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The ‘Puro Teatro’ Association is performing this play at the Civic Centre San Roque at 9:00 p.m.


The Tenerife Auditorium's Amateur Theatre Programme is under the Island Council's Culture Area, directed by the island’s Minister of Culture Enrique Arriaga. Amateur Theatre is offering a new piece by the Puro Teatro Association: Historias caóticas para siete artistas desesperados (Chaotic stories for seven desperate artists) that will be performed tomorrow [21st Dec] at the Civic Centre San Roque at 9:00 p.m. Tickets for the show, recommended for adult audiences, are free until total capacity is reached.

Historias caóticas para siete artistas desesperados is made up of seven small texts whose leitmotiv is chaos. Each of the seven stories is starred by two characters who somehow express their feelings at a specific moment in their lives. The Council of La Laguna sponsors this performance.

In the first of the stories in this theatrical piece, the two brothers find themselves in strange circumstances and realize that their lives have taken very different paths. In the second, a female painter has been hiding a great secret from her husband, but he hides an even greater one. A comedian who gets entangled in a mess due to an admirer is the theme of the third story. In the fourth story, a husband disappears and forces his wife to turn to a professional to search for him.

The eternal bachelor who, in his advanced maturity, questions the state of his romantic relationships, stars in the fifth sketch. And, lastly, the appearance of a mother causes tremendous upheaval in her unstable daughter. The following performers make the story come alive: Lidia Dorta, Glenda Suárez, Jesús Patrón, Kuki Asís, Nuria Neida, Piluca Prada and Rosi García.

The programme Teatro Aficionado (Amateur Theatre) is part of the Educational and Social Area of the Auditorio de Tenerife. Teatro Aficionado encourages interest in theatre as a hobby and the production of theatrical plays by the local associations of Tenerife. It aims to stimulate matters such as communication, the exchange of ideas, and creativity amongst members who, in turn, belong to youth collectives, cultural collectives, women's collectives, and neighbourhood groups, among others.

Its main objectives are to promote a liking for theatre among different social and cultural groups, to promote the general public's attendance to, and love of, theatrical plays; likewise, to contribute to enriching the technical/artistic quality of amateur theatre groups and to create different work groups necessary in the fundamental processes for the staging of a production.

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ˋPer la notte di Nataleˊ, directed by the Italian Carmen Leoni, welcomes the festive season with the pastoral as its leitmotif.


The Auditorio de Tenerife is a cultural venue linked to the Department of Culture of Tenerife Island Council that is managed by the island's Minister of Culture Enrique Arriaga. The Chamber Hall hosts the concert Per la notte di Natale (For Christmas Eve) on Thursday [22-Dec] at 7:30 p.m. The Italian conductor Carmen Leoni leads this welcome to the Christmas time of the Baroque Orchestra of Tenerife, with the pastoral as a Leitmotiv.

The Baroque Orchestra offers us a repertoire in memory of the adoration of the shepherds, through a selection of musical fables from the baroque Italian composers Pietro Antonio Locatelli (1695-1764), Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741), Francesco Manfredini (1684-1762), Giuseppe Torelli (1658-1709) and Arcangelo Corelli (1653-1713).

Spiritual dialogues are breathed in the first opus by Locatelli which, in its number eight, is dedicated to the Santo Natale as a Concerto in F minor. According to the group's artistic director, Conrado Álvarez, it is “an intricate canonical - and classical in its structure -  a labyrinth that we could view as a hypertext of movements, with episodes both prior and subsequent to the origin of the Mystery, from the Incarnation to the Birth, narrated with music in the purest Italian style of the 18th century”.

Without knowing for certain what winter in Bethlehem would be like, the Concerto nº 4 in F minor, Op. 8 by Vivaldi helps to create an atmosphere for the cold Christmas Eve with its allegro-largo-allegro, through its inspiring eclogue: “This is winter, which nonetheless brings its own delights”.

It is followed by the pastoral dance by Manfredini, Symphony XII, in D Major. “We can imagine it, in its largo, as a cautious approach of the shepherds to the place of Mystery with the surprise, upon recognising the Child, in the puntato that concludes the first movement”, explains Álvarez, and adds that “it progresses in the adagio with the beautiful lullaby of joy, concluding with the joy of recognising the Saviour in the last movement, quasi a country prayer”.

The Concerto nº 6, in G minor, Op. 8 by Torelli, a pastoral vision, confronts i tempi as a prelude - very baroque - of the Child of Passion, in its winding grave-vivace-largo, which muta towards the conviction of redemption to give us a dance full of hope.

For the artistic director, “this central block of the evening could not materialize without the Vivaldi-style riposo, in E major, the song of heavenly cherubs that drops off in the first allegro, silenced -by the Mother of mothers- in the adagio, followed by the dawn chorus of birds in the last allegro -as a comment on nature- in recognition of the son of God on Earth”. 

To finish, the resounding country festa by Corelli -the father of the concerto grosso alla italiana- who with his Concerto nº 8, Fatto per la Notte di Natale, in G minor, Op. 6 floods with effect and twists in the dizziness of its movements and in the mastery of the performers.

In addition to Carmen Leoni on the harpsichord and as a guest conductor, the orchestra will be formed by Adrián Linares, concertmaster and baroque violin; Laura Díaz y Raquel Sobrino, baroque violins I; Lorena Padrón, Alexandra López and Giovanni Déniz, baroque violins II; Víctor Gil, Alaia Ferran, and Melchor García, baroque violas; Candela Gómez and Diego Pérez, baroque violoncellos; Tomás López-Perea and Juan Carlos Baeza, violones; Carlos Oramas, archlute, and Raquel García, organ.

Carmen Leoni was born in Verona in 1965. She began to play the harpsichord at the age of 11, as a student of S. Vartolo at the F. E. Dall'Abaco Conservatory of Music in Verona, where she stayed until she obtained her organ and organ composition degree with U. Forni in 1989. She moved to the Koninklijk Conservatorium in The Hague with Jacques Ogg and Ton Koopman, obtaining the title of soloist in 1993. Her curiosity led her to further specialise in fortepiano with Stanley Hoogland.

Leoni is a member of the Baroque Orchestra Il Tempio Armonico and of the Vocal Ensemble Delitiae Musicae. Her professional activity includes numerous collaborations. She has accompanied renowned soloists including Leonidas Kavakos, Maurice Steger, Giuliano Carmignola, Mario Brunello, Jacques Ogg, Lorenzo Coppola and Roberta Invernizzi.  Her recording career includes works for Naxos, Emergo, Hungaroton, Tactus, Stradivarius and Radio Nacional de España.

As a professor of chamber music, she has organised several international music workshops on the classical repertoire at the Verona Conservatory of Music in collaboration with Lorenzo Coppola. She is currently a full professor of harpsichord and basso continuo at the Ghedini Conservatory of Music in Cuneo. This will be her first performance with the Tenerife Baroque Orquestra.

The Baroque Orchestra of Tenerife was founded by ANDMÚSICA, the Association for the Normalisation of Early Music in the Canary Islands, to encourage young performers educated in Europe in the styles and instruments of the period, providing the appropriate platform to coordinate and promote historical musical heritage from different sound perspectives, bringing all the musical forms of the 17th and 18th centuries to new audiences to add value to the island's cultural offer and agenda.

Tickets can be purchased at a single price of €15 on the website, at the auditorium's box office or by dialling the phone number 902 317 327 from Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Check the special discounts for the audience under 30 years of age, students, unemployed and large families.

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Este concierto de jazz con grandes canciones del país caribeño tendrá lugar el sábado [día 17] a las 19:30 horas en la Sala de Cámara


El Auditorio de Tenerife, espacio que depende del Área de Cultura del Cabildo que dirige el consejero Enrique Arriaga, programa para este sábado [día 17] a las 19:30 horas en la Sala de Cámara un concierto del saxofonista cubano Ariel Brínguez. Esta cita con el jazz, titulada Nostalgia cubana, ofrecerá en directo el ambiente sonoro de la Cuba de los años 50, rememorándolo a la vez que lo nutre de las concepciones musicales actuales en un repertorio que evoca continuamente la pasión como esencia del ser humano.

Brínguez, al saxo tenor y soprano, está acompañado por Javier Sánchez a la guitarra, Rubén Carles al contrabajo, Pablo Gutiérrez al piano y Fede Marini a la batería. Nostalgia cubana es un proyecto personal y especial, donde aboga por mostrar una Cuba musical más intimista, así́ como un tributo a las formas que cultivaron grandes artistas como Bola de Nieve, José Antonio Méndez, Eliseo Grenet, Cachaito López o Juanito Márquez.

Se podrán escuchar melodías y letras que han conmovido a varias generaciones y que continúan haciéndolo, sin importar condición o latitud. Brínguez se nutre de los ritmos afrocubanos más bailables; de los bellos boleros, danzones o el distinguido filin cubano. Se adentra en una senda en la que desgrana cada uno de los sentimientos que evocan los temas de célebres poemas musicalizados, ya pertenecientes al patrimonio cultural universal.

Saxofonista, compositor y arreglista, graduado en la Universidad de las Artes de La Habana, Brínguez ha obtenido dos Grammys norteamericanos colaborando con Chucho Valdés, por el álbum Tributo a Irakere: live in Marciac (2017), y con Alejandro Sanz por el álbum El Tren de los momentos (2009). Ganador de un Grammy latino colaborando en el álbum Voyager de Iván Melon Lewis (2021) al mejor álbum de jazz latino.

Brínguez ha tocado con músicos de la talla de Tata Güines, Changuito Quintana, Maraca y Otra Visión, David Murray Nat King Cole en español, Simply Red, Javier Colina, Niña Pastori, Paquito D’Ribera, Ketama y Miguel Zenón, entre otros. Ha editado tres trabajos musicales: Raíces en colores, con el que ganó el premio Opera Prima en 2009, Experience, publicado en 2017, y Nostalgia cubana (2016), con el que se encuentra actualmente de gira.

Las entradas, a un precio general de 15 euros, se pueden adquirir en la página web, en la taquilla de lunes a viernes de 10:00 a 17:00 horas y sábados de 10:00 a 14:00 horas y de forma telefónica llamando al 902 317 327 en el mismo horario. Hay disponibles descuentos para menores de 30 años, estudiantes, desempleados y familias numerosas.

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ˋEl caso de la señora estupendaˊ, by the group Teatruva, will see the light for the first time on Saturday [17 Dec] in La Otorava.


The Teatro Aficionado (Amateur Theatre) programme by the Auditorio de Tenerife is organised under the Island Council's Culture Area, which is directed by Enrique Arriaga. This week, the programme offers three performances. The first event takes place tomorrow [15 Dec] in La Laguna; the second, on the 16 December in Tegueste, and the third performance on the 17 December in La Orotava. The admission for the three events is free until full capacity is reached.

The week of performances kicks off with the play Cena de Navidad (Christmas Dinner), a play by the senior citizens' association Rondalla Volcanes del Teide of La Orotava. It takes place tomorrow at 5:00 p.m. at the Centro Ciudadano San Matías 2, in La Laguna. The play begins on Christmas Eve, with the Sánchez family waiting for their daughter Pepita, her future husband, Javi, and his mother to arrive. The play comprises the actresses Marina Santos García, Isabel Acosta Lina, Antonia García Luis, María del Pilar Padrón Yanes, Isabel Hernández Lorenzo, Ascensión Díaz González and Estrella Escobar Luis, under the direction of Eusebio Galván Cabello.

Quien pide el último, pide mejor (Who has the last laugh?) by the Tais association will be performed on Friday at 8.30 p.m. at the Teatro Príncipe Felipe in Tegueste. The play begins with a lady who finds a strange lamp that turns out to have powers while she is tidying up the attic. The script was written by Blanca Poza Esperón and the play is directed by Irene Pérez, with the assistant Lucas Hernández. The following performers make the story come alive: Mari Carmen Cruz, Dorys Pelayo, Sergio del Pino, Nati Álvarez, Carmen del Rosario, Monse Morales, Juan Carlos del Pino and Lucas Hernández.

On Saturday at 8:30 p.m. the premiere of El caso de la señora estupenda (The case of the wonderful lady), by the cultural association Fiesta de la Vendimia-Grupo de Teatro Teatruva takes place at the Auditorio Francisco Álvarez Abrante of La Perdoma, in La Orotava. The comedy happens during wartime and the arrival of newlyweds at a hotel. The actors are Dionisio Linares, Afligidos García, Ezequiel de León, José Manuel Ramos, Luisa Herrera, María García, Domingo Arbelo, Luisa Luis, Inés Hernández, Domingo Hernández, Goyo Pérez and Macu Hernández, under the direction of Wame Gutiérrez. The performances are sponsored by the Council of La Orotava and the historical complex of Casa de los Balcones.

The programme Teatro Aficionado (Amateur Theatre) is part of the Educational and Social Area of the Auditorio de Tenerife. Teatro Aficionado encourages the interest in theatre as a hobby and the production of theatrical plays by the local associations of Tenerife. It aims to stimulate matters such as communication, the exchange of ideas, and creativity amongst members who, in turn, belong to youth collectives, cultural collectives, women's collectives, and neighbourhood groups, among others.

Its main objectives are to promote a liking for theatre among different social and cultural groups, to promote the general public's attendance to, and love of, theatrical plays; likewise, to contribute to enriching the technical/artistic quality of amateur theatre groups and to create different work groups (directors, actors, costume designers, seamstresses, playwrights, scriptwriters, etc.).

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ˊLas cosas se mueven pero no dicen nadaˊ ("Things Move but They Don't Say Anything) is a proposal of Poliana Lima. It takes place this Saturday, 17th of December 22.


Twelve dancers star the performance Las cosas se mueven pero no dicen nada, the last dance performance that the Auditorio de Tenerife will offer in 2022. The proposal by the company of the performer and choreographer Poliana Lima closes the FAM Otoño (Autumn Moving Arts Festival) programme on Saturday [17th] at 7:30 p.m. The audience will be seated on the stage of the Symphony Hall.

Las cosas se mueven pero no dicen nada is a dance piece that is based on the ideas of permanence and persistence. Performed by an exclusively female cast and built on the acoustics of the dancers' bodies, the piece evokes the processes of transformation and repetition of nature without alluding to figuration on the stage.

Through their bodies, through their spines shaken in multiple directions, through their arms thrown about with violence and lack of control, a certain "poetry of bodies" unfolds with the protagonists remaining on their feet, lingering; bodies influenced by various forces and intensities... in short, a collective body of women who showcase their ancestral resilience as a way of facing the world.

Poliana Lima is a Brazilian choreographer, dancer and teacher based in Madrid. She has just premiered her show Oro Negro (Black Gold), which is the result, among other processes, of the artistic residency Petróleo that she carried out at the Auditorio de Tenerife in July 2021.

FAM (Arts and Movement Festival), a proposal of Auditorio de Tenerife and a commitment to Spanish contemporary dance, comes alongside the artistic circuit supported by the National Institute of Performing Arts and Music (INAEM) and developed by the Spanish Network of Theatres: Danza a Escena 2022.

Tickets can be purchased at a single price of €8 on the website, at the auditorium's box office or by dialling the phone number 902 317 327 from Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 05:00 p.m., Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 02:00 p.m. Check the special discounts for the audience under 30 years of age, students, unemployed and large families. This show is recommended for people over 12 years of age.

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Daniel Raiskin will conduct the orchestra in a proposal with works by Turina, Korngold and Prokofiev, with Benjamin Schmid serving as a soloist.


Romeo and Juliet is the seventh seasonal programme of the Tenerife Symphony Orchestra, a musical proposal conducted by Daniel Raiskin and with the presence of violinist Benjamin Schmid, who will perform as the guest soloist. This new concert will be on Friday the 16th of September at 7:30 p.m., in the Auditorio de Tenerife.

Fantastic dances, op 22, is a score written by Joaquín Turina in 1919 which, according to its author, visits different states of the soul through rhythm and contrast. Inspired by different headings of La Orgía (The Orgy), a novel by José Más, his melodies take inspiration from everything from the Basque zortziko to the Andalusian farruca.

Afterwards, the orchestra will perform Violin Concerto in D major, Op. 35 by Erich Wolfgang Korngold, a composition that premiered in Missouri in 1947, and that displays all the melodic skills and romantic dreaminess of the author. With reminiscences of the soundtracks that played in different Hollywood productions, in the first movement it is possible to distinguish the violin of Another Dawn, a film starring Errol Flynn; during the second, part of his work for Juárez, performed by Bette Davis; and the melodies of The Prince and the Pauper, in the Allegro assai vivace.

After the break, it will be time for a selection of suites from the ballet Romeo and Juliet composed by Sergei Prokofiev at the peak of his career. Specifically, the Tenerife Symphony Orchestra will perform the nº2, op.64 ter and the nº1, op. 64 bis, specifically those chosen by the author himself to be presented in Brno in 1938, years before the premiere of the complete ballet. His musical vision of the Shakespearian drama was so complex that the Kirov Ballet had reservations because it believed that his music was too difficult to dance to.

Daniel Raiskin, who is returning to Tenerife after last conducting the island group in June 2018, studied in Saint Petersburg, Amsterdam and Freiburg, first focusing on viola and, later, on musical direction. Since the 2018-2019 season, he has been the musical director of the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra, and since 2020-2021 he has taken up the role of principal conductor of the Slovak Philharmonic Orchestra. He has also conducted the Belgrade Philharmonic Orchestra since the 2016-2017 season. 

His most recent commitments notably include his return to the philharmonic orchestras of Warsaw and Stuttgart, Hong Kong Sinfonietta, Russian National Orchestra, Philharmonic Orchestra of Kanagawa, Residentie Orchestra, Philharmonic Orchestra of Naples, Symphony Orchestra of Munich and the Prague Radio Symphony Orchestra, among others.

Raiskin has also been involved with different opera production, notably including Carmen by Bizet, Shostakovich’s The Nose and Don Giovanni by Mozart. Throughout his career, he has worked with great soloists such as Emanuel Ax, Renée Fleming, Nelson Freire, Martin Fröst, Alban Gerhardt, Vadim Gluzman, Natalia Gutman, Kari Kriikku, Simone Lamsma, Lang Lang and Francois Leleux.

The violinist Benjamin Schmid last performed with the Tenerife Symphony Orchestra in June 2010, as a professional he has performed in over 75 concerts, and his performance of different composers such as Hartmann, Gulda, Korngold, Muthspiel, Szymanowski, Wolf-Ferrari, Lutoslawski and Reger notably stands out. 

His most recent collaborations include the opening concert of the Salzburger Festspiele, as well as a performance at the Musikverein in Vienna and at the Schloss Schönbrunn with the Paganini-Kreisler Concerto, conducted by Valery Gergiev. Schmid also has a successful jazz career and regularly presents his programme Hommage à Grappelli.

The tickets for this new event can be purchased until the day of the concert on the website, at the auditorium's box office and by dialling the phone number 902 317 327 from Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

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The Latin Grammy winner gives a recital of works by Bach-Busoni, Chopin and Schumann on Tuesday [13th].


The Auditorio de Tenerife is a cultural venue linked to the Department of Culture of Tenerife Island's Council that is managed by its island's Minister of Culture, Enrique Arriaga. On Tuesday [13th] at 7:00 p.m. it offers a concert by the Venezuelan pianist Gabriela Montero. Bach-Busoni, Chopin, Schumann and improvisations is the title of the concert by the Latin Grammy award-winning artist, which takes place in the Chamber Hall.

For the first time, Gabriela Montero presents herself to the Tenerife public with a performance during which she will display her talent for improvisation, thanks to which she has achieved great international recognition and a multitude of followers all over the world.

After an initial part with works by Bach-Busoni, Chopin and Schumann, a romantic repertoire that she is a regular performer of, Gabriela Montero will invite the audience of Auditorio de Tenerife to suggest musical themes on which to improvise. In this way, she composes new works in real-time, giving the audience a unique musical experience.

Gabriela Montero has performed in the most prestigious halls, such as Carnegie Hall, Kennedy Center, Wigmore Hall, Vienna Konzerthaus, Berlin Philharmonie, Leipzig Gewandhaus, Hamburg Elbphilharmonie, Sydney Opera House, Amsterdam Concertgebouw, Orchard Hall of Tokyo and at the festivals in Edinburgh, Salzburg, Lucerne, Ravinia, Tanglewood, Lugano, among others.

She has played with many of the best orchestras: the philharmonic orchestras of Los Angeles, New York, Liverpool and Dresden, the symphony orchestras of Chicago, San Francisco, Pittsburgh, Detroit and Toronto, Gewandhaus de Leipzig, Cleveland, City of Birmingham, Vienna Symphony, among others.

Winner of the prestigious Heidelberger Frühling Music Award in 2018 and the 4th International Beethoven Award de Bonn in 2019, in 2015 she also won the Latin Grammy for best classical music album: Rachmaninov: Piano Concerto - Montero: ExPtria. Likewise, this Latin American pianist and composer won two Echo Klassik Awards.

Gabriela is an honorary consul for Amnesty International and was nominated by the Human Rights Foundation for her fight for human rights in her native Venezuela. She was invited to the 2013 "Women of the World" Festival in London and twice to the Davos-Klosters World Economic Forum (Switzerland). In 2012 she received the Rockefeller Award for her contribution to the Arts, and in 2008 she was invited to play at the presidential inauguration of Barack Obama.

Tickets can be purchased at a single price of €15 on the website, at the auditorium's box office or by dialling the phone number 902 317 327 from Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Check the special discounts for the audience under 30 years of age, students, unemployed and large families.


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Organised by the Tenerife federation, the concerts take place on Saturday and Sunday in four sessions.


The Auditorio de Tenerife is a cultural venue linked to the Department of Culture of Tenerife Island Council that is managed by its island's Minister of Culture, Enrique Arriaga. On Saturday, 10th and Sunday, 11th, the Auditorio welcomes the 14th Meeting of youth Wind Bands of Tenerife, the XIV Encuentro de bandas de música juveniles. The concerts take place in four morning and afternoon sessions in the Chamber Hall, with free admission until full capacity is reached.

The performances, organised by the band federation 'Federación Tinerfeña de Bandas de Música', start on Saturday at 11.30 a.m. with the following wind bands: the Ernesto Beteta of Santa Úrsula wind band, a musical-cultural association directed by Carlos Efrén Herrera Gorrín, the band Alejandro Poleo López of the Regional Music School of Daute-Isla Baja, conducted by Víctor Manuel Pérez de León and the youth band José Mesa Cabrera of Cruz Santa, a musical association with the conductor Sofía González Batista.

The evening session starts at 6:00 p.m., featuring the youth band of the musical-cultural association Princesa Yaiza of El Rosario, under the direction of Taida María Gil Conde; followed by the youth band of the Music Academy of Buenavista del Norte, led by Cristo Rubén Delgado Bautista; then, the youth band Las Candelitas of Candelaria, conducted by Adrián Jesús Castellano de la Rosa.

On Sunday at 11:30 a.m. is the turn of the youth band San José of the musical association XIX de Marzo of San Juan de la Rambla, directed by Damián González García, the instrumental band of Espacio de Formación Artística of Garachico, under the direction of José Eduardo Morales Meneses, the youth band of the Sociedad Filarmónica Nivaria of Arafo with conductor Juan Antonio Herrera Mesa and the band of the musical academy San Marcos Evangelista of Tegueste, led by Alejandro Suárez Hernández.

The last concerts starts at 6:00 p.m. and will be performed by the youth band of the musical association Educando José León Medrano of Puerto de la Cruz with Irene Borges Perera at the helm, the youth band of the music board Nuestra Señora de Lourdes of Valle de Guerra with Moisés Real Hernández at the baton and the youth band of La Candelaria de Arafo conducted by Aitor Acosta Llanos. The full programme is available on the website

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The German organist Heinrich Walther offers a matinee with works by César Franck and José María Usandizaga transcribed by himself.


Auditorio de Tenerife offers on Sunday [4th] at 12:00 noon a concert with the German organist Heinrich Walther. The programme, entitled Amor, sufrimiento y mito (Love, Suffering and Myth), will feature works by César Franck (1822-1890) and José María Usandizaga (1887-1915) transcribed by Walther himself. The organ concerts of the Auditorio are organised in collaboration with the San Miguel Arcángel Royal Canarian Academy of Fine Arts (RACBA).

The concert will feature the symphonic poem Psyché et Eros for orchestra and choir of 1887-88 by Franck. It is divided into seven movements and based on a text by Sicard and Foucaud, in turn inspired by the Metamorphoses of Apuleius, but with certain modifications. According to the musicologist and president of RACBA, Rosario Àlvarez, this work “lends itself like few other scores to transcription for organ, due to its mellow, legato sounds led by the dense string sections, which describe the story with sensual and even voluptuous sounds”.

Álvarez assures that “it exudes the purest romanticism marked by melodies with broad arches and marked chromaticism in the harmony that moves us to the core and we suffer with Psyché for his unrequited love for Eros or we are pleased with her for the forgiveness granted and the sublimation of their love at the end of the score”.

She concludes, that “despite being a work full of beauty, it has not been performed a lot and I am not even sure if it has ever been performed on this island, therefore it is a great chance for music lovers to be able to hear it in this organ version being offered by Heinrich Walther, which will surely not disappoint, due to his great experience with these kinds of projects transcribing symphonic music for his instrument”.

And in the year in which Franck composed his Psyché, the Basque composer José María Usandizaga was born in San Sebastian. After studying in his homeland, he moved to Paris to further his studies at the famous Schola Cantorum which was run by Vincent D’Indy. It is from those years in the French capital that this Suite in A major dates to. Its four traditional movements bring us closer to the academic world of the Schola, filtered, according to Rosario Álvarez "through the freshness and vigour of its author who was only 17-years-old".

Heinrich Walther studied organ with the maestros Zsigmond. Szathmáry, Xavier Darasse, Robert Anderson and Larry Palmer at the Higher Conservatoires of Freiburg, Toulouse and Dallas, respectively. He has gone on tours all over the world performing organ concerts as well as playing with historic keyboard instruments. His extensive discography includes recordings of works from different eras as well as the first works of contemporary composers and his own transcriptions of works for orchestra by César Franck, Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy, Max Reger and José Maria Usandizaga, among others.

At present, Walther teaches at the Higher Conservatoire of Music of Freiburg and at the Higher Conservatoires of Religious Music of Heidelberg and Rottenburg am Neckar.

The organ of the Auditorio de Tenerife was built in the 21st century by the prestigious organ builder Albert Blancafort and his team. It is considered a unique instrument in the world for its design, sound and musical ranges. The sounds are produced by 3,835 pipes that are housed in the walls of the emblematic Symphony Hall, which are controlled by the organist from on-stage through the console where he is performing.

Tickets can be purchased at a single price of €15 on the website, at the auditorium's box office or by dialling the phone number 902 317 327 from Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Check the special discounts for the audience under 30 years of age, students, unemployed and large families.

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In this journey through opera, zarzuela and Broadway musicals she will be accompanied by performers such as the soprano Yolanda Auyanet


The Auditorio de Tenerife is a cultural venue linked to the Department of Culture of Tenerife Island Council that is managed by its island's Minister of Culture, Enrique Arriaga. On Saturday, 10th December, at 7.30 p.m., the Symphony Hall will host the opera gala Nancy Fabiola y sus invitados (Nancy Fabiola and her guests). The evening will offer a musical journey through the career of the renowned mezzo-soprano Nancy Fabiola Herrera, who will perform alongside several artists she has invited for the occasion and the Tenerife Symphony Orchestra.

This Opera de Tenerife event, the last of the year, will feature the musical direction of José Miguel Pérez-Sierra and the voices of sopranos Yolanda Auyanet and Eglise Gutiérrez, the bass Rubén Amoretti, the tenor Ramón Vargas, the baritone José Carbó, the bandoneonist and singer Leonel Gasso and the bailaora(flamenco dancer) María del Mar Moreno.

“Along the journey in life I have met many people and creating a list of guests for the gala wasn´t an easy task” acknowledges Nancy Fabiola Herrera. The Canarian mezzo-soprano who starred in The House of Bernarda Alba in October 2021 with the Opera of Tenerife, acknowledges that “they are all great artists who became soulmates and they will attend the gala from Sydney, Mexico, Uruguay and Spain to share a magical night of music and friendship together”.OperaTF2223 NancyFabiola CabeceraNews 1080x1080px

The repertoire will offer a journey through opera, zarzuela, tango and Broadway musical courtesy of Carmen, the gypsy lady by Bizet, which led Nancy Fabiola Herrera to travel around the world and marked a turning point in her career which has lasted for 35 years. “This very special programme speaks of my life, my favourite roles, the constant curiosity to explore different genres, of meeting with friends, of encountering love, and death to be reborn again” announces the singer.

During this biographical gala there will be performances of operas such as Carmen, Norma, Madama Butterfly and Samson and Delilah, but also well-known melodies from the zarzuelas Luisa Fernanda and La Revoltosa, several tangos and even the musical West Side Story will be present. “Each piece has a meaning and each of the artists accompanying me have left a deep impression on my heart” outlines the mezzo-soprano who is inviting the public on this “journey of emotions through some of the most beautiful pages of music in existence”.

Nancy Fabiola Herrera is acclaimed by the public and specialist critics for the “beauty of her voice, her outstanding musicality and her dominating stage presence”. Having performed in over 50 roles, the Spanish mezzo-soprano is one of the most significant performers at present. In 2018 she received the award for an entire career from the magazine Ópera Actual. She is an Adoptive Daughter of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and of the Island of Gran Canaria.

She was acclaimed by the public and critics for her “mesmerising” performance of Carmen, which took her to the Metropolitan Opera, Royal Opera House, Arena di Verona, Bolshoi, Caracalla, Berlin, Munich, Dresden, Sydney and Japan, among many others.

Her recent performances notably include, as a minimum, Don Carlo, at the MET; Roberto Devereux, at the Teatro de la Maestranza; Adriana Lecouvreur, in Oviedo; her show Alma mía, alongside the Septet of soloists from Valencia; Il trovatore, in Las Palmas, and the recording of Goyescas / La vida breve with the BBC in London, among others. Her upcoming projects include the Third Symphony by Mahler, with the OFGC; La vida breve, with the OCNE; Trato de favor, by Lucas Vidal and Boris Izaguirre (global premiere), at the Teatro de la Zarzuela; Requiem, by Verdi, with the ORTVE, and Medée, by Cherubini, at the Teatro Real in Madrid.

The tickets are available on the website, at the auditorium's box office or by dialling the phone number 902 317 327 from Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 05:00 p.m., Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 02:00 p.m. Check the special discounts for the audience under 30 years of age, students, unemployed and large families.


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Larsen-Maguire will conduct the group and it will involve the début of the cellist Edgar Moreau, who will perform as a soloist


The sixth seasonal programme of the Tenerife Symphony Orchestra tackles the Bohemian romanticism of Bedrich Smetana and Antonín Dvorák. On this occasion, the musical group of the Island Council will be conducted by Catherine Larsen-Maguire and have the début of the cellist Edgar Moreau, who will perform as a soloist. The event will be on Friday [the 2th] at 7:30 p.m., in the Auditorio de Tenerife.

The Moldau, by Bedrich Smetana is the second of the six symphonic poems of the My Fatherland, series which the Bohemian composer created at the end of 1874. The river, as a metaphor of the cycle of life, is a melody with a certain old and popular feel that has served as inspiration for endless popular songs and lullabies in many countries around the world.

Afterwards, there will be a performance of the Cello Concerto in B minor, Op. 104, B. 191 composed in 1894 by Antonín Dvorák and dedicated to his friend, the cellist Hanuš Wihan. The main theme, with reminiscences of his other renowned symphony, the New World Symphony, is imbued with the musical tradition of his homeland, thus eliminating the North American folkloric elements, so common during his stay in the United States.

In the second part of the concert, the orchestra will perform the Symphony No. 7 in D minor, Op. 70, B. 141 also by Antonín Dvorák and written in 1884 as a commission for the London Philharmonic Society, with which he made his début as an honorary member. Inspired by Brahms third symphony, and also known as the English Symphony, it is a score with an expressive intensity and a great melodic richness that tries to reflect the political struggle of the Czech nation and its desire for prosperity.

Catherine Larsen-Maguire, from Britain, undertook her studies at the University of Cambridge, the Royal Academy of Music in London and the Karajan Academy in Berlin. Following a successful career as the principal bassoonist of the Komische Oper Berlin, since 2012 she has focused her attention exclusively on orchestra conducting. From 2014 to 2016 she held a chair as guest professor at the University of the Arts in Berlin and from 2017 to 2021 she was a member of the jury of the Besançon Competition.

In her career as a conductor, she has led prestigious groups, such as the Slovenian Radio Symphony and the UNAM Philharmonic in Mexico City. The current season includes her return to the Scottish Chamber Orchestra and the Deutsches Kammerochester Berlin, as well as different débuts in Spain with the Galicia Symphony Orchestra, Orchestra of Extremadura and the Orchestra of Córdoba. In Germany she will participate with the Mecklenburgische Staatskapelle of Schwerin, the Göttinger Symphonie Orchester and the Philharmonisches Orchester Stadt Trier.

In addition to the usual orchestra repertoire, Larsen-Maguire has also shown interest in contemporary music, conducting premières of works by different composers such as Alexander Goehr, Erkki-Sven Tüür, Gordon Kampe and James MacMillan. Her regular collaborations include Ensemble Musikfabrik, Klangforum Wien, Ensemble Musikfabrik, Ensemble Resonanz, Ensemble Ascolta and Ensemble United Berlin.

Edgar Moreau began playing the cello at the age of four in the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique in Paris and then continued at the Kronberg Academy. Seven years later, he made his début with the Orchestra of the Teatro Regio de Torino, performing the cello concert by Dvorak. During his musical career he has earned different awards, such as in 2011, when he was crowned winner of the Rostropovich Competition. In 2014 he participated in the Tchaikovsky Competition and obtained the Young Concert Artist Award.

The Parisian cellist regularly performs in the most prestigious halls and is a frequent guest at several festivals, such as Verbier, Salzburg and Gstaad, among others. He has participated with globally renowned groups: The Orchestra of Rome Santa Cecilia, Orchestra Filarmonica della Scala, London Symphony Orchestra, Los Angeles Philharmonic, Seattle Symphony Orchestra, Philadelphia Orchestra, Orchestre Symphonique de Montréal, Mahler Chamber Orchestra, Münchner Philharmoniker and the Orchestre de Paris, among others.

The tickets can be purchased until the day of the concert on the website, at the auditorium's box office and by dialling the phone number 902 317 327 from Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

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Activities adapted to different levels, exclusive content and personalised materials comprise the offer


The Auditorio de Tenerife is a cultural venue linked to the Department of Culture of Tenerife Island Council that is managed by its island's Minister of Culture, Enrique Arriaga. For this school year the Auditorio is launching a new programme of guided visits for educational centres. This is a cross-disciplinary educational activity that consists of carrying out a process of training and informing the public during school hours, meant for all levels.

Taking into account the needs and characteristics of each educational stage, the Educational and Social Department of the Auditorio has designed this proposal with two lines of work, addressed to show the Auditorio to students as a centre of cultural activity and as an architectural space. One of the most important aims is to give rise to autonomous and critical students. 

One of the spaces in the Auditorium has been adapted into a training classroom where schoolchildren can enjoy specialised workshops featuring educational activities. The dossier of this new programme can be consulted in the Educational and Social Area of the website

These characteristics make this initiative pioneering thanks to the visit to the building adapted to each educational cycle and in small groups, supervised activities and with materials and teaching resources produced according to the level and an educational classroom equipped for pupils.

For Pre-School Education, a fun and participative visit is offered, during which pupils will discover a first-hand artistic perspective of the cultural institution. Through the different activities, the three areas of this level will be worked on: autonomy, knowledge of the environment and communication and representation. Thus, their autonomy is encouraged with individual visit tickets to stamp, they discover the building and its surrounding area with puzzles and sheets to colour in, and pupils take a deeper look at musical language using audiovisual materials screened in the educational classroom. 

The Primary Education visit will be focused on displaying architectural aspects of the Auditorium of Tenerife. Pupils will also discover the different performing arts professions needed to produce an artistic show, and also, using videos, get a closer look at the cultural offer of the programming appropriate for their age which they can enjoy in the auditorium and its unique spaces. They will also carry out manual activities.

In Secondary Education and Baccalaureate, the aim is for pupils to get an introduction to being critical viewers. They will be provided with information to help them to develop sufficient critical autonomy to choose the cultural proposals that are of interest to them, and to also discover the different channels for accessing them. After guided access to the information on the website and social networks, online activities will be carried out using games with Kahoot and advanced crafts such as an origami building. Lastly, they will watch videos on programming for Secondary pupils and the unique spaces of the Auditorium.

Educational centres interested in requesting a guided visit can send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the following information: name of the centre, municipality, person and contact telephone number, year group, number of pupils and accompanying staff and the preferred dates or time period. They can also contact the Educational and Social Department of the Auditorium of Tenerife by calling 922 568 600 extension 167.

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