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Sinfónica de Tenerife’s nineteen concerts of the 2018-2019 season attracted 22% more people than the previous season. This means a total of 18,655 viewers came to Auditorio de Tenerife between 14 September 2018 and 21 June last, registering an average 981 audience members and two packed houses.

There has also been an increase in the number of people aged under 27 with 124 subscribers to Sinfónica de Tenerife, that is, 26% of the general subscriptions. This figure is reached thanks to the financial advantage offered by the Young Subscription, as it has a single rate of 20 Euros for the whole season.

Apart from the loyalty of subscribers, listeners have answered positively to the programme of Sinfónica for the current season, which sold 8,500 standard tickets.

The principal conductor of Cabildo de Tenerife’s orchestra, Antonio Méndez, led eight concerts of the subscription period while its honorary conductor, Víctor Pablo Pérez, took care of three programmes. In addition, an artist in residence was introduced, with musician François Leleux taking part in two concerts – one as a solo oboe and in another one as conductor.

Sinfónica de Tenerife’s programme blended tradition and modernity in a season which offered one extra concert in comparison to previous seasons. The orchestra performed 19 times, playing 47 pieces by 27 composers. The pop music concert –devoted to The Beatles- and Mozart’s Requiem were both sold out.

Sinfónica de Tenerife’s programme for the 2019-2020 subscription season will start on   13 September. The different types of subscriptions are now on sale. All the information regarding subscriptions and ticket prices is available at Auditorio de Tenerife’s box office, by phone calling 902 317 327 or on websites and

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“Metamorfosis”, the performing arts group of Sociedad Insular para la Promoción de las Personas con Discapacidad (Sinpromi), is starring on Tuesday, the 9th in ‘El desenterrador de palabras’, an activity of Cabildo’s Laboratorio de Artes Vivas Tenerife LAV. The Adrián Alemán de Armas Municipal Library in La Laguna welcomes the event at 11:00 am. Admission free.

‘El desenterrador de palabras’ [Unearthing words] is a project to create and research on the body and words, focusing on the word, in its corpology and its relationship with the body and action. As its name suggests, it is a gadget-tool to unearth words in both literal and figurative uses.

Metamorfosis -made up of people who have been diagnosed with serious mental health disorders- started its stage and audio-visual work in 2016, with the help of Beatriz Bello and a proposal that was fostered and supported by Sinpromi, and they are now closing their third season.

Beatriz Bello explains that “as a result of the collaboration with Tenerife LAV and La Laguna Library we unearth the group’s deep desire to untangle the words we consist of”. And we’ll do so from open, critical thinking, ready to listen to what lies beneath the words we use and that use us”. We’re ready to dig and dig ourselves out, in the conviction that whatever we find will help us complete what we mean”.

The members of Metamorfosis are interested in learning tools for stage and audio-visual creation. They work at La Laguna Municipal Library, where they have previously participated in activities like “Dejarse leer”. This year they have been visited by different resident artists of Tenerife LAV, through the project “Encuentros en la periferia”. Up till now, the group has been more interested in the creative process as a means to learn and a tool rather than as exhibition.

In November 2014 Tomás Aragay and Sofía Asencio, of Societat Doctor Alonso, brought to Laboratorio de Artes Vivas ‘El desenterrador de palabras’, a work that left a deep impression on the audience at Teatro Leal and on the project and its lines of action and programming.

This tool works with words which are no longer used, or whose meaning has changed, those referring to the ethical and moral system, taboos, and with simple words whose apparent harmlessness conceals deep layers of meaning. The corpology of words is that property they have to not only create and point at the physical world but also to generate an ethical world, a political system, and a social order.

This project looks into the close and changing relationship between words and their use and the actions deriving from them. It is a two-way relationship that gives meaning to the way we inhabit the world.

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La música de África, Latinoamérica y el sur de Europa sonará durante los cinco días de MAPAS 2019, entre el 10 y el 14 de julio, con 29 actuaciones de grupos y músicos que llegarán a Tenerife desde 16 países. La Sala Sinfónica, la Sala de Cámara del Auditorio de Tenerife y la Plaza Castillo serán los escenarios en los que se desplegará el talento del Atlántico Sur que este mercado de las artes performativas ha seleccionado para su tercera edición. Todas las actuaciones tendrán una duración de media hora y serán de acceso libre y gratuito hasta completar aforo.

Este encuentro profesional de las artes escénicas y la música, organizado por el Cabildo de Tenerife, unahoramenos y Circulart, pondrá en los principales escenarios de la capital tinerfeña un total de 59 muestras artísticas de 23 países. Las propuestas musicales llegarán a MAPAS 2019 procedentes de Argelia, Burkina Faso, Chad, Ghana, Marruecos, Nigeria, República del Congo, Túnez, Argentina, Brasil, Colombia, Ecuador, México, Paraguay, Venezuela y España, seis de ellas de Canarias.

La primera en marcar el ritmo a MAPAS 2019 será la colombiana Diana Burco, que actuará en la Plaza Castillo a partir de las 21:30 horas, justo después del espectáculo inaugural, a cargo de Lava, la compañía de danza de Auditorio de Tenerife, que estrenará Abisal en la Sala Sinfónica a las 20:00 horas. Diana Burco, cantautora, acordeonista y actriz con más de diez años de trayectoria en la escena musical folclórica de Colombia, es una de las referentes femeninas del vallenato. Su primer álbum, lanzado en 2018, mereció la nominación al Grammy Latino en la categoría mejor álbum cumbia/vallenato. Tras ella, en la Sala Sinfónica, Alex Alvear Trío traerá a MAPAS desde Ecuador Wañukta Tonic, un viaje  por los sonidos de un país que se define por su eclecticismo y diversidad, un encuentro sonoro entre tradición andina y vanguardia universal.

El jueves 11 de julio las muestras de música se iniciarán a las 17:00 horas en la Sala Sinfónica con los canarios Socos Dúo. César Martín (marimba) y Ciro Hernández (violonchelo) componen esta formación que se aleja de lo convencional con composiciones inspiradas en las diferentes facetas del arte, con influencias del folclore, jazz o el posminimalismo. Tras ellos, la argentina Sofía Viola, cantante, compositora y actriz, presentará La huella en el cemento, un espectáculo en el que profesa su amor hacia el folclore latinoamericano en el que cuenta microhistorias de temas diversos y universales.

El arpista y compositor paraguayo Juanjo Corbalán presentará posteriormente Py´aguapy en la Sala Sinfónica, combinando elementos de ritmos tradicionales, con latinoamericanos e influencias jazzísticas, de tal manera que incorpora al arpa dentro de un lenguaje musical más libre. A las 19:15 horas, la Sala de Cámara acogerá la actuación de Cecilia Todd, una referencia del canto popular y folclórico venezolano y latinoamericano que cuenta con una prolífica carrera que comprende la grabación de una docena de discos propios y numerosas colaboraciones.

Los canarios Caracoles tomarán la Plaza Castillo a partir de las 20:00 horas para presentar Flores, un trabajo con el que ha recorrido Sevilla, Madrid, Santiago y Atenas. Tras una gira por Senegal gracias a MAPAS, la banda fue seleccionada para representar el espíritu tricontinental de Canarias en el concierto de apertura WOMEX 2018.

Los sonidos del tunecino Imed Alibi llenarán la Sala Sinfónica en una mezcla de técnicas, culturas y apertura para crear un mundo de ritmos, ideas, tecnología y pasión en una propuesta alejada del entretenimiento típico. Su nuevo proyecto Frigya, África en dialecto tunecino, es la culminación de varios años de investigación y creaciones. El continente africano seguirá presente el jueves en MAPAS 2019 con la actuación de Mehdi Qamoum, un joven artista marroquí que ha realizado giras por todo el mundo y que presntará MédiCament. El guembri es la base de su música, que complementa con otros instrumentos como la guitarra, el bajo, el piano y la batería.

María Berasarte, cantante española conocida con el sobrenombre la voz desnuda, presentará en la Sala Sinfónica su nueva colaboración junto al trío portugués Lisboa String Trio, a las 22:15 horas. Para acabar la noche, el mismo escenario acogerá a Souad Asla, artista, letrista y compositora argelina residente en Francia que presentará en MAPAS 2019 Lemma, la historia de un viaje redondo que teje desde su exilio un encuentro entre dos culturas.

Ganadores del Vis a Vis

El viernes 12 de julio la programación musical de MAPAS incluirá nueve actuaciones, que iniciarán a las 17:00 horas los ghaneses FRA!, ganadores de este año del proyecto cultural Ghana Vis a Vis, organizado por Casa África. Esta banda está compuesta por jóvenes del barrio de Nungua, en Accra, que empezaron como un grupo de versiones y ahora promocionan su primer trabajo con temas propios. Desde Nigeria se presentará en la Sala de Cámara del Auditorio de Tenerife Lindsey Abudey, cantante y compositora que mezcla elementos de jazz, soul y sonidos alternativos en su propuesta elegante y contemporánea …And the bass is queen.

Kyekyeku, tambien desde Ghana y, como sus compatriotas FRA!, ganadores del proyecto Vis a Vis, actuarán a partir de las 18:45 horas en la Sala Sinfónica. Traerán a MAPAS un suntuoso estilo folk, el ritmo urbano de África Occidental y la antigua espiritualidad africana. Talento, maestría y virtuosismo es lo que ofrecerá Yone Rodríguez, uno de los instrumentistas más activos de la nueva generación de timplistas canarios. En sus cuerdas late la música africana, rompen ritmos flamencos en su madera, se desliza con suavidad el jazz en su caja sonora y se siente la intensidad del mar de la tierra canaria.

El trompetista brasileño Guizado presentará en la Plaza Castillo O Multiverso em Colapso, un álbum retro-futurista, que ha estado presente en importantes listas de los mejores de 2018 y en el que mezcla freejazz con punk rock, skate con música electrónica y jazz. Tras él, a las 21:00 horas, será el turno para la Gran Canaria Big Band y Germán López, que reinterpretarán al músico José Antonio Ramos. Esta banda cuenta con más de 50 proyectos musicales producidos y cuatro trabajos discográficos, uno de ellos editado en Estados Unidos.

El resto de la noche será para los sonidos africanos, en la Plaza Castillo con AfrotroniX, de Chad, que se hizo con el galardón de Mejor DJ Africano en 2018 y que combina la música electrónica con los ritmos africanos y el blues de touareg eléctrico. Posteriormente, a las 22:30 y en el mismo escenario el cuarteto marroquí N3RDISTAN ofrecerá  una fusión audaz, inusual y vanguardista. Esta banda se mueve entre el rock, el trip hop, el electro, el beat oriental y el world music. Para finalizar, la Sala Sinfónica servirá a los congoleños Jupiter & Okwess para presentar Kin Sonic. Este grupo combina afropop, ritmos tradicionales, funk y rock con letras políticas y conciencia social.

Nueve muestras para el sábado

El último día para la música de MAPAS 2019 será el sábado 13 de julio, con nueve muestras artísticas que tendrán su inicio a las 17:40 horas en la Sala de Cámara del Auditorio de Tenerife, donde Lívia Nestrovski & Fred Ferreira interpretarán Dúo, una propuesta experimental sutil y acogedora de guitarra y voz. La misma sala recibirá a Eléonore Díaz Arbeláez, Ëda, cantante y contrabajista franco-colombiana que ha construido junto a Anthony Winzenrieth un sonido inspirado en la potencia de Lhasa de Sela, el onirismo de Björk y la dulzura de Omara Portuondo.

Posteriormente y también en la Sala de Cámara el trompetista tinerfeño Natanael Ramos presentará su álbum Islander´s Dilemma que, en sus propias palabras, es “el reflejo de un isleño errante. Isleño de muchos lugares y errante de cada uno de ellos”. Los mexicanos La Garfield tomarán la Plaza Castillo a las 20:05 horas para traer Todo lo rico. Dueños de un sonido contundente fresco y propio, cuentan con tres álbumes de larga duración y se han subido a los escenarios de festivales como Tajín, Bahidorá, Palnorte, Errante o Empire Music Festival.

Barreiro Project (Canarias) continuará poniendo la música en el escenario de la Plaza Castillo con Good Vibes, una mezcla de estilos diferentes que llevan al público a un océano sonoro de música original pero con sabor a jazz, música negra, hip-hop, soul y R&B. A su fin, en torno a las 21:45 horas, la plaza recibirá al compositor tunecino King Abid, que presentará una obra inédita grabada en Studio 12. En ella la melodía de guitarra se une a la armonía de la percusión y el sonido vibrante de un oud. Mezcla de pop con sabor tunecino, rap y reggae para momentos festivos.

Desde Burkina Faso, Smockey & the Agama Band llevarán a la Sala Sinfónica su último álbum, titulado Prévolution, una síntesis de tres conceptos: premonición, revolución y evolución. Esta banda de música en vivo que practica el rap afro con letras comprometidas política y socialmente actuará a las 22:30 horas. Tras ellos, Crew Peligrosos pondrán el carácter colombiano sobre el escenario con una propuesta artística en la que se destacan los cuatro elementos del hip hop, lo que les ha generado un público fiel por su manera profesional de enfrentar los escenarios.

Duelo en la Sala Sinfónica

Las muestras de musica de MAPAS 2019 tendrán un final inédito, con el duelo que enfrentará a los líderes de las dos últimas bandas en actuar. Serge Smockey Bambara (Smockey & the Agama Band), y Henry Arteaga El Jke (Crew Peligrosos) tomarán la palabra en el escenario de la Sala Sinfónica para cerrar la noche con una propuesta singular que pondrá de manifiesto la voluntad de MAPAS de tejer redes y conectar culturas.

Además de las muestras artísticas que se ofrecerán durante los cinco días, el Mercado de las Artes Performativas del Atlántico Sur tendrá una fiesta de inauguración, el miércoles, 10 de julio, y otra de clausura, el sábado 13, en el hall del Auditorio de Tenerife, con la actuación de DJ KALI, que propondrá un viaje estimulante e intenso a través de los sonidos y ritmos bailables del mundo. La entrada a estas fiestas también es libre y gratuita hasta completar aforo.

El programa de actuaciones y showcases se puede consultar en la web y en la app gratuita que puede descargarse para móviles, IOS y Android, y acceder a toda la información de muestras artísticas y conferencias de MAPAS. A través de esta aplicación se enviarán también notificaciones de interés para el público y los participantes en el Mercado.

La organización de MAPAS 2019 cuenta con el patrocinio de del Gobierno de Canarias, el Ayuntamiento de Santa Cruz de Tenerife y el INAEM, además del apoyo de Acción Cultural Española (AC/E) a través de su  Programa para la Internacionalización de la Cultura Española (PICE) en la modalidad de Visitantes, que favorece la participación en el Mercado de una decena de profesionales de las artes escénicas de África y Latinoamérica. También colaboran Casa África, la Secretaría General Iberoamericana, la Fundación SGAE, Iberia y Hyundai, entre otras instituciones públicas y privadas.

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Santa Cruz de Tenerife acogerá entre los días 10 y 14 de julio la tercera edición de MAPAS, el Mercado de las Artes Performativas del Atlántico Sur, con un total de 18 montajes teatrales y un espectáculo de teatro de calle. El Teatro Guimerá, La Granja Espacio de Creación, el Auditorio de Tenerife Adán Martín, el IES Alcalde Bernabé Rodríguez y la calle Castillo serán los diversos espacios donde 19 compañías y artistas procedentes de África, Latinoamérica y el sur de Europa presentarán propuestas escénicas para todos los públicos.

Nueve agrupaciones internacionales, cinco nacionales y cinco canarias conforman la programación dedicada a las diversas expresiones teatrales esta cita cultural, organizada por el Cabildo de Tenerife, unahoramenos y Circulart. MAPAS mantiene así su vocación transfronteriza con 21 funciones de espectáculos que ofrecerán al público asistente desde textos clásicos a piezas de nueva creación a través de diferentes lenguajes escénicos: gestual, texto o clown.

Las representaciones se iniciarán el miércoles 10 en el Teatro Guimerá con Marie de Jongh (España) que interpretará Amour, reconocido con el MAX 2017 en la categoría de Mejor Espectáculo Infantil o Familiar. Esta obra invita a reflexionar sobre la delgada línea que existe entre la desafección y el amor incondicional. Con una dramaturgia gestual, es una historia de gran carga poética, un canto al encuentro entre diferentes.

El jueves 11 llegará, a La Granja Espacio de Creación, Proyecto Perla (México) con Cosas pequeñas y extraordinarias, un montaje pensado para el público infantil que habla sobre el exilio y la desaparición forzada. De carácter social, aunque dirigido a un público adulto, tendrá lugar posteriormente en ese mismo espacio Murs Murs, la pieza que trae a MAPAS 2019 Ishyo Arts Centre. Esta organización no gubernamental, fundada por ocho mujeres en 2007, trabaja para el desarrollo y la promoción de la cultura en Ruanda a través de sus proyectos.

Una mirada teatral hacia los hechos históricos de Chile es lo que subirá al escenario del Teatro Guimerá Lafamiliateatro. Painecur sigue la línea de trabajo de esta compañía basada en la investigación y rescate de la memoria reciente del país, en este caso, a partir de un controvertido suceso ocurrido en 1960. Un recorrido por la vida política de la España del primer tercio del siglo XX es lo que podrán encontrar de fondo los asistentes a Federico & Salvador. Las horas oscuras y doradas, que ofrecerá en el proscenio capitalino la compañía canaria Insularia Teatro. Interpretada por César Yanes y Leandro González, reconstruye la peculiar amistad que mantuvieron el poeta granadino Federico García Lorca y el pintor catalán Salvador Dalí.

La programación teatral del jueves 11 de julio se completa con Nidos, de Teloncillo Teatro, en el salón de actos del IES Alcalde Bernabé Rodríguez. Con 50 años de trayectoria, esta compañía está especializada en obras para niños, trabajos multidisciplinares donde conviven la poesía, el canto y una cuidada estética.

Vaca 35 Teatro en Grupo vuelve a encontrarse con el público tinerfeño para presentar Lo único que necesita una gran actriz es una gran obra y las ganas de triunfar. Sus espectáculos escénicos, fundamentados en el diálogo con el espectador, no dejan indiferente con propuestas que rompen la barrera que separa al actor del público, a lo teatral de la vida real. Esta pieza se representará en el Espacio singular del Auditorio de Tenerife Adán Martín el jueves 11, viernes 12 y sábado 13 de julio.

El viernes 12 inicia las funciones dedicadas al arte del teatro en La Granja Espacio de Creación con La Elvira. Historia de un emigrante, que pone en escena la compañía canaria Zálatta Teatro. Esta producción pone en actualidad las dificultades de la inmigración ilegal con el relato del sueño de una vida mejor en la otra orilla del Atlántico a bordo de la goleta Elvira. Al espacio escénico del Gobierno de Canarias llegará también el viernes TheRoomToBe, con Burka Teatro. La obra, escrita y dirigida por  Aranza Coello plantea una reflexión sobre la memoria y lo efímero.

El programa del viernes comienza en el Teatro Guimerá con un clásico: La vida es sueño, en versión de Teatro del Temple. La compañía, una de las más veteranas de nuestro país, revisa el texto de Calderón de la Barca con un montaje complejo de estética underground y una versión más contemporánea que explora el choque generacional. El ensayo, la historia de tres mujeres de avanzada edad de una comuna de Medellín, conducirá más tarde al público tinerfeño a un thriller costumbrista de la mano de La congregación teatro (Colombia).

La narrativa, el teatro físico, la comedia y la música en vivo son las herramientas que servirán a Tamsin Clarke para seducir a los asistentes a Manuelita en el IES Alcalde Bernabé Rodríguez el viernes. La pieza, que cuenta la historia de amor, pérdida y revolución de la revolucionaria ecuatoriana que robó el corazón a Simón Bolívar, será interpretada por la compañía venezolana Popelei.

Fin de semana intenso

El sábado 13 será uno de los días más intensos de la programación teatral de MAPAS 2019. Se iniciará en La Granja Espacio de Creación con una obra de ficción y no ficción que coloca al espectador en un momento emocional e intelectual previo al estallido revolucionario. Before the Revolución llega de la mano de los egipcios Temple Independent Theatre Company. Después, los uruguayos Kashmir Productora nos invitarán a cruzar fronteras artísticas y políticas con la pieza Dados tirados, una innovadora reflexión escénica sobre el rock.

El Teatro Guimerá será sede el sábado de la puesta en escena del montaje Proyecto Fausto, de Delirium Teatro, una de la compañías canarias más veteranas. Con un texto comprometido y reflexivo, la obra está protagonizada por ‘las otras víctimas’ de la desaparición en 1968 del pesquero Fausto entre El Hierro y La Palma, las familias de los tres pescadores y el pasajero que iban a bordo. De Argelia llega a ese escenario posteriormente Compagnie La Chouette blanche con una historia también de voces femeninas: Amer, un viaje a través de la memoria interpretado por una sola actriz.

Micomicón Teatro es la compañía elegida para representar en el IES Alcalde Bernabé Rodríguez Una humilde propuesta. Trae a la actualidad el atrevido ensayo satírico de Jonathan Swift, un monólogo que buscará los sentidos del espectador a través del humor y la crítica social.

Un nuevo escenario se sumará a las representaciones de esta jornada, la calle Castillo, donde los transeúntes se sorprenderán por las irreverencias de las Femmes de Hortzmuga Teatroa. Esta compañía apuesta por un espectáculo callejero e itinerante en MAPAS 2109, protagonizado por cuatro ancianas políticamente incorrectas.

El humor,  esta vez protagonizado por el comediante Yiyolo Strattro, despedirá la programación de teatro de MAPAS 2019 la mañana del domingo 14 en el Auditorio de Tenerife. The Comedy Show, un espectáculo para todos los públicos será una oportunidad única de disfrutar de la magia del clown que busca la complicidad del público.

El programa de actuaciones y showcases se puede consultar en la web y en la app gratuita que puede descargarse para móviles, IOS y Android, y acceder a toda la información de muestras artísticas y conferencias de MAPAS. A través de esta aplicación se enviarán también notificaciones de interés para el público y los participantes en el Mercado.

La organización de MAPAS 2019 cuenta con el patrocinio del Gobierno de Canarias y el Ayuntamiento de Santa Cruz de Tenerife, además del apoyo de Acción Cultural Española (AC/E) a través de su Programa para la Internacionalización de la Cultura Española (PICE) en la modalidad de Visitantes, por el que una decena de profesionales de las artes escénicas procedentes de Costa de Marfil, Mali, Mozambique, Tanzania, México, Ecuador, Uruguay, Brasil, Argentina y Uganda podrán participar en esta nueva edición del Mercado de las Artes Performativas del Atlántico Sur. También colaboran Casa África, la Secretaría General Iberoamericana, la Fundación SGAE, Iberia y Hyundai, entre otras instituciones públicas y privadas.

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The academic activity will increase in the third Mercado de las Artes Performativas del Atlántico Sur, MAPAS 2019, as a total of ten talks and lectures and three round tables have been scheduled. These are all open to participating professionals and the general public. These activities are taking place on Thursday the 11th in the morning, at TEA Tenerife Espacio de las Artes and at Museo de la Naturaleza y la Arqueología (MUNA), from 9:00 am to 1:30 pm, so that all those interested can attend. Admission to all these talks is free and there is no need to enrol. 

Network working, collaboration and visibility of the professional performance of women in the creative industries are top issues in the training offered at MAPAS 2019, with round tables and lectures like the one by Daniela Bosé on Mujeres en la Música [Women in Music]. Bosé has a wide-ranging career that combines academic and business work. In her more than 20 years of experience she has held high managerial positions in BMG Ariola Ediciones Musicales, Ediciones Musicales Polygram, Sony Music or the Ministry of Culture. She directed the documentary Mujeres de la Música. The lecture will be held at 9:00 am at TEA’s Salón de Actos.            

Next, there will be a round table SatéliteLAT. Mujeres en las Artes performativas iberoamericanas, [SatéliteLAT. Women in Latin American performing arts] moderated by María Isabel Delgado (the Canaries), with the participation of professionals like Noela Salas (Chile), Daniela Bosé (Spain), Dani Ribas (Brazil), Fabiola Pazmiño (Ecuador) and Paula Rivera (Argentina). 

The minister for Culture and Youth of Costa Rica and winner of Cartográfa Ilustre in MAPAS 2018, Sylvie Durán, will talk about Cómo trabajar juntos. El trabajo en red [How to work together. Network working] at 11:00 am at TEA. Durán will explain, through her vast professional experience, how working together in the sphere of culture can help to strengthen projects and establish creative industries in a globalised world in which cultural activities must face every day new competitors and threats but challenges and opportunities too.

The round table afterwards will also deal with this topic, with the title El papel de las redes. ¿Qué podemos hacer juntos, que no podemos hacer solos? [The role of networks. What can we do together, what can’t we do on our own?]. It will be chaired by MAPAS co-director, Octavio Arbeláez, and participants include outstanding representatives of networks and associations like Red Eurolatinoamericana de Artes Escénicas (Redelae), Red de Teatros y Auditorios de España (Redescena), Asociación para el Desarrollo de la Industria de la Música Iberoamericana (ADIMI), Iberescena, Ibermúsicas or SatéliteLAT.

The Museo de la Naturaleza y la Arqueología (MUNA) is hosting several talks from 9:00 am, like Iberescena y el espacio escénico iberoamericano, [Iberescena and the Latin American stage] by Zaida Rico, followed by the presentation of Mercartes, by Nines Carrascal. Next comes a talk by the artistic director of Auditorio de Tenerife, José Luis Rivero, about El modelo de Tenerife en Artes Escénicas y Música. Retos y oportunidades para las compañías [Tenerife’s model in the Performing Arts and Music. Challenges and opportunities for companies] .

Finally, there will be a Debate de gallos [Cockdebate], a round table moderated by journalist Nicolás Castellano with the participation of Serge (Smockey) Bambara and Henry Arteaga, El Jke. Bambara is a member of Smockey & The Agama Band, a band from Burkina Faso who do Afro rap whose lyrics are politically and socially committed. He is also one of the creators of the social movement “citizen’s broom”, which was committed to the fall of dictator Blaise Compaore. For his part, Henry Arteaga, El Jke, is a member of Colombian Crew Peligrosos, an artistic proposal that has given them a loyal audience thanks to their professional way of dealing with the stage. They are also known for their proposals of social construction from art.

TEA’s Sala Cilindro is the venue for part of the training activities of MAPAS 2019, which start at 9:00 am on 11 July with the talk Estrategias digitales en el mundo de las músicas actuales de Iberoamérica [Digital strategies in the world of current Latin American music], by Ismael Comas. At 9:50 am, Jordi Puy presents UNISON: Nuevos modelos de gestión de derechos de propiedad intellectual [New management models of intellectual property rights]. In the same place, Javier Jiménez and Sergio Arbeláez will talk about Sostenibilidad ambiental y festivales de música [Environmental sustainability and Music Festivals], while Tamara Criado will deal with La gestión de los derechos de propiedad intelectual de los artistas de las artes en vivo o performativas [The management of intellectual property rights of live or performing arts artists]. Finally, Ouafa Belgacem (Culture Funding Watch) will present Fundraising for cultural projects and companies in Africa.

MAPAS is organised by the Cabildo de Tenerife, Circulart and unahoramenos, with the sponsorship of the Government of the Canary Islands, Santa Cruz de Tenerife City Council and the INAEM, in addition to the support of Acción Cultural Española (AC/E) through their Programa para la Internacionalización de la Cultura Española (PICE) in the section Visitantes, which fosters the participation in the Market of ten performing arts professionals from Africa and Latin America. Other collaborators include Casa África, Secretaría General Iberoamericana, Fundación SGAE, Iberia and Hyundai, among other public and private institutions.

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Turkish Mine Kurtoğlu gets second prize and Venezuelan Gustavo Castillo the third, plus the audience award

Russian soprano Olga Zharikova took the first prize at the sixth Concurso Internacional de Canto Ópera de Tenerife [Opera de Tenerife International Singing Competition], at the final yesterday, 3 July which was held in Auditorio de Tenerife. The second prize went to Turkish soprano Mine Kurtoğlu and the third was for Venezuelan baritone Gustavo Castillo, who also won the Premio María Orán for best zarzuela aria performance, which pays tribute to the Tenerife singer, plus the Extraordinary Audience Award.

Olga Zharikova, who performed the aria “Der hölle Rache” from Die Zauberflöte, joins the group of previous winners, which includes Larissa Alice Wissel (2018), Julia Muzychenko (2017), Leonor Bonilla (2015), Laura Verrecchia (2014) and Alexander Vassiliev (2013).

Apart from these award-winners, there are also other special prizes granted by the jury in the form of contracts in productions of their respective seasons, as for instance the one Andrei Nicoara (Romania) got with the Teatro Municipale de Piacenza, Teatro Colón de Buenos Aires and Teatro Massimo de Palermo; Laura Brasó (Spain), with Teatro Maestranza de Sevilla; Lara Lagni (Italy), with Teatro Regio de Parma, auditions at Teatro Massimo de Palermo and a contract for a concert at Cia. Ópera de São Paulo; Margarita Levchuk (Bielrrusia), with Teatro Massimo di Palermo and Mine Kurtoğlu (Turkey), a contract for a concert at Teatro del Lago in Frutillar.

Ópera de Tenerife also gave special prizes to the Spanish tenor Gillen Mungía with a contract for the opera season; and to Guatemalan tenor Gustavo Palomo with a zarzuela role.

The winner of the first prize of the 6th Singing Competition is from Russia and trained at St. Petersburg Conservatoire. She furthered her education at Centre de Perfeccionament Plácido Domingo. Her extensive repertoire includes roles like  Gilda (Rigoletto, Verdi); Brigitta (Iolanta, Tchaikovski); Voce dal cielo (Don Carlo, Verdi); Flora (The Turn of the Screw, Britten); Annina (The Traviata, Verdi), Baucis (Philemon und Baucis, Haydn) or Nastyenka (The Scarlet Flower, Novikova), which has led her to perform in major theatres like Premier Music Theater of Krasnodar, Palau de les Artes Reina Sofía or St. Petersburg Philarmonie. She has been semi-finalist at the XXIII Operalia - The World Opera Competition and also received a grant for The Gerda Lissner International Vocal Competition, among others.

The competition closes today, Thursday the 4th with the traditional Award-Winners Concert to be held at Auditorio de Tenerife’s Sala de Cámara at 7:30 pm. The winners will display their singing skills with the accompaniment of maestro Dario Tondelli.

Fifty participants from 25 different countries entered the competition which also had a prestigious international jury of high artistic and technical competence led by the director general of Teatro Comunale di Bologna, Fulvio Macciardi, as president of the jury. Other members were the general and artistic director of Cia Ópera São Paulo, Paulo Abrão Esper; the executive director of Teatro Colón in Buenos Aires, Martín Boschet; the casting manager and assistant to the musical director of Teatro Massimo di Palermo and casting consultant of Teatro Real de Madrid, Alessandro Di Gloria; the artistic director of the Fondazione Teatri di Piacenza, Cristina Ferrari; the artistic director of Teatro del Lago de Frutillar, Carmen Gloria Larenas; the executive director of OLA, Alejandra Martí; the director general of Teatro de la Maestranza de Sevilla, Javier Menéndez; the artistic director of the Area of Music of the Fundación Ibáñez Atkinson, Andrés Rodríguez-Spoerer; and the head of artistic programming of Teatro Regio di Parma, Cristiano Sandri.

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The programme of the 28th Festival Internacional Canarias Jazz & Más Heineken was presented at Auditorio de Tenerife, revealing Maceo Parker as its top of the bill plus 28 other artists who will give more than 50 concerts (from 5th to 21st July) on five of the eight Canary Islands -Tenerife, Gran Canaria, La Palma, Lanzarote and Fuerteventura. The event was attended by Carlos Alonso, president of the Cabildo de Tenerife; Patricia Hernández Gutiérrez, mayor of Santa Cruz de Tenerife; Matilde Zambudio, deputy mayor and councillor for Economic Promotion, Tourism and Trade, Culture and Cultural Geritage of Santa Cruz de Tenerife City Council; Yaiza López, councillor for Culture of La Laguna Town Council; Armando Santana, councillor for Tourism, Trade and Animal Welfare of Arrecife Town Council; Laura Docampo, head of communication of the main sponsor of the festival, Heineken; José Luis Rivero, Island Director for Culture and Education of Cabildo de Tenerife; and Miguel Ramírez, director of the festival / Colorado Producciones.

Excellent male and female voices, the best instrumentalists, emerging ensembles, established musicians, local groups, projects blending styles through fusion, rhythms related to jazz, the African outlook… all these elements make up the bill of the 28th Festival Internacional Canarias Jazz & Más Heineken, featuring Maceo Parker as its main attraction, an icon of modern music whose name immediately brings to mind terms like funk or groove. He is giving three concerts, in Gran Canaria (18 July, Plaza de Santa Ana), Lanzarote (19 de July, Arrecife) and Tenerife (20 de July, Puerto de la Cruz). Parker is one of the 30 artists who are included in the festival, which is held from 5 to 21 July and is taking place on the islands of La Palma, Fuerteventura, Lanzarote, Gran Canaria and Tenerife.

The President of the Cabildo, Carlos Alonso, praised the effort made year after year by “the organisers of a festival that now reaches its 28th year thanks to their effort and excellent work, which is not always easy, in addition to the support of a private brand,”. The President highlighted that the festival is part of “a cultural strategy which includes other types of activities that add value to Tenerife as a cultural destination”.

For his part, the Island Director for Culture of the Cabildo, José Luis Rivero, stressed the participation, “like every year, of nine Canarian musical projects, which have always been high quality” and which have been included every year in the festival programme.

The Festival director, Miguel Ramírez, thanked all the festival sponsors, -“I feel particularly supported today”, he said- in a year which includes “a wide range of styles representing the purest jazz and all those styles which are the result of its own evolution” in an attempt to provide for all kinds of audiences who throughout these years “have become part of our proposal”.

Confirmed musicians this year include a good number of female artists and voices such as Karrin Allyson, Sinne Eeg & Peter Sprague, Judith Hill, Bette Smith, Miryam Latrece Cuarteto, Carita Boronska Quartet or the local ST Fusion, a fact Ramírez pointed out as “something we’ve opted for in the past few years as there are more and more women with increasingly better projects”. He also thanked the support of all the sponsors and invited the audience to “find out all the good things this year’s programme has in store for them”.

Santa Cruz de Tenerife mayor, Patricia Hernández, pointed out “the decision to include a large number of women in the programme, famous women who, besides Maceo Parker, have forged their careers and will be a model for Santa Cruz women and girls. We will continue to support this type of festivals, we’re involved in encouraging this type of cultural activities and this is what our councillor, Matilde Zambudio, is working on with the support of all the municipal government.

Yaiza López, councillor for Culture of La Laguna, highlighted that “our municipality and our Teatro Leal are still some of the chosen venues for this festival, which has a loyal audience as its nearly 30 years of existence confirm”.

Armando Santana, councillor for Culture of Arrecife, valued very positively the inclusion of a concert by Maceo Parker in Lanzarote’s capital “in the same year we’re celebrating the birth of César Manrique, right in Plaza del Almacén, very much a Manrique are in the heart of town”.

Laura Docampo, on behalf of the main private sponsor of the festival -Heineken- recalled that “this is Heineken’s longest sponsorship in Spain as it’s been kept for 26 years in a row; a very positive sign for a festival that has brought us out of our comfort zone”.

Other musicians present include Avishai Cohen Trio, Tony DeSare, Marquis Hill Blacktet, FNF Trio led by Ferenc Nemeth featuring Lionel Loueke and Chris Cheek, Kennedy Administration, Munir Hossn Quartet, Yuri Honing Acoustic Quartet, Joel Ross, Mamas Gun… and many local bands, like ST Fusion or Barreiro Project.

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Creator and dancer Teresa Lorenzo is performing at 9:00 pm on Thursday, the 4th at Sala de Cámara del Teatro Leal de La Laguna. The show, Claros del bosque, marks the end of the artist’s residency at Laboratorio de Artes Vivas Tenerife LAV of Cabildo de Tenerife, which started on 10 June. Admission is free.

Apart from the staging, the contemporary dance teacher and higher audio-visual technician took part in the Tenerife LAV Encuentros scheme on the outskirts of town in which the guest artist shares work tools, processes and points of views with different groups.

Teresa Lorenzo worked with Metamorfosis, the performing arts group of the Sociedad Insular para la Promoción con Discapacidad (Sinpromi), made up by people who have been diagnosed with serious mental health disorders, which is coordinated by Beatriz Bello.

To work in Claros del bosque Teresa Lorenzo starts from the idea that “the magic gift of the body is stated by the power of its presence”. “This faculty could perhaps be considered to be inborn or learnt from its own nature; if it is learnt, we can conclude, from a magic thinking stance, that it speaks the same language”, the Canarian creator reflects.

The approach for these sessions starts in Orpheus’s singing to address what came first, where everything has its roots, which in this case is sheer shamanism. According to the myth, it is a slow, relaxing chant which apparently, has very little or nothing to do with the usual music played by magicians and shamans of other cultures, where percussion prevails.

His chant has hypnotic powers whose aim is to soothe the spirit, something related to one of the basic principles of magic.  We are referring to imitative or sympathetic magic, which is based on the metaphysical belief that like acts on like, hence Orpheus’s purifying music or the harmonized body of a performer, via the process of imitative magic, would calm down the souls or the moods of those who are listening to his chant or looking at her movement and stillness. 

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Dance is one of the major artforms in the programme of Mercado de las Artes Performativas del Atlántico Sur, MAPAS 2019, to be held from 10 to 14 July. A total of 11 shows will bring to the audience, in an open and participative way, the proposals created in six countries in Africa, Latin America and southern Europe.

This project, which is organised by Cabildo de Tenerife, unahoramenos and Circulart, is now established as an international hotspot for the performing arts created in the South Atlantic which also includes a programme of free shows for the public. 58 creators and groups from 23 countries will have the chance to exhibit their professional work to the public and programmers for five days in a row on the main cultural venues in the city.

The performers include 10 dance groups who will put on 11 shows at different stages in Auditorio de Tenerife Adán Martín. They are bringing innovative, committed or poetic proposals that exalt the essence of the art of movement.  Spain is the widest represented country in MAPAS with six creators, three of which are Canarian; Cameroon, Togo, Egypt, Mexico and Mali are each represented by one artist or group.

The opening of the third MAPAS is by Lava -Auditorio de Tenerife’s dance company- who at 8:00 pm on Wednesday, 10 July are presenting Abisal at Sala Sinfónica. The piece was created by Lava’s artistic director Daniel Abreu and in it, six dancers bring to life a deep and pure geography of water set in the midst of sediments, air, shadows, calmness, unimaginable fauna –a place that is impossible to inhabit.

The proposals Be Yours Be Mine and Serenity Suite, by Natalia Medina Compañía de Danza and Cía.Matxalen Bilbao, respectively, will fill Auditorio de Tenerife’s Sala Castillo with expression and emotion on 11 July. We can see contemporary African creativity with Qué importa el abismo, by Ella Poema of Aída Colmenero Díaz’ multidisciplinary project on Friday, the 12th at Auditorio de Tenerife’s Sala Castillo; on the same day and stage Zora Snake, dancer, choreographer and artist from Cameroon is presenting Le depart, plus Alicia Soto-Hojarasca’s contemporary dance and creation company is putting on Estudio 3: Miradas.

On Saturday, 13 July we’ll have the chance to see pieces featuring a wide range of aesthetics, staging and themes. Auditorio de Tenerife’s Sala Castillo is hosting the performances What about Dante by Mounir Saeed/Cramp Group (Egypt) and Fatou t’as tout fait, by Fatoumata Bagayoko – Cie Jiriladon (Mali); at Sala Sinfónica the Mexican company Nemian Danza Escénica is presenting La caída al vacío; and in Plaza Castillo Lava is putting on the piece by Paloma Hurtado 15º al Oeste.

MAPAS artistic shows will once again give us to chance to learn about the work done at Danza en Comunidad, Auditorio de Tenerife’s social project, which on Sunday morning is putting on the piece Adosados in Plaza Castillo.

The performances and showcases are available on the website and on the free app that can be downloaded for IOS and Android mobiles. You can see all the information on MAPAS shows and talks and get all the news relevant to the audience and the Market participants.

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Auditorio de Tenerife is hosting the musical West Side Story this week with five performances in three days. The Broadway classic can be enjoyed at Sala Sinfónica and it includes a wide range of dancers, singers and musicians who are playing live at 8:30 pm on Thursday, the 4th; Friday, the 5th and Saturday, the 6th with two sessions each day, at 6:00 pm and at 10:00 pm.

The show producer, Juan José Rivero, revealed that “the audience is going to see the greatest musical of all times masterfully performed by 37 artists on stage, 20 musicians plus a staging that needs more than 40 people plus 25 technicians on tour”. One of the artists is Tenerife-born dancer Ana Acosta, who has worked in shows like 40, el musical, or Marta tienen un marcapasos, by Hombres G.

Recognised as one of the most important and representative musicals of universal theatre, this show features a score by Leonard Bernstein and Stephen Sondheim, text by Arthur Laurens and Jerome Robbins’s original choreographies.

The story takes Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet to the city of New York, where two young lovers are trapped by the conflicts of two street gangs, the Americans Jet and the Puerto Ricans Shark. Their fight for survival in an atmosphere of hatred, violence and prejudices, shapes one of the most exciting and beautiful stories in musical theatre.

Tickets are on sale in Auditorio de Tenerife usual sale channels: at the box office from 10:00 am to 7:30 pm Monday to Saturday, except holidays; via or calling 902 317 327.

The first West Side Story production, which was produced by Robert E. Griffith and Harold Prince, premiered on 26 September 1957 at the Winter Garden Theatre in New York, where it was performed 1000 times. Both in New York and London, the musical has been produced again twice (on Broadway in 1980 and 2009 and at the West End in 1997 and 2008), adding one more Tony Award for Best Revival of a Musical; a Drama Desk Award, a Theatre World Award and even a Grammy Award for Best Musical Theater Album. West Side Story has been put on in more than 30 countries.

The film was premiered in 1961, starring Natalie Wood, Richard Beymer, Rita Moreno, George Chakiris and Russ Tamblyn. It was nominated to 11 Oscar awards and took 10, including one for Best Film. It is the fourth film to have won more academy awards. It also got 5 nominations to the Golden Globe and won three.

The film boasts yet one more record thanks to its soundtrack, as it is the record that has been nº 1 longest on the US charts. Steven Spielberg is currently in the production process of the remake of this iconic film, which will be out next year.

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Ópera de Tenerife started the VI Concurso Internacional de Canto [6th International Singing Competition] on Sunday, 30 June at 4:00 pm in Auditorio de Tenerife. It will go on until Thursday, the 4th when it will close with the Award-Winners Concert. This year, fifty candidates from twenty-five different countries have entered the competition in a contest whose aim is to become a platform for the artistic and professional development of participants.

Most candidates come from Spain, which totals thirteen singers, including five Canarian artists. There are also four singers from the United Kingdom and Russia; three from Germany and two from Belorussia, Chile, South Korea, the United States, and Venezuela, plus one candidate from Argentina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Guatemala, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Norway, Poland, Romania, Serbia and Turkey.

The candidates have prepared five arias of their choice which will be tested in different tessitura in the qualifying phases from 30 June to 2 July. The final is taking place at 6:00 pm on Wednesday, the 3rd. Each participant will sing an aria chosen by the jury or a zarzuela aria if competing for the Premio María Orán. Admission is free.

The Premio María Orán is for the best interpretation of a zarzuela aria. With this award Ópera de Tenerife does not only pay tribute to the memory of the Tenerife artist, but it also encourages the internationalization of opera in Spanish. Candidates must perform a role of one of the zarzuela titles in the Ópera de Tenerife season, according to the specific needs of each title and voice and stage suitability.

There will be three cash-prices of 5,000, 3,000 and 1,000 euros respectively. There is an honorary Extraordinary Audience Award to be voted by the audience present in the final. Also, the various artistic directors attending the show will offer roles in their season productions according to the artists suitability and the productions’ requirements.

As always, the award-winners will give a concert on Thursday, 4 July at 7:30 pm at Sala de Cámara in Auditorio de Tenerife with maestro Dario Tondelli. Tickets for this concert are now on sale through the usual sales channels of Auditorio de Tenerife – at the box office from 10:00 am to 7:30 pm, Monday to Saturday; via or by phone on 902 317 327.

The competition has a jury of international prestige led by Giovanna Lomazzi, vice-president of; Paulo Abrão Esper,  general and artistic director of Ópera São Paulo (Brazil); Martín Boschet, executive director of Teatro Colón in Buenos Aires (Argentina); Alessandro di Gloria, casting manager and musical director assistant at the Teatro Massimo di Palermo and casting consultant of the Teatro Real de Madrid (Italy/Spain); Cristina Ferrari,  artistic director of the Fondazione Teatri di Piacenza (Italy); Carmen Gloria Larenas, artistic director of Teatro del Lago de Frutillar (Chile); Fulvio Macciardi, director general of Teatro Comunale di Bologna (Italy); Alejandra Martí, executive director of OLA (Chile); Javier Menéndez, director general of Teatro de la Maestranza in Sevilla (Spain); Andrés Rodríguez-Spoerer, artistic director of the Área Música de la Fundación Ibáñez Atkinson (Chile), and Cristiano Sandri, head of artistic programming at Teatro Regio di Parma (Italy).

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Tenerife is hosting the third Mercado de las Artes Performativas del Atlántico Sur [South Atlantic Performing Arts Market], MAPAS 2019 from 10 to 14 July. The event has become an international hotspot for the performing arts and music created in Africa, Latin America and southern Europe. Artists and heads of programming from all over the world are joining us again this year.

This festival of culture and live arts was presented today at a press conference by the President of the Cabildo, Carlos Alonso; the Island Director for Culture and Education, José Luis Rivero; the acting local Minister for Culture of the Government of the Canary Islands, Aurelio González; the first Deputy Mayor of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Matilde Zambudio; the Director of Circulart, Octavio Arbeláez; and the Director of unahoramenos, Mario Vega.

Alonso highlighted “three things” about MAPAS. On the one hand, “the audiences, who from the very start welcomed the event and have grown with time; they have guaranteed the continuity of the market through their encouraging presence.”. Secondly, “it positions the island’s productions in the world arena, in an open, global, and diverse environment”. And finally, he praised the growth of the market which has led to management agencies joining it for the first time this year, “as an important feature to add power to MAPAS”, in addition to the increase of the “number of participants from other regions”.

José Luis Rivero underlined that MAPAS “is now established as a platform of the Canarian performing arts in the world as well as a platform of the world’s performing arts that takes place in the Canary Islands”. “The tricontinental confluence comes true in Tenerife”, he added. He also explained that the investment return last year was quite good as it was around 5 million euros, averaging more than 1,000 euros per visitor and 300 euros per Canarian resident.

Unahoramenos manager, Mario Vega, revealed the details of MAPAS programme to take place for five days in different venues in Santa Cruz. He pointed out that special relevance has been given to “sustainability and practices that generate the least environmental impact possible in the city”.

Octavio Arbeláez highlighted that “Tenerife is a privileged meeting point” to stage MAPAS, which is a project that “shows to the world that we create from diversity”. This third year is “very special”, he added, because it looks into network working, into the strategies of collaborative work.

Matilde Zambudio was happy to have Santa Cruz de Tenerife as “the common ground for MAPAS, whose third year provides a new opportunity to move ahead toward international cultural markets”. The acting local Minister for Culture of the Government of the Canary Islands, Aurelio González, stated that “MAPAS is a project that focuses on creativity” and we need “motivating meetings that contribute to encourage it”.

The figures of MAPAS 2019, organised by the Cabildo de Tenerife, unahoramenos y Circulart are again, very good and show high rate of participation: 138 art and music groups from 27 countries, 30 management agencies and 149 heads of programming and cultural managers of 40 different nations.

This professional market includes business meetings, academic activities, international institutional meetings and artistic shows open to the public. For five days, it will take up the main artistic venues in Santa Cruz to display a full programme that highlights the articulation of cooperation networks and joint work.

The performances and showcases are available on the website and on the free app that can be downloaded for IOS and Android mobiles. You can see all the information on MAPAS shows and talks and get all the news relevant to the audience and the Market participants.

The 138 artistic groups and the 30 management agencies can meet the nearly 150 programmers and cultural managers to find business and distribution opportunities for their shows and reach collaboration agreements. The fast business meetings will be held at TEA Tenerife Espacio de las Artes on Friday, the 12th and Saturday, the 13th July from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. In these brief meetings, 12 minutes long, artists will have the chance to show their creations to heads of programming from 40 countries. Last year, some 3,500 professional meetings were held leading to many later agreements.

Also, a total of 58 artists and groups from 23 countries will have the chance to exhibit their professional work before the audience and the programmers in the artistic showcases to take place during the five days of the market. There are thirty performing arts shows (6 from Africa, 7 from Latin America, 9 from the Canaries, and 8 from other regions in Spain) and 28 are music performances (11 from Africa, 10 from Latin America, 5 from the Canaries and 2 from the rest of Spain). More than fifty artists and management agencies from the Canary Islands are taking part in MAPAS 2019, 14 of which are also showcasing their work.

TEA Tenerife Espacio de las Artes, Auditorio de Tenerife and grounds, La Granja Espacio de Creación, Teatro Guimerá, IES Alcalde Bernabé and Museo de la Naturaleza y la Arqueología (MUNA) are the venues for the business meetings, lectures, meetings, talks, round tables and theatre, dance, circus and music performances from the three continents.

A dance premiere for the opening show

The opening show this year will be by Lava -Auditorio de Tenerife dance company- whose artistic director, Daniel Abreu, has created and directed Abisal, a 60-minute piece to be premiered on Wednesday, 10 July at 8:00 pm in Auditorio de Tenerife’s Sala Sinfónica.

In the show, six dancers bring to life a deep and pure geography of water set in the midst of sediments, air, shadows, calmness, unimaginable fauna –a place that is impossible to inhabit. Daniel Abreu explains in his description of the piece that “love moves the world and every action of the six dancers goes towards it. I can only look at dance lovingly…in my imagination it leads me to the blue of the depths, to beautiful creatures and vast obsidian sediments or any other volcanic remains”.

MAPAS will honour its 2019 Cartógrafo Ilustre [Illustrious Cartographer], a distinction to be delivered to Hassane Kouyaté (Burkina Faso, 1964), griot, actor, percussionist, stage director and one of the great ambassadors of African culture who has shown that the distance imposed by oceans and borders means nothing when it comes to sharing art. He both has solid training and a wide-ranging register which have led him to a long prestigious career. Kouyaté has been key in making cultural geographical charts. The creative, socially committed shows of this figure of the performing arts has thrilled audiences of Burkina Faso, the Ivory Coast, Niger, Mali, Senegal, Togo, Guinea, The Congo, Morocco, Argelia, Tunisia, Venezuela, Mexico, Brazil, Island of Réunion, Canada, the United States, Switzerland, France, Belgium, Spain, Austria, Germany and Cuba.

MAPAS will also have a wide professional and academic schedule including lectures by Sylvie Durán, minister of Culture and Youth of Costa Rica, who will talk about network working; and Daniela Bosé, a teacher and professional who will give us her view on the role of women in the music industry. At MAPAS there will be interesting debates on the advantages of cooperation in the cultural sphere and the performance of women in Latin American performing arts.

Debate de gallos

One of the highlighted round tables will be “Debate de gallos” [Cockdebate], a meeting of artists and social activists Serge Smockey Bambara and Henry Arteaga, known as El Jke, with journalist Nicolás Castellano as moderator.  Also, they are both performing on Saturday, 13 July. Bambara is a member of Smockey & The Agama Band, a rap band from Burkina Faso whose lyrics are politically and socially committed. He is also one of the creators of the social movement citizen’s broom, which was committed to the fall of dictator Blaise Compaore. Henry Arteaga El Jke is from the Colombian Crew Peligrosos, an artistic proposal that has given them a loyal audience thanks to their professional way of dealing with the stage. They are also known for their proposals of social construction from art.

For his part, the Cabildo de Tenerife’s Island Director for Culture, José Luis Rivero, will talk about the model of Tenerife in terms of the performing arts and music as well as about the challenges and opportunities for companies. His is one of the eight talks available during the market that deal with issues of interest for artists, heads of programming and cultural managers.

MAPAS, platform of international connections

In its third year, MAPAS is now established as a great forum of international scope for the cultural and creative industries and an international meeting point of live arts. In this context, the Encuentro de Redes [Networks Meeting], has been organised. It is bringing to Tenerife representatives of institutions and organisations that promote music and the performing arts worldwide.

Different associations and organisations related to the live arts business worldwide, such as Asociación para el Desarrollo de la Industria de la Música Iberoamericana (ADIMI), Global Music Market Network (GLOMNET) Secretaría General Iberoamericana (SEGIB), Red Eurolatinoamericana de Artes Escénicas (REDELAE) or Red de Teatros y Auditorios de España (REDESCENA) or Satélite Lat Mujeres de la Industria de la Música Latinoamericana, among others, will take part in Encuentro de Redes [Networks Meeting] to work towards the strengthening of the culture of internationalization of the artistic proposals and making creative industries solid through proposals based on innovation and consensus.

In this framework, where the networks of collaborative work are deeply looked into, a meeting of the Red Eurolatinoamericana de Artes Escénicas (REDELAE) will be held too. The Canary Islands will be represented by the Canarian Association of Performing Arts Companies Réplica, and Pie de base, the Canarian association of movement artists. Both organizations will make the most of the conditions offered by MAPAS to hold their respective members meeting and make contacts with agents who may be interested in joining them.

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