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Auditorio de Tenerife recibe el domingo [día 11] a doscientos músicos de las  cuatro bandas que protagonizan la segunda sesión del ciclo Primavera Musical. El concierto, que tendrá lugar en la Sala de Cámara a las 11:30 horas, contará con la A. M. San Marcos (Tegueste), la A. C. M. Crearte (Tejina), la A. M. C. S. Banda Sinfónica (Los Realejos) y A. M. La Candelaria (Arafo).

Comenzará el programa la Asociación Musical San Marcos Evangelista de Tegueste, bajo la dirección de Alicia Melián Rodríguez, con A mi madre, de Roque Baños; seguida de Alpina Saga, de Thomas Doss; para terminar con Más que nada, de Jorge Ben con arreglos de Naohiro Iwai.

El repertorio continúa con la Asociación Cultural y Musical Crearte de Tejina, dirigida por Marcos Pérez González, que hará sonar Peiró, de Ferrer Ferrán; continuando con Jericho, de Bert Appermont; para finalizar con Duke Elington in Concert, de Paul Murtha.

La Agrupación Musical Cruz Santa Banda Sinfónica de Los Realejos tomará el relevo del espectáculo, bajo la batuta de José Manuel Álvarez Rodríguez, para interpretar Appalachian Overture, de James Barnes; Celo Andaluz (pasodoble), de Pascual Marquina;  y Lord Tullamore, de Carl Wittrock.

Por último, cerrará el concierto la Agrupación Artística Musical La Candelaria de Arafo, dirigida por Carlos Alberto Fernández, con el tema Hijo de la alegría, de J. R. Pascual Villaplana; al que le seguirá Othello, de A. Reed; para culminar el concierto con Canto a Murcia, de F. Alonso

El actual ciclo Primavera Musical, que lleva celebrándose desde 2005, comenzó el pasado día 4 y continuará los domingos 18 y 25 de marzo; 08, 15, 22, 29 de abril; 06 y 13 de mayo; y 03 y 10 de junio. Este proyecto está organizado por la Federación Tinerfeña de Bandas de Música con la colaboración del Cabildo insular.

La Agrupación Musical San Marcos Evangelista nació en 1989 gracias al entusiasmo de un grupo de amantes de la música, teguesteros y vecinos de la comarca, auspiciados por Isidro Ángel González, fundador, y Marcos González Martín, primer director. Pocos años después se creó la academia de la agrupación, que actualmente cuenta con 150 alumnos. Bajo la dirección musical de Alicia Melián Rodríguez y la presidencia de Antonio López González, esta agrupación tiene 35 músicos, 120 socios, una subvención y locales de ensayo del Ayuntamiento de la Villa de Tegueste.

La Asociación Cultural y Musical Crearte U. M. se fundó en 2012 por una treintena de músicos en Tejina bajo la dirección de José Luis Peiró Reig, que duró hasta 2017. La formación ha participado en diferentes certámenes de bandas de música en Tenerife y en toda la programación que pone en marcha la Federación Tinerfeña de Bandas, así como en actividades culturales del pueblo de Tejina y de su municipio, La Laguna, (procesiones, pasacalles, concierto en teatros y al aire libre, etc.). En la actualidad cuenta con 35 músicos y está dirigida por Marcos Perez Gonzalez.

La Agrupación Musical Cruz Santa nació en 1938 con Luis González de presidente y fundador, y el cura José Arvelo de maestro de solfeo. Desapareció en 1945 por falta de recursos pero en 1987 José Mesa Cabrera y un grupo de músicos y amigos se unieron y refundaron la actual banda. José Mesa falleció en 1995, relevándole  hasta la actualidad José Manuel Álvarez Rodríguez como director de la agrupación, con casi 80 músicos, y de la academia, con un centenar de alumnos. En 2015 publicaron su primer disco, Acordes de ayer y hoy. El presidente, Moisés Barroso González, y su grupo directivo trabajan en la celebración del 80 aniversario de la agrupación, que será en este 2018.

La Agrupación Artística Musical La Candelaria de Arafo se fundó en 1926 y, tras algunas actuaciones, estrenó su uniformidad en Igueste de 1927. En 2001 celebró el 75º aniversario de su primera actuación en la procesión de la patrona de Canarias en Candelaria, entregándosele un reconocimiento del Ayuntamiento. En 2017, ya con 80 músicos, la banda organizó un congreso musical. Además, ha estrenado dos obras: el pasodoble Haroldo Santos Lito, de Rubén Martínez, dedicado al miembro más antiguo de la agrupación, y Magmático, para banda y guitarra, de Francisco Yánez, interpretada por Tomás Fariña.

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Auditorio de Tenerife acoge mañana [sábado 10] el concierto de agrupaciones, conjuntos y ensambles de alumnos del Conservatorio Profesional de Música de Santa Cruz de Tenerife.  La Sala de Cámara alojará el encuentro a partir de las 18:00 horas con entrada libre hasta completar aforo.

Este espectáculo de dos horas de duración busca demostrar el nivel y trabajo realizado por los estudiantes y el profesorado del centro. El repertorio elegido es muy variado, ya que hará sonar desde los temas más clásicos, pasando por folclore canario y jazz, hasta llegar a canciones actuales.

Abrirá la cita musical un conjunto de percusión dirigido por Emilio Díaz. Este grupo, formado por nueve alumnos de tercero y cuarto de Enseñanza Profesional, tocará Pizzicato polka, de Strauss con arreglos de E. Remsen; Concierto para clarinete en La k622, de W. A. Mozart con arreglos de Emilio Díaz, y con Moisés Évora de La Rosa como solista; y terminarán con Kawf Dooda Code, de C. Crockarell.

Tras esta primera actuación, tomará el relevo una formación de guitarras con 20 alumnos de primero a cuarto de Enseñanza Profesional, liderados por Inés Delgado. Comenzarán tocando Introducción au tango, de O. Bensa; para continuar con un tema de Star Wars, de John Williams; y terminarán con Alla Turca (Sonata KV 331), de W. A. Mozart.

Seguidamente, y bajo la dirección de José Luis Cebolla, 23 alumnos del conjunto de flautas, pertenecientes a todos los cursos de Enseñanza Profesional, harán sonar Pizzicati del Ballet de Sylvia, de L. Delibes; Marcha fúnebre a una marioneta, de Gounod; y Danza Macabra, de Saint-Saëns.

La cuerda se hará con la Sala de Cámara con un cuarteto compuesto por Marina Montero Torres (violín), Carla Meléndez Ledesma (violín), Georgy Mikheile (viola) y Jairo Rodríguez Visuerte (violonchelo), que tocará Cuarteto Op. 76  nº 2, de Joseph Haydn.

El segundo conjunto de cámara del concierto tomará el hilo del espectáculo. Se trata de un trío de dos flautas, Sara Marrero Pérez y Carmen Delia Perdomo Amaral, y un piano, Ángel Cortés Ramos, que interpretará Andante Op. 2, de Franz Doppler.

Por último, cerrará el acto el ensamble de saxofones dirigido por Orestes de Armas. Una veintena de alumnos de enseñanza profesional harán sonar variaciones sobre un tema popular herreño con arreglos de Orestes de Armas; The Ludlows (Legends of the fall), de James Horner,  también con arreglos realizados por De Armas y con el pianista Mario Alba; Aires Rumanos, de Pedro Iturralde, con los solistas Orestes de Armas y Alexis Fernández; y It don't mean a Thing, de Duke Ellington con arreglos también del propio director del ensamble.

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Conductor Javier Busto spent a weekend on the island and learnt about the choir programmes of Cabildo de Tenerife. The Basque composer paid a visit to the students at the Choir School, gave a master class in the course on Choir Direction and took part in a rehearsal of Auditorio de Tenerife Young Choir, thus giving his support to the plan of action for choirs established by the Tenerife 2030 strategy.

Except for the Basque Country and Catalonia, the support to choir singing in the rest of Spain is very low or non-existent; that’s why what’s happening in Tenerife, the public interest, is very important”, stated Busto at the end of his visit. “I was surprised at the excellent attitude I’ve seen at this auditorium. I’d be pleased to come back, it’s a real pleasure to work with people who want to work”, he added. 

His stay in Tenerife started on Friday with a visit to three groups of the Choir School, paying particular attention to students aged between 13 and 15. He was delighted with the experience. “They have wonderful energy, I was very happy”, Busto said.  

The following day he gave a three-hour master class at the fourth session of the Choir Direction Course of Tenerife Choir Network, where he took Kanta, kanta, dezagun, his own arrangement of a popular Basque song. 

Finally, he attended the Sunday rehearsal of Auditorio de Tenerife Young Choir, about which Busto said “it’s wonderful, well-trained and disciplined”. “I’ve been able to do what I’d planned and for a director, getting to do what he’d prepared for a group is great, as you can see their response”, the musician reflected.

Busto was concerned about the lack of an official popular song book in the Canaries and encouraged the attendees to make new arrangements of the music from the islands. In his opinion, “people don’t know much about music but when a choir sings well, they perceive something’s happened. Provoking that “something” in the audience is fundamental”. 

The director and composer highlighted the work done by Roxana Schmunk, (director of the Choir School and the Young Choir, and coordinator of Tenerife Choir Network), with the students: “This choir is very well trained in emotions and that’s not easy to find”.

Cabildo de Tenerife runs three programmes for choir singing: the Choir School, which includes four groups aged between 6 and 25; Tenerife Choir Network, a project encompassing 16 groups whose aim is to create a common platform to bring together and promote choral activity on the Island; and Auditorio de Tenerife Young Choir, set up in 2016 and directed by Roxana Schmunk. This group won the Canaries Choir Competition in 2017 and were awarded two prizes at the Festival Coros de Verão in Lisbon 2017.


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On Sunday, 4th March, Auditorio de Tenerife welcomes the first four music bands of the Musical Spring series, an initiative of the Island Federation of Tenerife Music Bands, supported by the Cabildo. The opening concert, to take place at the Chamber Music Hall at 11:30 am, includes performances by the groups A. M. Aída (San Andrés, Santa Cruz de Tenerife), S. M. Filarmónica (Los Realejos), A. M. La Esperanza (La Guancha), and A. M. Nivaria (Arafo).

The programme starts with Asociación Cultural y Recreativa Unión Musical Aída de San Andrés, conducted by Juan Alexis González Rodríguez. They will play Reige (Moorish March), by José María Ferrero Pastor; followed by Burbujas del sentido (Symphonic impression), by Ferrer Ferrán; and will end with Jordi (Paso doble), by José Rafael Pascual Vilaplana.

The next band to play is Sociedad Musical Filarmónica de Los Realejos, conducted by Francisco José Hernández Padrón. They will interpret Caballleros de Navarra (Christian March), by Ignacio Sánchez Navarro; Monte Medulio (Symphonic Poem), by Andrés Álvarez; Arabesque, by Samuel R. Hazo; and finally, Centenari Musical (Paso doble), by Ramon Garcia i Soler.

It is then the turn of Asociación Musical La Esperanza de La Guancha to perform under the baton of Jesús Agomar González Guillama. They will play Arsenal (Concert March), by Jan van der Roost; El príncipe de Egipto, by Shwart and arranged by Jay Bocook; and Arabesque (fantasy), by Samuel R. Hazo.

To close the concert, the Asociación Musical Nivaria, conducted by Miguel Ángel Expósito Marrero, is offering two pieces by Ferrer Ferrán: Roberto García Curbelo (Concert Paso doble) and Arafo, Ensueño de un Paraíso (Symphonic impression for wind orchestra).

The A. M. Aída (San Andrés) was founded in 1981 by Vicente Esteban Fariña Fariña, a musician and composer born in Arafo, Tenerife. This group performs in neighbourhoods and villages in Tenerife, taking part in processions, passacaglia, concerts, contests, etc. They have also played in Santa Cruz de La Palma and in Villa de Ingenio, in Gran Canaria. Apart from the founder, the group has had several musical directors before their current leader, Juan Alexis González Rodríguez, who came on board in 2011. At present they have 32 musicians and a music school with 25 students. 

The S. M. Filarmónica de los Realejos was established in 1847 and had Felipe Machado y Benítez de Lugo as its first conductor. Since October 2008, Tenerife-born Francisco José Hernández Padrón has been in charge of the band. They were awarded Isla de Tenerife Gold Medal by the Cabildo in 2010 for their contribution to spread the culture and values of Los Realejos, as this is the oldest music band in the Canaries. They have performed twice at Valencia fallas, and the band is made up of fifty members and nearly 80 students in their school. 

Agrupación Musical La Esperanza from La Guancha was set up in 1924 and has more than 50 members who play under the artistic direction of musician and composer Jesús Agomar González Guillama. The Patronato de Música XVIII de Enero runs the Group and the Escuela Municipal de La Guancha. In 2014, they were awarded the Gold Medal of La Guancha for their merits throughout their 90 years of existence. In 2017 the band received the Gold Medal of Tenerife at a memorable concert at the Concert Hall in Auditorio de Tenerife.

The Sociedad Filarmónica Nivaria, which made its debut on the esplanade at the Arafo Church in 1860, played in the proclamation events of the First Republic in 1873; also at King Alfonso XIII arrival in Santa Cruz de Tenerife in 1906 and during the installation of the telegraphic cable from Cadiz to Santa Cruz in 1833. The band has also performed at Valencia fallas on several occasions and has the Island of Tenerife Gold Medal and the Gold Medal of Villa de Arafo. The band is currently directed by Miguel Ángel Expósito Marrero, has 90 musicians and 120 students in their school.


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Espectáculo relacionado: DON CARLO (VERDI)

Ópera de Tenerife opens the 2018 opera programme with Giuseppe Verdi’s Don Carlo, to be performed in the Concert Hall of Auditorio de Tenerife on 10, 14 and 17 March at 19:30.
The island Director for Culture, José Luis Rivero, attended the presentation of the opera along with the Vice-councillor for Culture and Sport of the Government of the Canary Islands, Aurelio González; the intendant of Ópera de Tenerife, Alejandro Abrante, and the lead singers of this historical drama, José Bros and Yolanda Auyanet, who will play the roles of Don Carlo and Isabel de Valois, respectively.
José Luis Rivero stated that “this is a great opera production, which is the result of the international collaboration of Ópera de Tenerife, which means it is a high quality cultural product backed by the work of local, national and international professionals”, to then go on to encourage people to come to Auditorio de Tenerife “so that you can have a brief break and connect with culture through music”.
In Alejandro Abrante’s opinion, this is “a very good production that is performed in Tenerife for the first time in 30 years. The audience can enjoy costume and stage design that faithfully captures the atmosphere of recollection that prevailed in the court of Felipe II”. “Cesare Lievi’s stage management, set in the marble tomb of Emperor Charles V, is inspired in the spirituality of the Spanish Golden Age, taking as a reference Saint Teresa of Ávila or El Greco”, he added.

Opera Don Carlo 01

The Vice-councillor Aurelio González congratulated himself on the quality of this new production to be performed at Auditorio de Tenerife next week and expressed “the intention of the Government of the Canary Islands to reinforce the internationalization of Ópera de Tenerife, which is a success for the Canaries and their culture”.

Soprano Yolanda Auyanet, expressed “her happiness to be on the stage of Auditorio de Tenerife once again”, and highlighted “that a great number of people outside the island follow the work done by Ópera de Tenerife”. Her stage partner, tenor José Bros also remarked “he was deeply grateful to be back on the island”, and underlined that “the beautiful feelings to be enjoyed with this opera through the emotions it conveys”.

This co-production with Teatro Regio de Parma and Teatro Carlo Felice from Genoa is one of the great operas of the Italian maestro and tells the dramatic story between King Felipe II and his son, Infante Carlos, who falls in love with the monarch’s third wife, Isabel de Valois. This awkward situation of loyalty and passion is framed by the ecclesiastical power and takes place during the Renaissance, when the House of Habsburg had serious territorial conflicts with Flanders.

Giuseppe Verdi’s composition was first performed in 1867, but deals with issues which are also most relevant today like the struggle between love –both personal and patriotic- and oppression- both political and religious, in the backdrop of fragile territorial balance between the royal houses of Habsburg and Valois. In addition, new religious interpretations emerged which led to frictions between the established theocratic order and the secession process in Flanders.


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As part of the Purple Spring Scheme, Cabildo de Tenerife, through Ópera de Tenerife, has arranged a masterclass in song performing to be delivered by the vice-president of the AsLiCo Association and the Teatro Sociale di Como, Giovanna Lomazzi. The masterclass will take place on 13 and 14 March from 10:00 to 14:00 in the Sala Puerto at Auditorio de Tenerife, and you can take part either as:

Active participant: 10 places. You can sign up via our e-mail address. Enrolment deadline: 06 March at 23:59


Listener: admission free while seats are available

Both systems are free of charge.

Giovanna Lomazzi:

Milanese Giovanna Lomazzi has worked in different music institutions where she has held high level executive positions in different departments including press office, public relations and artistic management. Since 2000 she has been the vice-president of the AsLiCo Association and the Teatro Sociale di Como, the institution which organizes the competition for young European singers, the oldest and most important contest in Europe that will be held for the 70th time next year. In the opera world she is considered to be a young artists’ talent spotter.

Purple Spring:

Cabildo de Tenerife is fostering, through Ópera de Tenerife in collaboration with Instituto Universitario de Estudios de las Mujeres of La Laguna University and the Cátedra Cultural Pedro García Cabrera of La Laguna University, an interdisciplinary programme of activities called “Purple Spring” whose aim is to teach gender equality values through culture.
Between March and June, a series of conferences, master classes and video-forums will take place around Verdi’s opera La Traviata, dealing with social issues, androcentric culture and musical expression from the 19th century to the present day.

Master class: 13 & 14 March | From 10:00 to 14:00 h

Auditorio de Tenerife | Sala Puerto

Song performing in the world of Verdi.

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Cabildo de Tenerife has started the fifth Danza en Comunidad project, which encourages the integration of different social groups through artistic processes. Their first meeting took place at Auditorio de Tenerife where they revealed the main details of the lines of work this learning and social project will develop during the year.

The managing director of Auditorio de Tenerife, Daniel Cerezo, and the coordinator of Danza en Comunidad, Laura Marrero, welcomed the participants and thank them for taking part in the scheme, which grows every year as evidenced by the fact it only included two groups when it started as a pilot project five years ago, and now takes in 21 different communities.

For this fifth year, the following associations have joined in: Asociación Aldis, Asociación Orobal, from Los Cristianos, Casa de Acogida Madre del Redentor, from El Sauzal. Decentralization of cultural activities like this, which spread across the Island, is one of the aims of the project, which is part of the Cabildo de Tenerife 2030 Strategy. Danza en Comunidad has three collaborating artistic communities: Teatro Victoria (Santa Cruz de Tenerife), Festival Cuadernos Escénicos (Garachico) and Escuela de Actores de Canarias (Santa Cruz de Tenerife), which contribute with meetings, venues and professionals.

Danza en Comunidad, where experts Raquel Jara, Carmen Macías, Cristina Hernández and Laura Marrero take part, is one of the three parts of Tenerife Danza, and it includes learning and artistic areas. The method used is to start with meetings on theoretical issues to then go on to practical sessions which end up in a show put on by the members of the group. Every group has its own action line. The idea is “for them to share with us the full experience of a dance professional”, Laura Marrero explains.

The project, which continues throughout the year, allows people who start dancing through these groups, to take part individually in the following seasons by attending weekly meetings at Auditorio de Tenerife.

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Tenerife Danza is a new project set up by Cabildo de Tenerife (Island Government) further confirming its commitment to this sector, as shown in the past years.

The new scheme has three main lines of work: teaching, community, and creating a resident company at the Auditorio de Tenerife.

One of the first projects of the company is a children production. A call is now open for people aged between 20 and 40, dancers with a theatrical profile and wide performing skills, and actors with good body and dancing technique. Being skilled in different performing arts techniques or dance specialities will be taken into account.

If you are interested, please email a photograph, your artistic curriculum and a link to an online video or website showing one of your performances to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Auditions will take place on Saturday, 27 January, and Sunday 28 January, in Sala Castillo at the Auditorio de Tenerife, between 10.00 am and 3.00 pm. Those who are chosen must be available to join the company immediately as work sessions will start in February.

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Deadline extended until April 30th at 11:59 a.m | Scholarship extended to 2,000 €

The Cabildo de Tenerife, through Auditorio de Tenerife, has published the call to participate in the comprehensive training academy for young singers Opera (e) Studio, which will stage during the month of October 2018, L'Italiana en Algeri (The Italian Girl in Algiers), title chosen by its director, Giulio Zappa, to showcase the work developed by the participants of the next edition and which, as is usual, will inaugurate the lyrical season of Tenerife.

A team of professionals will work with the participants between September until the production of the opera that will end with four performances, from 25 to 28 October, at the Auditorio de Tenerife. L'Italiana in Algeri will also be performed by the same cast of artists at the Teatro Comunale di Bologna in seven performances, between April 6 and 13, 2019.

The bases are available on the website of the Auditorio de Tenerife, and are open to singers born after January 1, 1986. The required documentation must be sent to the Opera(e)Studio Department before12:00 noon on April 25, 2018. The project includes three auditions that will take place at the Teatro Comunale di Bologna (Bologna) on May 6, 7 and 8; at the Escuela Superior de Canto (Madrid) on May 10 and 11; and at the Auditorio de Tenerife on May 13.

Singers may audition for more than one role, having to interpret the works, both the arias and the recitative parts, from memory. The works required for the six roles of this edition are: Isabella (mezzo-soprano or contralto); arias 'Cruel sorte!' and 'Per lui che adore' and the recitativo-aria 'Amici in ogni evento ... Pensa alla patria' . Lindoro (tenor): arias 'Languir per una bella' and 'Oh come il cor di giubilo' and the duet with Mustafa 'It inclinessi to ignite moglie'. Mustafa (bass or bass-baritone): the introduction 'Delle donne l'arroganza', the recitative 'Già d'insolito ardore', the aria 'Elvira, adesso con l'italian' and the quartet 'Andate alla malora'. Taddeo (baritone, bass-baritone or bass): the duet with Isabella 'Ai capricci della sorte' and the aria 'Ho a great peso'. Haly (bass, bass-baritone or baritone): the recitative and aria 'Le femmine d'Italia' and in the case of Elvira (soprano): two arias of free choice, one of them must be by Rossini and containing at least one recitative.

Empowering young talent

The Opera (e) Studio Academy, created by Ópera de Tenerife in 2013, was born with the intention of empowering young talent through a comprehensive artistic perfection. Over the past five editions, 610 people from 13 nationalities from different countries in Europe, America and Asia have participated in the auditions. Under the direction of maestro Giulio Zappa, this project promotes the professional development of emerging young artists who have recently finished their academic studies, creating a novel company.

The young participants will initiate their training process with an extensive connection to the world of bel canto, addressing all the disciplines that the lyrical genre covers, from the musical aspects to the scenic ones. In addition, the different human relationships within the different areas of the opera will be explored among singers, pianists, conductors, orchestra, directors, stagehands, seamstresses, make-up artists and set designers.

This Ópera de Tenerife project was created with the objective of disseminating the work that is done on our Island, not only from an artistic point of view, but also to bring the value of the stage sets and production built at Auditorio de Tenerife to light. Furthermore, the employability of the professionals from the Canaries is also promoted by their presence in a highly specialized sector with an important projection abroad.

Rules and Regulations:

(ESP)  (ENG)  (ITA)

Application form

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Ópera de Tenerife organisers have decided that Rossini’s The Italian Girl in Algiers is the opera the singers of the sixth Opera (e)Studio will perform. The details of this production were presented to the Director of Culture and Education, José Luis Rivero, on Wednesday, 10 by the stage director Giorgia Guerra.

Guerra, who has collaborated with previous Ópera de Tenerife seasons, explained that “Rossini discusses himself, this piece is like a picture of his soul, it’s comical, visual…it has it all. It’s a kind story with a happy end” to then add “characters are immersed in a comical surreal atmosphere set in a spa of the 80s Algiers, with an amusing colourful wardrobe”.

Apart from the stage director, the meeting with the Director of Culture was also attended by the intendant of Ópera de Tenerife, Alejandro Abrante, stage designer Mónica Bernardi and wardrobe designer Lorena Martín.

José Luis Rivero considers the proposal to “be a new collaboration with Giorgia Guerra”, who was involved in the productions of The Fairy Queen (2013), Don Quixote (2014) or Werther (2016); he also pointed out that “Opera (e)Studio is a fundamental part of the Ópera de Tenerife season”. The Director of Culture stressed that “the artistic team is made up of women, following Auditorio de Tenerife’s policy on gender equality”.

Rossini’s The Italian Girl in Algiers is the debut in Ópera de Tenerife of Nikolas Naegele, current conductor at Deutsche Oper Berlin. The four performances will be on stage from 25 to 28 October at the Concert Hall of Auditorio de Tenerife. In the first five years their shows included Cosí fan tutte, Cinderella, Fígaro’s Weddings, Don Pasquale and Capuletos y Montescos

Ópera de Tenerife set up the Opera (e)Studio Academy in 2013 with the aim to boost young talents through comprehensive artistic improvement. It has its permanent venue at Auditorio de Tenerife and is directed by maestro Giulio Zappa. The project fosters the professional development of young artists who have just finished their academic studies or are at the very beginning of their careers.

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Auditorio Adán Martín is hosting the 34th Canaries Music Festival 2018 which opens in Tenerife on Saturday, 13 January at 8.00 pm. On stage, we have the chance to see actor José Coronado, who in the role of Tsar Ivan ‘The Terrible’ himself, will narrate the story by Sergey Prokofiev along with the Novosibirsk Philharmonic Orchestra, the National Choir of Spain and one of the most outstanding present conductors, César Álvarez. They are joined by mezzo-soprano Polina Shamaeva and baritone Sergei Plyusnin, plus some 200 performers in a production steered by prestigious stage director José Carlos Plaza.

The 34th FIMC, one of the major cultural events of the Canary Islands Government, is offering a total of 31 concerts on all the islands between 11 January and 17 February. In Tenerife, all 5 concerts will take place at the Auditorio at 8.00 pm. Tickets are available on the Auditorio website and on


‘Ivan the Terrible” will be performed in Tenerife on Saturday 13, two days after its premiere at Palacio de Formación y Congresos in Fuerteventura. After the Canaries, it is touring different cities in mainland Spain. Ivan the Terrible is based on the life of Ivan Vasilevich, the mysterious Tsar Ivan IV, who ruled between 1533 and 1584, one of the longest reigns in the history of Russia. Remembered for his ferocity, he inspired both reverence and terror. The idea comes from a film project by Sergei Eisenstein, who asked Sergei Prokofiev to compose the music. The filmmaker had Stalin’s approval -admirer of Ivan IV- so the project had strong political shades. After shooting two of the three projected films, Stalinist censorship refused to allow the shooting of the third one. In fact, only the first film was screened in Eisenstein’s and Prokofiev’s time. The composer never actually listened to his work as it is performed today.

It will be performed by Novosibirsk Philharmonic Orchestra, one of the best-known orchestras in the last decades. It has actually become a cultural asset, not just in Siberia but in Russia as a whole. According to the opinion of many Russian and foreign critics, spectators and musicians worldwide, the quality of the orchestra is comparable to the best orchestras in Moscow and St. Petersburg. They will play under the baton of César Álvarez (Asturias, 1973), a highly regarded conductor by international critics.

Canaries Orchestras

The two major Canaries orchestras are back at the Festival. The first one to perform is Tenerife Symphony Orchestra (OST), conducted by Guillermo García Calvo, on Thursday 18 January featuring the great Russian pianist Alexei Volodin as soloist. He is back at the Festival to perform Rachmaninov’s Concerto for piano and orchestra nº 2. The programme is rounded off with Glinka’s Ruslan and Ludmila Overture, and Fanfare for the Common Man by Copland, plus Symphonic Dances from West Side Story by Bernstein, to commemorate the 100th anniversary of his birth.

The Gran Canaria Philharmonic Orchestra (OFGC) will be in Tenerife on Thursday 25 January with the first performance of their new artistic director, Karel Mark Chichon. They are in charge of premiering the work commissioned by the Festival on its 34th year, ‘Campos del Sur’ by Canaries composer Víctor Landeira that will open the concert. They will go on to play Concerto for violin and orchestra in D Major Op. 61, by Beethoven, with prestigious violinist Pinchas Zukerman as soloist. The OFGC will also offer ‘Don Juan’ by R. Strauss, and Rimsky-Korsakov’s Capriccio Espagnol Op 34.

Vienna Chamber Orchestra and Munich Philharmonic

This year we also have the chance to listen to one of the most prestigious ensembles in Austria, Vienna Chamber Orchestra, to perform in Tenerife on 25 January with Dalibor Karvay as conductor and soloist. Bach is included in the programme with his Violin Sonata Nº1 and Piano Concerto Nº1, played by Iván Martín, one of the best Canaries pianists. They will also play Nielsen’s Little Suite for Strings and Baltic Composer P. Vasks’s ‘Distant Light’, a concerto for violin.

The closing concert will take place on 17 February in Tenerife featuring one of the best orchestras in the world, the Munich Philharmonic, conducted by Pablo Heras-Casado, one of the most international Spanish conductors today. As solo pianist, Javier Perianes will play Concerto for piano and orchestra Nº 3 by Bartok. The German group is also offering Symphony nº 50 by Haydn and Dvorak’s Seventh.

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The 2017/2018 season comes with a strong romantic feeling focused on the figure of Giuseppe Verdi. The Tutto Verdi* promotion makes it easy for you to enjoy this immortal musician. Tutto Verdi offers a 15% discount on the ticket for Don Carlo when you buy a seat for La Traviata.

La Traviata is a chance to discover bel canto in a new format: Opera Pocket by Ópera de Tenerife is an itinerant project that will tour several Island municipalities, starting off at the Paraninfo in La Laguna University from 31 May to 3 June. This is a great chance to enjoy an Auditorio de Tenerife show directed by Alejandro Abrante, with Jorge Cabrera as stage designer, Javier Caraballero in charge of wardrobe design and Miguel Ponce as lighting designer, under the musical direction of maestro Alessandro Palumbo. La Traviata is a theatre adaptation of Le Dame aux Camélias (Camille) by Alejandro Dumas, which was a scandal when it was first performed as the heroine is a lady of a heroic free mind; it also portrayed the society of the time just as it actually was. The tragic love story between courtesan Violetta and the young bourgeois Alfredo set against the backdrop of social criticism.

Don Carlo is the first opera scheduled to be performed at Auditorio de Tenerife in 2018. A co-production with Teatro Regio di Parma and Teatro Carlo Felice, it will be in the Concert Hall on 10, 14 and 17 March, under the baton of Jader Bignamini, with Cesare Lievi in charge of stage direction plus stage and wardrobe designer Maurizio Balò; Andrea Borelli takes care of the lighting design. It was premiered in 1867 and is based on the drama Dom Karlos, Infant Von Spanien by Schiller. The author portrays the complex relationship between king Felipe II and his son Carlos, who falls in love with Isabel de Valois. A show portraying jealousy, betrayal and values like freedom, friendship and love.

Tutto Verdi, don’t miss this wonderful chance.

*Promo valid only at the box office or online booking. Cannot be combined with other promotions. The discount will apply when buying tickets for La Traviata and Don Carlo at the same time.



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