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The Carlos Meneses Trio stages on Friday and the Kike Perdomo Quartett on Saturday joined by the 101 Brass Band in the Auditorium’s Hall


The Auditorio de Tenerife is a cultural venue linked to the Department of Culture of Tenerife Island Council that is managed by its island's Minister of Culture, Enrique Arriaga. This weekend, the venue welcomes the 14th edition of the Canarias Jazz Showroom with two concerts. The Carlos Meneses Trio stages on Friday [7th] and the Kike Perdomo Quartett on Saturday [8th]. At the end of the second performance, the 101 Brass Band will perform a free concert in the Auditorium's Hall. Both concerts start at 7:30 p.m. in the Chamber Hall.

The Carlos Meneses Trío presents a live repertoire with a selection of works from the three albums released to date. Apart from the original works by Carlos Meneses (compositions and arrangements), the experience of having played live together as a trio on several occasions. In addition to presenting the musical content of their latest album "Like one”, thetrio will play songs from the previous albums Sharp Jazz (2020) and “Jazz a.m.” (2021). The Carlos Meneses Trio was formed in 2020, and it is currently formed by Federico Lechner and Daniel González.

Kike Perdomo Quartett presents the latest work, Friendship. Based on original compositions, with a contemporary musical concept and focused on research and the development of new sounds within the world of jazz, this album was recorded in an acoustic format (drums, bass, piano and saxophone) in New York, the place where this musical style was born. The album was subsequently enriched in Tenerife at the 96KMusic studio with several instruments and voices to add a colourful proposal with new textures and sonorous nuances to the final work. The saxophonist Kike Perdomo plays in a quartet format with Nasim López-Palacios Navarro on drums, Ruimán Manuel Martín León on double bass, David Quevedo Fernández on piano and Olga Salud Sáez as a guest vocalist.

After the concert by Kike Perdomo Quartett on Saturday, the Auditorio de Tenerife offers a performance by the 101 Band Brass in its hall with free entry until capacity is reached. As a result of the musical interest and curiosity of its members, this band was formed in Tenerife at the beginning of 2014 using Balkan, South American and American brass bands as references, always with the premise of providing fun and conveying all the possible energy to the audience.

The 14th edition of the Canarias Jazz Showroom arrives with a great new jazz work that bears the regional hallmark. This year, almost ten projects will be presented on different islands which will finish with a concert in Brussels where the new lines of jazz by regional creators will be showcased. The festival has featured more than one hundred groups and projects who show that the jazz performers and composers of the Canary Islands are in very good health.

The tickets for the performances are available on the website, at the auditorium's box office or by dialling the phone number 902 317 327 from Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 05:00 p.m., Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 02:00 p.m. The tickets can be purchased at a single price of €15. There are special discounts for the audience under 30 years of age, students, unemployed and large families.

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The auditorium’s Chamber Hall Will host the recital ˋMystikˊ, with compositions by Bach and Messiaen at the service of religious solemnity


The Auditorio de Tenerife is a cultural venue linked to the Department of Culture of the Tenerife Island Council that is managed by its island's Minister of Culture, Enrique Arriaga. The venue has programmed a concert for two pianos next Tuesday [the 4th of October] with the Tenerife-born pianist Esther Ropón and the German Ernst Surberg. The programme, entitled Mystik, begins at 7:30 p.m. in the Chamber Hall.

Johann Sebastian Bach and Olivier Messiaen join hands in this recital whose common denominator is music at the service of spirituality and religious solemnity. Just over 200 years separate the life trajectory of both composers, united in this programme by their unconditional mysticism.

The performance begins with three transcriptions of the choral preludes and cantatas written by the master from Leipzig and arranged for piano four hands by the Hungarian composer and pianist György Kurtág, all of them a faithful reflection of his unwavering faith and his transcendent vision between the earthly and the spiritual.

Olivier Messiaen, for his part, manifests a mystical sense of communion with nature. Written in 1943 during the occupation of France, Visions de l'Amen consists of seven ecstatic meditations for two pianos on biblical verses ranging from Genesis to Revelation. A driving theme that Messiaen himself called "the theme of creation" acts as a unifying element that runs through the entire work, from its beginning, Amen de la création, with grandiose and solemn chords, to Amen de la Consommation in a long chorale of final glory. 

Two composers who reaffirm the human and spiritual values of music through a strongly polyphonic language, solid sonorities and a moving expressiveness with two identical instruments, where it is not the contrast of two different timbres that comes into play, but the dialogue between the human being and the divinity.

The tickets are available on the website, at the auditorium's box office or by dialling the phone number 902 317 327 from Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 05:00 p.m., Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 02:00 p.m. Check the special discounts for the audience under 30 years of age, students, unemployed and large families.

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More than one hundred shows and 28 companies comprise this initiative by the Auditorio de Tenerife, University of La Laguna and seven councils


Twenty-eight companies will participate in the first edition of the programme Oye toca ver (Listen Touch See) organised in conjunction by the Auditorio de Tenerife, the University of La Laguna and the councils of Adeje, Arona, Candelaria, El Sauzal, Guía de Isora, Los Realejos and Tacoronte. The project, organised as a season of performing arts, includes more than one hundred performances of Canarian, national and international shows, which will take place from 7 October to 26 March.

The minister for Culture of the Island Council, Enrique Arriaga, indicated that “the ambitious project that we are starting next month aims to be a tool for councils in terms of invigorating cultural activity” and he recalled “the significant investment that the Island Council of Tenerife is making to ensure that all the municipalities have a suitable facility for housing professional companies”.

Enrique Arriaga stated that the shows of this first edition, which serves as a laboratory, will take place in different stage spaces on the island: Adeje, Arona, Candelaria, El Sauzal, Guía de Isora, Los Realejos, Tacoronte and the Paraninfo (Auditorium) of the University of La Laguna. The minister informed the councillors and cultural programmers who attended the event held at the Auditorio de Tenerife that “this performance is included within the focus of the cultural policy that we presented and which aimed to balance the cultural activity on the island”.

For the island director of Culture, Alejandro Krawietz, “this initiative is pioneering as it creates the programme of the season through a selection team formed by municipal programmers, who have attended exhibitions and festivals on the national scene and held joint meetings for months”. He highlights that “this is a pilot experience that new municipalities will gradually join over the coming months”.

The international participation in this first edition comes with the company Hugo & Inés, formed by the Peruvian Hugo Suárez and the Bosnian Inés Pasic, which will bring Hambre de títeres. Miniaturas. From London, the String Theatre is participating with The Insect Circus, and the four Portuguese shows will feature the companies Gato Sa (Vai Vem), Do Chapitó (Antígona), Peripécia Teatro (Fardo) and Partículas elementares (Ninho).

Seventeen companies are participating from other Spanish autonomous communities. Madrid is contributing five: Manuel Liñán (¡Viva!), Jesús Rubio (Gran Bolero), Pablo Remón (Barbados, etcétera), Korsia (Igra) and La Tristura (Future lovers); Catalonia is offering four shows courtesy of El Pot Petit (Las aventuras del león vergonzoso - "The adventures of the shameful lion"), Les Cícliques (Tábula), La Calórica (Fairfly) and Dora Cantero (El tiempo de las tortugas - "The time of the turtles").

The Andalusian companies La Zaranda, Las Niñas de Cádiz and Truca will stage their shows La batalla de los ausentes (" The battle of the absent"), Las bingueras de Eurípides ("Euripides' Bingo Players") and Sopla!("Blow!"), respectively. From the Basque Country come Tanttaka Teatroa (Sexpiertos) and Mar-Mar Teatro (Tarzán); from the Valencian Community Leamok (Hanle) and Lucas Escobedo (Paüra), and from the Balearic Islands, the company Des Tro will participate with its show Poi.

The Canarian representation included in the programme is formed by Bypass (El sonajero de polichinela - "Polichinela's rattle") and Abubukaka (El nombre de la rosa - "The name of the rose"), Daniel Morales (Somnus), Paloma Hurtado (Origánika) and Cyrano (Mararía).

The companies that will star in the first two months of this season are: Leamok, performing in Tacoronte (7 October), Los Realejos (8 October) and Arona (14 October), Gato Sa, presenting their show in Adeje (21 October), University of La Laguna (Paraninfo, 22 October), Los Realejos (28 October), Hugo & Inés with four performances in Tacoronte (28 October), Adeje (29 October), Arona (4 November) and Los Realejos (5 November).

La Zaranda will start the tour in Los Realejos (11 November), to continue in Arona (12 November), El Sauzal (18 November) and University of La Laguna (Paraninfo, 19 November). String Theatre will perform in Candelaria (18 November), Tacoronte (20 November), Los Realejos (26 November) and Adeje (27 November). The performances by Bypass will be held at the University of La Laguna (Paraninfo, 26 November), in El Sauzal (27 November), Adeje (3 December) and Los Realejos (4 December), and Tanttaka Teatroa will perform Sexpiertos in El Sauzal (26 November) and at the University of La Laguna (Paraninfo, 27 November).

The activities of this project, which also includes workshops, talks and events with the participating companies, will be announced by each stage space through their normal formats. The first show will be on 7 October in Tacoronte with Hanle, by the company Leamok. The complete schedule of all the shows is also in the Performing arts section of the website of the Auditorio de Tenerife.

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ˋThe very last northern white rhinoˊ, by the Argentinean choreographer Gaston Core with the dancer and model Oulouy, will take place this Friday


The festival FAM Otoño shows on Friday [the 30th Sept.] at 8 p.m. at the Espacio La Granja the solo The very last northern white rhino, by the Argentinean choreographer Gaston Core. The dance programme of Auditorio de Tenerife, a cultural venue linked to the Department of Culture of the Tenerife Island Council that is managed by its island's Minister of Culture, Enrique Arriaga, proposes this show starring the Ivorian model and dancer Oulouy.

This piece emerged out of the news of the death of the last northern white rhino, leaving a mother and its daughter as the last members of its species, with no chance of continuing. When New York Times reporter Sam Anderson learned of the death of the last male northern white rhino, he flew to Kenya to spend a week with the only survivors of the species. 

Two females, mother and daughter, entered what is known as "functional extinction: when they die, the lineage will have ended. Anderson describes the daily life of Fatu and Najin who, indifferent to their fate, graze under the sun of the reserve where they will be kept safe from poachers until their death. 

This image highlights life for life's sake since the only function of these individuals is to live and account for a species that is already a part of the past. Gaston Core imagines these hulking mammals as terribly fragile: their bodies as irreplaceable as pieces from a living museum. 

Knowing that the northern white rhino will disappear with them, we no longer see just a safari animal but a terrifyingly human creature that confronts us with ourselves. For Core, "the fact that they are and occupy space is a testimony that makes the individual a symbol of his species; man, a symbol of man”. 

Through formal research on different styles of urban dance, Core offers in this piece the image of the man who dances until exhaustion because there is, perhaps, nothing else that can be done. In other words, this piece presents dance as excess, as a celebration stemming from life.

“This image of the last two northern white rhinos brought me much peace at a time of great uncertainty for the world, like when at the end of "Melancholia" by Lars Von Trier, Kirsten Dunst's character builds the structure of a tipi without walls to take refuge with her nephew and sister and wait for the meteorite to collide with the Earth.

On 21 October at 7:30 p.m. the next appointment to enjoy the Arts and Movement Festival will take place at the Castillo Hall (Sala Castillo) of the Auditorio de Tenerife, staging the scenic work Parece nada (Not at all), by Guillermo Weickert. Based on an attempt to place the organ of perception (the eyes) as the perceived object (viewed), he proposes an exercise of taking another look at the stage, those who inhabit it and their movements as a testing ground.

FAM (Arts and Movement Festival), a proposal of Auditorio de Tenerife and a commitment to Spanish contemporary dance, comes alongside the artistic circuit supported by the National Institute of Performing Arts and Music (INAEM) and developed by the Spanish Network of Theatres: Danza a Escena 2022.

The tickets are available on the website, at the auditorium's box office or by dialling the phone number 902 317 327 from Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 05:00 p.m., Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 02:00 p.m. Some shows have age recommendations, which can be consulted on the website. Check the special discounts for the audience under 30 years of age, students, unemployed and large families.

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The pianist Andrei Korobeinikov will be the guest soloist for this occasion and will sign his first performance with the Council orchestra


Today (Tuesday 27) the Tenerife Symphony Orchestra started rehearsals ahead of the concert that is staging this Friday (30th) at 7:30 p.m., in the Auditorio de Tenerife in a program formed by works by Mahler, Saint-Säens, Ravel and Strauss that will address five different interpretations of death. The work sessions were affected by adverse weather which prevented the guest conductor, Jaume Santonja from landing on the island. In this third concert of the 2022-2023 season, the orchestra will perform Totentanz by Franz List for the first time, which will involve the participation of the pianist Andrei Korobeinikov as a soloist. 

The concert will begin with Totenfeier, the symphonic poem in C minor for orchestra by Gustav Mahler. Written in 1897 based on the verses of the Pole Adam Mickiewicz, the Austro-Bohemian composer describes a shadowy journey through the deepest doubts of human beings faced with this inescapable event.

Totentanz, S. 126, fantasy for piano and orchestra, is an unprecedented register in the history of the Tenerife Symphony Orchestra. Written over almost 20 years by Franz List, this musical score recreates, in a hypnotic atmosphere, the fatal attraction that all human beings experience towards death. Even in its gloomy development, the demanding technical mastery of playing the piano stands out, which will contribute flashes of light through a range of colour, texture and expressiveness.

In the second part of the concert, the orchestra will begin with Danse macabre, op. 40 by Camille Saint-Säens, a piece based on a medieval tradition that represented death dancing with different people from the wealthiest classes to remind them that the end will be the same for everyone. Premiered in Paris in 1875, the violin solo known in the Middle Ages and in the Baroque period as “diabolus in musica”, announces the start of a macabre instrumental choreography. 

Pavane pour une infante dèfunte, by Maurice Ravel, is the fourth piece of the evening. In it, the French composer looks at the music of the Spanish court during the Baroque period. He used it as inspiration to recreate the Pavane dance, a slow processional dance that enjoyed great popularity between the 16th and 17th centuries with simple writing that isn't however lacking the modernity, colour and elegance of Ravel.

The concert will end with Death and Transfiguration, TrV 158, op. 24 by Richard Strauss, a symphonic poem written when he was barely 24 years old and in which he addresses the last living moments of a person. The composition evokes how the main events in life pass before their eyes, from the innocence from childhood, to the suffering of adulthood, leading to a Moderato that represents the eagerly-awaited entry into a life beyond the physical world.                                                                                                                     

The conductor Jaume Santonja, recently named associate conductor of the Basque National Orchestra

 and Principal Guest Conductor of the Milan Symphony Orchestra is once again conducting with the Tenerife Symphony Orchestra after his last appearance on 4 June last year. Santonja has also raised the baton in front of the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra as an assistant conductor, and he is also regularly invited to conduct the main Spanish groups, such as the National Orchestra and Choir of Madrid, Euskadiko Orkestra, Philharmonic Orchestra of Málaga, Royal Philharmonic Orchestra of Galicia or the Orchestra of Valencia. 

Internationally, he has also recorded his presence in renowned groups, for example, the Symphony Orchestra of Milan LaVerdi, Philharmonic Orchestra of South Holland, Belgrade Philharmonic Orchestra, Orchestra of Opera North (Leeds) and the Antwerp Symphony Orchestra.

In 2020 the Valencian maestro participated in the exclusive masterclasses of Iván Fischer and the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra of Amsterdam after a selection process among the most promising conductors. 

The guest conductor for this concert, Andrei Korobeinikov, took his first piano classes when he was barely five years old, and gave his first performance just three years later. After graduating from the Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatory, he received the distinction of “Best Musician of the Decade”, he completed his studies with a postgraduate degree at the Royal College of Music in London.

More than 20 international awards stand out in his musical career, notably including First Prize in the Scriabin International Piano Competition in Moscow and Second Prize and Audience Prize in the Rachmaninov International Piano Competition in Los Angeles (2005). 

He currently performs with the world's main orchestras, such as the BBC Symphony Orchestra, Budapest Festival Orchestra, Konzerthausorchester Berlin, NHK Symphony Orchestra, St. Petersburg Philharmonic Orchestra, Orchestre National de France, Orchestre de Paris and the Wiener Symphoniker.

The tickets for this third concert of the season can be purchased until the day of the concert on the website web, at the auditorium's box office and by dialling the phone number 902 317 327 from Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

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Suspendido el concierto 'Cyberpunk Remastered (Vol. 2)–El alma de la máquina' y el espectáculo de danza 'Cossoc'


En base a la alerta máxima decretada por el Gobierno de Canarias, Auditorio de Tenerife suspende la actividad programada para el sábado 24 de septiembre, que incluye el concierto Cyberpunk Remastered (Vol. 2)–El alma de la máquina y el espectáculo de danza al aire libre Cossoc, de Magí Serra & Anamaria Klajnšček. Además, quedan igualmente suspendidos en lo que dure la alerta los servicios de Auditorio de Tenerife: cafetería, parking, taquilla y recepción.


La devolución del importe de las entradas de Cyberpunk Remastered (Vol. 2)–El alma de la máquina se hará efectiva a partir de la próxima semana de la misma manera en que se realizó la compra sin necesidad de solicitarlo. Si las localidades fueron adquiridas online por nuestra web o en taquilla por datáfono, la devolución se hará automáticamente en la misma cuenta bancaria; en cambio, si la compra se llevó a cabo con dinero en efectivo, tendrá que acudir a taquilla cuando termine la alerta en horario de lunes a viernes de 10:00 a 17:00 horas y sábado de 10:00 a 14:00 horas, excepto festivos.


Esta decisión no afecta al concierto Fimucité 16 programado para hoy a las 19:30 horas, Cyberpunk Remastered (Vol. 1)–Manga/Anime, que se desarrollará con normalidad.

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The Catalonia-born dancer Magí Serra and the Slovenian dancer Anamaria Klajnšček present the duet Cossoc at 7:00 p.m.


The Auditorio de Tenerife is a cultural space linked to the Department of Culture of Tenerife Island's Council that is managed by its island's Minister of Culture, Enrique Arriaga. On Saturday 24th of September at 7:00 p.m. it offers a dance duet outdoors within the framework of the FAM Otoño (Autumn Moving Arts Festival). The performance Cossoc takes places outside the cultural centre with free admission until full capacity is reached.

The show by Magí Serra and Anamaría Klajnšček features hypnotic choreography full of suggestive images of what two bodies in constant balance can do. It is a research initiative on the complexity and simplicity of a relationship; a window of observation and curiosity for the viewer; a blurred boundary between public and private.

Establishing an intimate relationship, the two performers form a strong connection; a place where they can challenge their environment and become one with space. The piece brings the public down a path of silence and reflection. Perhaps the piece is nothing more than the search for a place to find yourself easily.

Magí Serra and Anamaria Klajnšček met in 2018 as part of the creative process of Tramaby Roser López Espinosa. In 2019 they began a creative process that ended with the creation of Cossoc in 2021, their first long project thanks to the co-production of the Fair of Tàrrega and El Graner, which emerged out of their shared interest to take dance out of the usual space of a theatre. Since then, they have performed in both international contexts as well as in local programmes for audiences of both adults and children. In addition to the duo, they have created a video dance that is currently touring around different festivals of this kind, and they also do workshops on their partnering proposal.

FAM Otoño is offering several shows that will take place between September and December on the stages of the Auditorium of Tenerife and at the La Granja Space of the Government of the Canary Islands, where the next dance event takes place. It will be on 30 September at 20:00 with the solo The very last northern white rhino, by Gaston Core. Performed by the dancer Oulouy, this piece emerged out of the news of the death of the last northern white rhino, leaving a mother and its daughter as the last members of its species, with no chance of continuing.

The Moving Arts Festival is an initiative by the Auditorium of Tenerife for contemporary Spanish dance, which comes alongside the art circuit promoted by the INAEM (Spanish National Institute for the Performing Arts and Music) and developed by the Spanish Theatre Network: Dance on Stage 2022. All information available at

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The programme will feature musicians Marco Rizzi, Ana Liz Ojeda, Julia Gartemann, Macarena Pesutic and Enrico Bronzi


The Auditorio de Tenerife is a cultural space linked to the Department of Culture of Tenerife Island's Council that is managed by its island's Minister of Culture, Enrique Arriaga. On Thursday 22nd of September at 7:30 p.m. it offers a concert by the Tenerife Viola Masterclass Ensemble. The programme takes place at the Chamber Hall with works by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Antonín Dvořák.

One hour before, at 6:30 p.m., there will be a prior presentation that will provide context for the group and the programme to be performed. It will be given by Juana María Bolaños Polegre, a pupil in the Department of Musicology at the Higher Conservatoire of Music of the Canaries, and it will take place in the Avenida Hall, next to the Chamber Hall, with free entry until the capacity is full.

The quintet will be formed by Marco Rizzi, a prize-winner at prestigious international competitions such as the Tchaikovsky and Queen Elizabeth competitions, and now a professor in the Telefónica Chair of Violin of the Reina Sofía Higher School of Music in Madrid. Also, Ana Liz Ojeda, a violinist in the Accademia Bizantina since 2012 and a specialist in the historically-informed performance of the repertoire of the 17th and 18th centuries. 

On the viola will be Julia Gartemann, professor at the Hochschule für Musik Hanns Eisler and member of the Berlin Philharmonic since 2000; and Macarena Pesutic, artistic director of the Tenerife Viola Masterclass, winner of the RWE Competition in Leipzig and of the Music Teachers National Association, and professor at the Higher Conservatoire of Music of the Canaries since 2005. The quintet is completed by Enrico Bronzi, cellist in the Trio di Parma and professor at the Universität Mozarteum in Salzburg since 2007.

The first part of the programme will be the String Quintet No.4 in G minor, K.516 by Mozart, composed in 1787. Bolaños states that “it is divided into four movements, imbued with an unsettled, dramatic and melancholic character, except for the allegro of the fourth movement, in the form of a relaxed rondo and G major, that the work finishes in”. Mozart was a pioneer in the creation of music for this chamber group, most common in the 19th and 20th centuries. 

After the interval, there will be a performance of Dvořák in E-flat major, Op. 97, in memory of his days in Spillville, Iowa, where he came into contact with the music of the Native Americans, as reflected in the marked rhythmic character of the work and in the occasional use of pentatonic scales. “With certain connections to the New World Symphony and the American Quartet, composed that same year, Dvořák gives the viola a key role in the most lyrical moments of the work, as well as its solo opening” analyses the pupil from the Conservatoire.

The tickets can be purchased at a single price of €15 on the website, at the auditorium's box office or by dialling the phone number 902 317 327 from Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. There are special discounts for the audience under 30 years of age, students, unemployed and large families.

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‘Al son de Cervantes’, ‘El pájaro de fuego’ y ‘Cuadros de una exposición’ conforman la propuesta didáctica prevista para esta temporada 


Las entradas para asistir a cualquiera de los tres conciertos familiares de Sinfónica de Tenerife previstos para la temporada 2022-2023 ya se encuentran a la venta. Al son de Cervantes, El pájaro de fuego y Cuadros de una exposición conforman la propuesta de la orquesta para esta fórmula de difusión y aproximación a la música clásica con una oferta orientada para todos los públicos.

Todas las citas tendrán lugar en el Auditorio de Tenerife el 19 de noviembre, el 11 de febrero y el 20 de mayo, respectivamente; contando con el guion y la narración de Ana Hernández Sanchiz.

Un ensemble de cuerda de la Sinfónica de Tenerife abordará Al son de Cervantes”, una propuesta con música de Georg Philipp Telemann y Jean Baptiste Lully que retata, en clave de humor, las peripecias de La Cervantona y El Cervantillo a través de diferentes episodios de El Quijote.

Esta primera cita tendrá lugar en la Sala de Cámara y contempla dos funciones, la primera a las 11:00 horas, especialmente indicada para bebés y menores de 3 años. Las entradas para esta función solo se podrán comprar en la taquilla del Auditorio. A las 12:30 horas será la segunda función orientada al público infantil mayor de 3 años.

Bajo la dirección de Ignacio García-Vidal, la Sinfónica de Tenerife interpretará el próximo 11 de febrero de 2023 El pájaro de fuego. Un relato visual, ambientado musicalmente con la suite homónima de Igor Stravinski, que cuenta con la colaboración del Centro Internacional de Danza de Tenerife, para narrar las aventuras de la princesa Zarevna y el príncipe Iván. Este concierto, recomendado para familias con niños mayores de 6 años, tendrá lugar en la Sala Sinfónica a las 12:00 horas.

La directora Jhoanna Sierralta se pone al frente de la formación insular para interpretar Cuadros de una exposición, un viaje sonoro con música de Modest Mussorgsky que recorrerá reconocidas propuestas plásticas de diferentes épocas, elaboradas por alumnado de Educación Secundaria. Esta última propuesta tendrá lugar el 20 de mayo a las 12:00 horas en la Sala Sinfónica y está orientado para familias con niños mayores de 9 años.

Las entradas para asistir a estos Conciertos en Familia podrán adquirirse a través de la página web, en la taquilla del propio recinto cultural del Cabildo o de forma teléfonica en el 902 317 327, de lunes a viernes de 10:00 a 17:00 horas, y sábados de 10:00 a 14:00 horas.

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The tickets are sold out for this show titled ˋTRES de ballet triádicoˊ that takes place in a set that resembles an iglu


The Auditorio de Tenerife is a cultural venue linked to the Department of Culture of Tenerife Island Council that is managed by the island's Minister of Culture Enrique Arriaga. On Saturday, 17 September, the venue launches the theatre festival FAM Otoño with the company Taiat Dansa. The Valencia company presents TRES de Ballet Triádico. Both sessions (at 6 pm and 8 pm) of this immersive show take place in a set that resembles an iglu. The tickets for both performances are sold out. 

Through this piece, Meritxell Barberá & Inma García, choreographers from the company, tackle their desire to explore the possibilities and the visual, aesthetic, spatial, and performance revolution behind Oskar Schlemmer's Triadic Ballet (he is a German artist related to the Bauhaus School. The idea is to propose a new, contemporary view of this emblematic cog of the history of art - something which was crucial for the visual arts but had little influence on the history of dance, choreography, and the moving arts.

The term triadic is related to number three, the most important and dominant number according to Oskar Schlemmer, who defends that the concept of "the collective" begins with this number after overcoming the self and the concept of "dualism". That is exactly the point that the choreographers of Taiat hash out alongside Brazilian choreographer Ismael Ivo and Frenchman Rachid Ouramdane, bringing us a piece directed by Taiat Dansa but choreographed by the three parties in which each one is in charge of a choreographic sequence so as to compose the three parts of this performance.

Three dancers, three choreographers, and three sequences on stage. Shape, colour, space. The three dimensions of the space: height, width, and depth. The basic shapes: sphere, cube, and pyramid. Three colours: yellow, pink, and black. Dance, costumes, and music. All of these are the ingredients featured in TRES de Ballet Triádico.

The piece has the same length as the original ballet, that is 40 minutes. It can be seen in two different performances in small groups of people who will be seated on cushions at floor level, accessing the space that the company has designed to contain and recreate its version of the triadic ballet.

The theatre festival FAM Otoño offers seven shows that will take place between September and December on the stages of the Auditorio de Tenerife and the Espacio La Granja. The next dance event takes place outside the Auditorio de Tenerife at 7:00 p.m. with the proposal by the Catalan dancer Magí Serra and the Slovenian dancer Anamaria Klajnšček. Cossoc is a dance duet, a hypnotic choreography which displays the complexity and simplicity of a relationship.

FAM (Arts and Movement Festival), a proposal of Auditorio de Tenerife and a commitment to Spanish contemporary dance, comes alongside the artistic circuit supported by the National Institute of Performing Arts and Music (INAEM) and developed by the Spanish Network of Theatres: Danza a Escena 2022.

Tickets are available on the website, at the auditorium's box office or by dialling the phone number 902 317 327 from Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 05:00 p.m., Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 02:00 p.m. Some shows have age recommendations, which can be consulted on the website. Check the special discounts for the audience under 30 years of age, students, unemployed and large families.

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The activity, which is taking place in eleven municipalities, will begin in October and run until June


The Theatre Schools programme (Escuelas de Teatro) of the Auditorio de Tenerife, a cultural space linked to the Department of Culture of Tenerife Island Council that is managed by the island's Minister of Culture Enrique Arriaga, is ending the enrolment period for the 2022-2023 year on 30 September. The municipalities participating in this programme are Adeje, Arona, Candelaria, El Rosario, El Sauzal, Granadilla de Abona, Guía de Isora, La Laguna, La Orotava, Santa Úrsula and Tegueste. 

For this school year, there are four offers according to the student's ages: Groups A (from 7 to 11 years of age), Groups B (from 12 to 14 years of age), Groups C (from 15 to 17 years of age) and Groups D (over 18 years). The subjects taught, with a fun methodology, are Bodily expression, Oral expression, History of theatre, Stage performance and practice. All activities will be carried out in groups with a maximum of 15 pupils, from Monday to Friday in the afternoon and will begin in the first week of October.

The Learning and Social Programme of Auditorio de Tenerife offers theatre courses that are held in collaboration with the island's municipalities. They take place in educational and cultural centres during the school year and offer theatrical training to children, youth and adults. The aim is to foster a quality artistic hobby and to contribute to the cultural development of the social environment. All teachers have a degree in performing arts by the school of performing arts of the Canary Islands (Escuela de Actores de Canarias). 

To register in one of the theatre schools of the island network it is not necessary to have any prior knowledge or special skills and it can be done through the website

Theatre is important to contributing to the cultural identity of a community, it nurtures expressive values for interpersonal relations and encourages social participation. Likewise, it provides resources and tools that are useful for coping with real life (overcoming shyness, the ability to talk in public, assimilation of the feeling of a social role...). Theatre also boosts social skills that are acquired with group work, such as cooperation, tolerance, responsibility, respect and solidarity.

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El director Jean-Claude Casadesus y el violinista Dmitri Makhtin se estrenan este viernes con la orquesta


La Sinfónica de Tenerife aborda su segundo concierto de la temporada 2022-2023 bajo la dirección del director Jean-Claude Casadesus y con la participación del violinista Dmitri Makhtin como solista invitado, ambos firman su primera aparición con la orquesta. El encuentro será el viernes [día 16], a las 19:30 horas, en el Auditorio de Tenerife y contará con un programa de corte romántico compuesto por obras de Bruch y Berlioz. 

La cita comenzará con el Concierto para violín y orquesta nº 1 en Sol menor, op. 26, de Max Bruch. Esta pieza estrenada en 1868 es una de las más conocidas del repertorio del autor alemán y está impregnada por los principales aspectos estéticos del género romántico. El violín acapara toda la atención en el desarrollo de una partitura que lo lleva desde un monólogo intimista hasta su plena fusión con la orquesta.

La segunda parte del concierto permitirá escuchar la interpretación de la Sinfonía fantástica, op. 14 de Hector Berlioz. Esta composición en cinco movimientos se ha considerado como el primer ejemplo de música programática. La obra estrenada en 1830 describe el amor en un periplo de emociones que ronda la psicodelia, debido a la naturaleza alucinatoria y soñadora de su escritura.

El director parisino Jean-Claude Casadesus estudió dirección orquestal con Pierre Boulez y lleva más de cuarenta años vinculado a la Orchestre National de Lille. Un trabajo que alterna con diferentes compromisos internacionales, como la dirección artística del Lille Piano(s) Festival, la dirección de la Asociación «Musique Nouvelle en Liberté» o el European TransSiberian Festival.  

Antes de crear junto con Pierre Dervaux, la Orchestre des Pays de la Loire, fue el director musical del Châtelet de París, además de haber ostentado el cargo de director titular de la Ópera de París y de la Opéra-Comique. En su recorrido profesional ha participado con la Orchestre National de France y la Orchestre de Paris, entre otras formaciones de prestigio internacional.

Su trabajo ha sido reconocido por numerosos premios, como: Commandeur de la Légion d'Honneur, Grand Officier de l'Ordre national du Mérite, Commandeur des Arts et Lettres, Commandeur de l'Ordre d'Orange-Nassau, Officier de l'Ordre de Léopold de Belgique, Chevalier des Palmes académiques.  En la edición de 2004 de Victoires de la Musique, recibió un Victoire d’honneur.

El violinista Dmitri Makhtin comenzó su educación musical con apenas cuatro años y en 1981 fue admitido en la Escuela de Música para niños especialmente dotados. En 1989, se alzó con el primer premio del concurso de violinistas rusos y en 1997 debuta con la Orquesta Sinfónica Estatal Rusa, dirigida por Yevgeny Svetlanov.

Desde ese momento, el intérprete ruso ha intervenido con diferentes agrupaciones orquestales, entre las que destacan las filarmónicas de Montecarlo, Marsella, Hong Kong, Ciudad de Praga, Radio France y San Petersburgo; sinfónicas de la Radio Sueca, Euskadi, Singapur, Marsella, San Sebastián y Dallas.

Makhtin se ha alzado como ganador de varios premios en diferentes citas internacionales como las de Montreal, Pretoria, Tibor Varga o Paganini. Es habitual en festivales de prestigio y actúa en las principales salas de conciertos: Palacio de las Bellas Artes de Bruselas, Lincoln Center de Nueva York, Filarmónica de San Petersburgo, Tivoli Vredenburg de Utrecht, Museo Pushkin de Moscú, el Concertgebouw de Amsterdam, entre otros. 

Las entradas para esta cita podrán adquirirse hasta el mismo día del concierto, a través de la página web, en la taquilla del propio recinto cultural del Cabildo o de forma teléfonica en el 902 317 327, de lunes a viernes de 10:00 a 17:00 horas, y sábados de 10:00 a 14:00 horas.

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