappa. Their training will lead to four performances of The Italian in Algiers to take place at the Sala Sinfónica in Auditorio de Tenerife from 25 to 28 October.

The singers will be divided into two casts who will perform twice, except for Australian Sophie Burns, who will be present in all four performances in the role of Zulma.

The Italian in Algiers opens the 2018-2019 season and will bring the debut in Ópera de Tenerife of Maximilian Nägele, current Kappelmeister at Deustche Oper Berlin. This new coproduction of Auditorio de Tenerife with Teatro Comunale di Bologna has Giorgia Guerra as stage manager. It is set in the 1980s in the surreal atmosphere of a spa in Algiers, in addition to colourful costume from that period.

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El cantautor cubano Pablo Milanés se hará este sábado [día 2 de junio] a partir de las 21:00 horas con la Sala Sinfónica del Auditorio de Tenerife en un concierto que se enmarca en su gira Esencia. Este espectáculo forma parte de la programación del Festival Mar Abierto.

El cantautor cubano Pablo Milanés vuelve a Tenerife para dar un concierto en el que sonarán muchas de sus canciones memorables, como Para vivir, Ya ves, Yolanda o El breve espacio en que no estás. Para este trovador, capaz de abordar varios géneros con la misma pasión y respeto, sus actuaciones en directo representan la culminación de todo su trabajo.

Pablo Milanés, músico, compositor y poeta cofundador de Nueva Trova Cubana, comienza 2018 inmerso en un sugerente trabajo de estudio que pronto saldrá a la luz y que albergará composiciones originales como Vestida de mar o Días de luz, temas que ya forman parte de sus conciertos.

Las entradas para este concierto se pueden adquirir en el Auditorio de Tenerife Adán Martín, en taquilla de 10:00 a 19:30 horas de lunes a sábado, por internet aquí o por teléfono llamando al 902 317 327.

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