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El concierto de este viernes [día 21] contará como solista con la violinista Viviane Hagner y será dirigido por Karl-Heinz Steffens   



La Sinfónica de Tenerife, proyecto que depende del área de Cultura del Cabildo que gestiona el consejero Enrique Arriaga, traza en su nuevo concierto de temporada tres formas de tematizar la burguesía a través de la música. El programa, integrado por obras de  Mozart,  Prokófiev y Strauss, estará conducido por Karl-Heinz Steffens este viernes [día 21], a las 19:30 horas, en Auditorio de Tenerife y contará la presencia como solista invitada de la violinista Viviane Hagner, quien debuta con la orquesta.

El director alemán se reencuentra con la Sinfónica de Tenerife en esta nueva cita para la que ha preparado un repertorio que nos permitirá escuchar, en primer lugar, la obertura de Las bodas de Fígaro de Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791). La pieza, preludio de la ópera estrenada en Viena en 1876, guarda una perfecta adaptación musical y expresiva de los dramas que precede: el día loco que van a vivir sus protagonistas. Encierra, además, los “aspectos clave de la burguesía emergente del siglo XVIII” que aparecen en la ópera, según la autora de las notas al programa, Marina Hervás: “los asaltos privados a las buenas maneras, la hipocresía de los cotilleos y los líos amorosos y la arbitrariedad de haber nacido sirvientes o amos”.

Si algo caracteriza a la música de Serguéi Prokófiev (1891-1953) es su sarcasmo y viveza, especialmente antes de la etapa prerrevolucionaria. Después de su regreso a la Unión Soviética en los años 30 se volvió más moderada y lírica, convencional. En esa época la doctrina de Stalin obliga a los artistas a alejarse “del servilismo y la sumisión de la cultura burguesa moderna”. El Concierto para violín y orquesta n.º 2 en Sol menor fue estrenado en 1935 en Madrid, durante una gira que el músico ruso efectuó acompañado por el violinista Robert Soetens. Se trata de una pieza que suena al gusto del “realismo socialista” ruso, pero que también revela el sonido personal de Prokófiev.

Uno de los principales atractivos de este concierto inspirado en los enfoques que diferentes compositores han hecho de la burguesía es la suite para orquesta El burgués gentilhombre de Richard Strauss (1864-1949). Fue compuesta inicialmente para acompañar la representación de la comedia homónima de Molière, y que esta tuviera lugar antes de Ariadne auf Naxos. Tras el fracaso que obtuvo, Strauss decidió convertirla en suite. La partitura, centrada en la burla por los deseos del ascenso de la clase media de la época, utiliza elementos para desconcertar y divertir al oyente.

Karl-Heinz Steffens es director musical de la Orquesta de la Ópera Estatal de Praga y recientemente ha sido nombrado director principal y asesor artístico de la Norrköping Symphony Orchestra. Considerado un director sobresaliente tanto en el mundo operístico como en el sinfónico, ha trabajado con orquestas como la Sinfónica de la Radio de Baviera, Filarmónica de Berlín, Filarmónica de Múnich, Royal Stockholm Philharmonic, BBC Scottish Simphony, City of Birmingham y orquesta de la Tonhalle de Zúrich.

La violinista Viviane Hagner ha recibido elogios por su musicalidad y maestría desde su debut internacional con solo 12 años. Hagner ha actuado con las mejores orquestas del mundo incluyendo la Filarmónica de Berlín, Orquestas Sinfónicas de Boston y Chicago, Orquesta de Cleveland, Gewandhaus de Leipzig, New York Philharmonic y Philharmonia Orchestra, junto a directores como Ashkenazy, Barenboim, Eschenbach y Salonen. En su trayectoria, ha adquirido una profundidad y madurez en su forma de tocar que se refleja en su presencia serena y su magnífica seguridad en el escenario. Además de su aproximación profunda al repertorio clásico, Viviane Hagner es una gran defensora de las músicas nuevas, olvidadas y desconocidas, y está igualmente comprometida con la música de cámara.

Las entradas se pueden adquirir hasta dos horas antes del concierto en la página web, en taquilla de Auditorio con cita previa y de forma telefónica en el 902 317 327 de lunes a viernes de 10:00 a 17:00 horas y sábados de 10:00 a 14:00 horas, excepto festivos. Para disfrutar de esta experiencia cultural, es necesario llegar al recinto con antelación suficiente para realizar una entrada escalonada a la sala. La compra de las entradas supone la aceptación de las medidas implementadas por el centro cultural del Cabildo para hacer frente a la COVID-19, como el uso de la mascarilla o la asistencia solo con convivientes. Las medidas al completo, así como el plan de contingencia certificado por AENOR, se pueden consultar en la web del Auditorio.

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The bands feature the eighth concert of the musical cycle ‘Primavera Musical’



The Auditorio de Tenerife is a cultural space linked to the Department of Culture of Tenerife Island Council that is managed by the islands’ Minister of Culture Enrique Arriaga. On Sunday, 16 May from 11:30 am, the eighth concert of the Primavera Musical cycle will be held at the Auditorium's Chamber Hall with the bands of Tejina, Icod de los Vinos and Santiago del Teide. Tickets for this concert are sold out.

The ‘San Sebastián, de Tejina’ ensemble, under the direction of Juan Antonio Domínguez, will open the concert with the pasodoble Cien años de suspiros, by Santiago Arnaldo Quinto Serna. They continue with the overture Four Winds, by Robert Sheldon, and Bohemian Rapsody, by Freddie Mercury and arranged by Philip Sparke.

The band ‘José Cabrera Mejías’, of Icod de los Vinos, presents three pieces under the direction of Juan Alexis González: Gallito, by Santiago Lope Gonzalo; Cordillera de los Andes, by Arie Malandro arranged by Kee Vlak, and Agüero, by José Franco.

The band ‘Agrupación Musical Santiago del Teide’ plays third during this Sunday concert. Jorge Pujol conducts the interpretation of Montana Fanfare, by Thomas Doss; Pasodoble Rafael, Paco and Antonio José, by Ferrer Ferrán to conclude with Dúo Dinámico, by Azael Tormo.

The cycle Primavera Musical is an initiative by the federation 'Federación Tinerfeña de Bandas de Música' and the collaboration of Tenerife Island Council. During this seventeenth edition, 36 music bands will play at the Auditorio de Tenerife. With the three bands scheduled for this Sunday, some twenty-three groups will have played at the Cabildo's cultural venue. The remaining 13 bands will continue offering concerts on 23 and 30 May, on 12 June (Symphonic Hall) and on 13 June. On that last day, a morning session will be featured in the Chamber Hall and an afternoon concert will be given in the Symphony Hall. Performances in the Chamber Hall will take place at 11:30 a.m. and those in the Symphony Hall will begin at 6:00 p.m.

By purchasing tickets, you accept the measures implemented by the cultural centre to combat Coronavirus, such as the correct use of masks and attendance to the event only with people you live with. All of the measures, as well as the contingency plan certified by AENOR, can be consulted on the Auditorium’s website.

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Educational sessions begin and are complemented by a sold-out family concert



The Symphony Orchestra of Tenerife is a project of the Island Council’s Department of Culture which is directed by Enrique Arriaga. This Thursday, 13 May, it held the first socio-educational concert of a series prepared for this week. Under the title ‘Beethoven and other heroes’, the concert also takes place on Friday, 14 May, in the Auditorium's Symphony Hall.

Some 250 secondary education schoolchildren and vulnerable groups of nine educational centres will participate in this live music experience. The story, through live music, revolves around heroic characters with a desire for freedom. Irene Gómez Calado conducts the work of the German composer accompanied by the narration of Ana Hernández Sanchiz.

This proposal is part of the Island Council’s commitment to offering a first-class cultural programme within the reach of society as a whole. Its performance is open to the general public through the family concert, which takes place on Saturday, 15 May, on the same stage. There will be a single performance at 12:00 noon, and the tickets are sold out. 

Through didactic recitals, the Symphony Orchestra of Tenerife continues its socio-educational work aimed at the most vulnerable groups and schoolchildren. Some 250 students are expected to see this performance during the two didactic sessions. Specifically, secondary school pupils from Teobaldo Power, Benito Pérez Armas and El Sobradillo secondary schools will attend the concert. Other groups will also join the concert: Orobal (Arona), Centro Probosco (La Orotava), San Juan de Dios (Santa Cruz), Asociación Canaria del Trastorno del Espectro del Autismo APANATE (La Laguna), Asociación Asperger Islas Canarias ASPERCAN (La Laguna) and Fundación Tutelar Sonsoles Soriano (Santa Cruz).

The symphonic narration by Ana Hernández Sanchiz will focus on the compositions of Ludwig van Beethoven. The narrator brings us closer to heroic characters who fight for human values and their community. They are characterised by a combination of Beethoven's own passionate spirit and tenderness. The programme will thus be made up of the overtures Coriolanus, Egmont and Leonora 3. The three characters represent the moral principles of the struggle for freedom. 

The concert is completed with Symphony No. 3, also called "The Heroic". At first, this legend-laden work was dedicated to Bonaparte. However, when Napoleon had himself crowned emperor, Beethoven crossed out the name.

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The event takes place on Saturday at 6 p.m. with percussion groups, chamber music and a chamber orchestra



The Auditorio de Tenerife is a cultural space linked to the Department of Culture of Tenerife Island Council that is managed by the islands’ Minister of Culture Enrique Arriaga. On Saturday, 15 May at 6:00 pm, it hosts a concert by the students of Tenerife's Conservatory of Music, the ‘Conservatorio Profesional de Música de Santa Cruz de Tenerife’. The free tickets are available on the website 

Three groups will play during this concert: chamber music with percussion, chamber music and chamber orchestra. The programme will start with a percussion ensemble comprised of eight musicians and the teacher, Emilio Díaz. It will be followed by chamber music ensembles: a clarinet and piano trio; a clarinet, voice and piano trio and a brass quartet. The concert will close with a chamber orchestra comprised of 15 students under the direction of Giovanni Déniz.

As part of the educational project, Tenerife's Music Conservatory encourages its students to participate in activities outside the institution. For this reason, several concerts of this kind are held in the Auditorio de Tenerife on an annual basis. Through these initiatives, the Conservatory wants to show the level and work carried out by the students and teachers.

By purchasing tickets, even free tickets, you accept the measures implemented by the cultural centre to combat Coronavirus, such as the correct use of masks and attendance to the event only with people you live with. All of the measures, as well as the contingency plan certified by AENOR, can be checked on the Auditorium’s website.

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Este cambio está certificado por AENOR y va en consonancia con la normativa del Gobierno de Canarias



RRSS AFORO Mesa de trabajo 1Auditorio de Tenerife aumenta el aforo de sus espectáculos, siguiendo con la normativa del Gobierno de Canarias y con la aprobación de AENOR, que certifica nuestro Plan de contingencia contra la COVID-19. Este incremento supone un 40 por ciento de ocupación de nuestras salas.

Por eso, ahora el plano de la venta de los espectáculos es fijo y, cuando se realice la compra, el usuario tendrá que elegir entre una o dos butacas prefijadas y distribuidas por la sala previamente. Además, para los espectáculos familiares habilitaremos grupos de butacas de uno, dos, tres y cuatro asientos. Si en algún momento quiere comprar una entrada individual y ya se han agotado las butacas prefijadas, pónganse en contacto con la taquilla.

Para cualquier duda en el proceso de compra puede escribir a This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. o llamar al teléfono 922 568 625 de lunes a viernes de 10:00 a 14:00 horas, excepto festivos.

Este cambio se produce después de once meses en los que Auditorio de Tenerife ha podido garantizar una programación cultural estable y segura.

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The three silver bands feature this new event of the "Primavera Musical" cycle



The Auditorio de Tenerife is a cultural space linked to the Department of Culture of Tenerife Island Council that is managed by the islands’ Minister of Culture Enrique Arriaga. On Sunday, 9 April from 11:30 am, the seventh concert of the Primavera Musical cycle will be held at the Auditorium's Chamber Hall with the bands of Garachico, Tejina and Tacoronte. Tickets for this concert are sold out.

The concert starts with the Garachico ensemble directed by Antonio Gutiérrez León. Their repertoire consists of Carmesina, by Manuel Morales Martínez; Pacific Dreams, by Jacob de Haan, and Solamente una vez, by Agustín Lara and arranged by Robert Longfield.

The music ensemble Agrupación Cultural Musical Crearte of Tejina attends the venue directed by Cristina Doro García. The band will play Ateneo musical, by Mariano Puig; Ammerland, by Jacob de Haan, and Amapola, by José María Lacalle, arranged by Naohiro Iwai.

The concert concludes with the ensemble Santa Cecilia, of Tacoronte directed by Antonio Ordóñez Abreu. The concert starts with the Theme from Jurassic Park, by John Williams, it continues with The Avengers, by Alan Silvestre, En un mercado persa, by Albert Ketelbey and El relicario, by José Padilla.

The seventeenth edition of Primavera Musical is organised by the federation ‘Federación Tinerfeña de Bandas de Música’ with the collaboration of Tenerife Island Council. This edition has foreseen that 36 ensembles play part of their repertoires at the Auditorium. With the three bands scheduled for this Sunday, some twenty groups will have played at the Cabildo's cultural venue. The remaining 16 bands will continue offering concerts on 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30 May, on 12 June (Symphonic Hall) and on 13 June. On that last day, a morning session will be held in the Chamber Hall and an afternoon concert will be given in the Symphony Hall. Performances in the Chamber Hall will take place at 11:30 a.m. and those in the Symphony Hall will begin at 6:00 p.m.

By purchasing tickets, you accept the measures implemented by the Island Council’s cultural centre to combat Coronavirus, such as the correct use of masks and attendance to the event only with people you live with. All of the measures, as well as the contingency plan certified by AENOR, can be checked on the Auditorium’s website.

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The Auditorium's Educational and Social programme offers three performances for the island’s pupils and their relatives



The Auditorio de Tenerife is a space linked to the Department of Culture of Tenerife Island Council that is managed by the islands’ Minister of Culture Enrique Arriaga. This week, it offers the educational programme Manos a la Ópera (Get the Opera Rolling) where 60 schoolchildren from Pre-Primary Education take part. Children interpret "The Mini Magic Flute" a retelling of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s (Salzburg, 1756 - Vienna, 1791) classical magical fairy tale. Three performances are offered for pupils from the island and the relatives of the small performers.

During the first performance that took place today 6 May 2021, 40 schoolchildren from the Nursery and Primary School Ernesto Castro Fariñas (Tacoronte), took part. For tomorrow's session, 50 attendees will come from both Nursery and Primary Schools San Benito (La Laguna) and El Tablero (Santa Cruz). The third performance will take place on Saturday with the relatives of the performers as audience.

Manos a la Ópera is an initiative by the Auditorium’s Educational and Social Department. It consists of creating a free version of an original opera made by and for children. The creation process is crucial, as schoolchildren take part in several artistic creative activities, such as literary creation, music, theatre, visual arts, and corporal expression. 

The schoolchildren learn through their own experience. They actively participate in the creation process by adapting and performing the opera. Then, they merge this process into their personal and group imagination. To this end, the programme provides them with workshops to acquire skills and resources. This enables them to appreciate, enjoy, value and produce art. By means of this important tool, curiosity for learning, knowledge of others, of their culture and the merit of collective work are promoted.

The complicity of the educational centres and the involvement of their teaching staff is a key factor to develop this programme. This year the initiative counted with fifteen teachers. Melodie Pérez directed the show with the assistance of Ariadna Simó. Ubaldo Pérez was on charge of the musical and sound creation. For the recording of the demos, he teamed up with Marina Machado and Mauricio di Rado. Marta Delgado was on charge of the set and costume design. In addition, the programme counted with the artistic and technical support of the Auditorium’s staff.

Apart from the performances, a programme and a teaching guide was produced as a resource for both schools and families, which can be downloaded from

The Mini Magic Flute takes place in a distant and rocky country that existed a long time ago. Darkness has taken over the sky since the magician Sarastro took the beautiful princess Pamina away from the Queen of the Night. One day, a boy called Tamino was fighting against a snake when some fairies, accompanied by goblins, managed to scare the monster away. The fairies decided to tell the Queen of the Night how courageous and brave the boy was. The queen decided to entrust him with the liberation of Princess Pamina and, in return, he could marry her. 

Tamino accepted. The fairies gave him a magic flute which had unprecedented and unknown powers that would help him when he needed it. All he had to do was to play a sweet melody and the magic would do the rest. Tamino and Papageno, the kingdom's bird-catcher, set out on a long journey to the Sun Temple, where the magician Sarastro was hiding Pamina. Both adventurers discover that nothing is what it seems: The Queen of the Night holds a dark secret...

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On Friday, 7 May at 6:30 pm, the Auditorium's project shares its experience through the return to this activity.



The Auditorio de Tenerife is a venue linked to the Island's Council Department of Culture that is managed by the island’s minister of culture, Enrique Arriaga. It organises a public event to show the results of the Natura programme as part of its dance project Danza en Comunidad. The participants will share their experiences on Friday, 7 May at 6:30 pm in the Casa de la Cultura in El Rosario. Admission is free until the venue is full. 

The dance project Danza en Comunidad resumed its 2021 activity with Natura, an initiative that offers a space to dance in contact with nature. This initiative has been developed with a dozen participants in different municipal areas of El Rosario. Friday's meeting is the closing event of the programme. The performance will be first shown to municipal senior citizens' groups. 

This exhibition will share the experiences of the last few weeks. During this time, outdoor work has been carried out in which the need for contact with nature has been poetically expressed through Haiku (Japanese poetry writing). These Japanese creations are characterised by their short length. Based on them, the groups have worked with the sensations they suggest bringing them to physical movement.

The project coordinator, Laura Marrero, explains that "from the first session, we realised each participant’s need to reconnect with nature, to introspect". Regarding the implementation of the health measures, the coordinator acknowledges that "it was difficult because it was new in our methodologies. However, the activity was worth being carried out. It gave the participants the chance to explore a much-needed introspection." 

The team of Danza en Comunidad is comprised of the following active professionals in the performing arts and social work: Carmen Macías, Tania Fernández, Cristina Marín and the project coordinator, Laura Marrero.

The project Danza en Comunidad has been developed by the Educational and Social Area of the Auditorio de Tenerife since 2013. It resumed its activity with the collaboration of the INAEM (Spanish Ministry of Culture and Sports) through three actions: Natura, Training of Trainers and Misiva. These last two actions take place from April to July in several municipalities of the island. In all of them, the established preventive and hygienic measures against COVID-19 will be complied with. 

Danza en Comunidad aims to create different means and schedules to make dance available to any person, collective, group or association that needs to work with the tools of a dance professional. The main objective is to create a community that provides mediation and resources for dance and movement. All the information on this project is available on the web site under the section Social Projects of the Educational and Social Area.

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The concert takes place in the Auditorio de Tenerife this Friday, 7 May at 7:30 pm.



The Symphony Orchestra of Tenerife is a project of the Island Council’s Department of Culture which is directed by Enrique Arriaga. This new season’s concert unites two great composers, Dmitri Shostakovich and Edward Elgar, whose Symphony No. 9 and Symphony No. 2 will be performed respectively. Both works bear witness to and reflect the era in which they were created. The concert takes place this Friday, 7 May at 7:30 pm in the Auditorio de Tenerife and will be conducted by Antonio Méndez. 

Dmitri Shostakovich (1906-1975) was considered one of the most popular composers of the mid-20th century. Through his music, the composer was a witness and a chronicler of a time when all artistic expressions were crucial for political power. Against this background, he became a controversial figure that had to show two faces: on the one hand, he was the first author to be trained under the umbrella of the new Soviet regime, exalted and distinguished. On the other hand, in the mid-1930s his career was marked by criticism, harsh calls for order and prohibition. 

His Symphony No. 9 in E flat major, op. 70 belongs to this period. When Shostakovich premiered it, it not only astonished the audience but also kindled the wrath of Stalin, as a grandiose score to celebrate victory at the end of World War II was expected to sound. Yet the result was the shortest and lightest of his 15 symphonies.

Edward Elgar (1857-1934) was a musician associated with the optimism and opulence of the Victorian and Edwardian periods. His work is both ceremonial and sensitive, though steeped in the Germanic tradition. He wrote two symphonies and sketched a third, which he never completed. During the last fifteen years of his life his output declined, partly because, after the First World War, England had nothing to do with the place where he had grown up.

The Symphony No. 2 in E flat major, op. 63 reflects many sides of the composer's character: noble, introverted and confident. Then again, it was created at a time when Elgar was beginning to feel a deep disappointment with the society of his time. He began to write it in 1909 when strong tensions arose and led to the war. He intended to dedicate this symphony to King Edward VII during his lifetime, but the monarch passed away before it was finished. However, in the score there appeared a dedication to "his late Majesty, the King".

Antonio Méndez has been the main conductor of the OST since the 2018/2019 season. He is also one of the most requested and established conductors of his generation; this has enabled him to establish close links with the most important European orchestras. During his distinguished career, he has conducted international ensembles such as Tonhalle-Orchester Zürich, Symphonieorchester des Bayerischen Rundfunks, Mahler Chamber Orchestra, Rotterdam Philharmonic, Danish National Symphony Orchestra, hr-Sinfonieorchester, Royal Stockholm Philharmonic, Staatskapelle Dresden, Scottish Chamber Orchestra, Los Angeles Philharmonic and the Orchestre Philharmonique du Luxembourg.

Tickets can be purchased until two hours before the concert on the website and by dialling the phone number 902 317 327 from Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Saturdays 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The audience is requested to arrive at the venue well in advance to enter the Auditorium in staggered "waves" to enjoy this cultural experience. By purchasing tickets, you accept the measures implemented by the cultural centre to combat COVID-19, such as the correct use of masks and the attendance to the event only with people you live with. All of the measures, as well as the contingency plan certified by AENOR, can be consulted on the Auditorium’s website.

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Next Sunday, the three ensembles will play during the sixth concert of the brass band season 'Primavera Musical'


The Auditorio de Tenerife is a cultural space linked to the Department of Culture of Tenerife Island Council that is managed by the island's Minister of Culture Enrique Arriaga. This Sunday, 2 May, from 11:30, am, the Auditorium's Chamber Hall will host the sixth concert of the season Primavera Musical. On this occasion, the music bands AdejeNuestra Señora de Lourdes (Valle de Guerra) and El Salvador (La Matanza) will be playing. The tickets are sold out.

The Adeje ensemble, under the direction of Francisco José Flores, will open the concert with Aires del terruño, by Miguel Castillo; Señorita, by Shawn Mendez, Camila Cabello and arranged by Paul Murtha; ‘The New World Symphony’ by Anton Dvorak arranged by Andrew Ballent, to finish with ‘Accidentally in love’, by Adam Duritz and Michael Sweeny.

For their part and under the direction of Samuel Hernández, the music ensemble ‘Nuestra Señora de Lourdes’ will continue with the pasodoble Concha Manzana by Ferrer Ferrán; El camino real, by Alfred Reed and arranged by Robert Longfield, Bolero con mambo, by Agustín Lara and Tito Puente, arranged by Longfield and Brown.

The music band of La Matanza, ‘Sociedad Musical El Salvador’, will close the concert. Ismael Brajín will direct the ensemble during 'Air for Band' by Frank Erikson; 'The Returns of Vikings', by Bert Appertmont, and 'Four Winds', by Robert Sheldon.

The seventeenth edition of Primavera Musical, organised by the federation ‘Federación Tinerfeña de Bandas de Música’ with the collaboration of Tenerife Island Council, is planning for 36 ensembles to perform part of their repertoires at the Auditorio de Tenerife. The concerts will continue on 9, 16, 23 and 30 May, on 12 June (Symphonic Hall) and will conclude on 13 June. On that last day, a morning session will be featured in the Chamber Hall and an afternoon concert will be given in the Symphony Hall. Performances in the Chamber Hall will take place at 11:30 a.m. and those in the Symphony Hall will begin at 6:00 p.m.

By purchasing tickets, you accept the measures implemented by the cultural centre to combat Coronavirus, such as the correct use of masks and attendance to the event only with people you live with. All of the measures, as well as the contingency plan certified by AENOR, can be consulted on the Auditorium’s website.

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This Friday's event will feature the Vicktorija Pilatovic Quartet, preceded by the pianist Franco Piccinno

The Auditorio de Tenerife is a cultural space linked to the Department of Culture of Tenerife Island Council that is managed by the island's Minister of Culture Enrique Arriaga. Today, it celebrates ‘International Jazz Day’ with a concert by the ‘Vicktorija Pilatovic Quartet’, preceded by pianist Franco Piccinno. The event is sold out and takes place today Friday, 30 April 2021 at 7:30 pm in the Auditorium's Chamber Hall.

Viktorija Pilatovic is a Lithuanian artist, jazz singer and composer. She works for the music label "Inner Circle” and is currently a member of the Singing Department at Berklee Valencia and of several international jazz seminars, including the Global Music Foundation in London. During this concert, she will sing and play her compositions on the keyboard. The quartet is completed by Alberto Palau on piano, Ales Cesarini on double bass and Mariano Steimberg on drums.

Franco Piccinno is a pianist who stands out for his ecstatic and rarefied approach to music. In the last 20 years, he has performed with artists such as Famoudou Don Moyè (Art Ensemble of Chicago), Gilad Atzmon, Adam Rudolph, Raynald Colom, Torsten De Winkel, Marc Ayza, Kike Perdomo, Audun Waage, Torsten De Winkel, Giulia Valle, Francesco Bearzatti, Fabrizio Bosso, Giovanni Falzone and Tullio De Discopo.

The audience is requested to arrive at the venue well in advance to enter the auditorium in staggered "waves". The measures implemented by the cultural centre of the Island Council to combat Coronavirus, such as the correct use of masks and attendance to the event only with people you live with, are certified by AENOR and can be consulted on the Auditorium’s website.

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The violinist and soloist Arabella Steinbacher will perform during this concert that is sold out



The Auditorio de Tenerife is a cultural space linked to the Department of Culture of Tenerife Island Council that is managed by the island’s Minister of Culture, Mr Enrique Arriaga. This Friday, 30 April from 19:30, the Auditorium will host a concert that is once again sold out, in which Jiri Rozen will make his debut at the helm of the Symphony Orchestra of Tenerife. The German violinist, Arabella Steinbacher, will perform as a soloist in Antonin Dvorák's concerto for violin and orchestra. The programme is rounded up with Symphony number 7 by Ludwig van Beethoven 

Antonin Dvorák began the composition of this concerto in 1878, during his so-called Slavic period. He didn't finish the score until four years later when Frantisek Ondricek premiered it in Prague. Reminiscent of Brahms, Beethoven and Mendelssohn, the score is remarkably dense, with the solo violin standing out from the first bars. Only in the last movement, Dvorák connects with his traditional folk vision, adding a joyful rondo similar to that of his Slavonic Dances or Sixth Symphony.

In 1812, Ludwig van Beethoven wrote his Symphony No. 7 in A major, op. 92, a triumphalist work with dizzying tempos that evoke the triumph of the British, Spanish and French Royalist armies over Napoleon Bonaparte. This work also culminates in a lively rondo. It demands from the orchestra to alternate treble and bass sounds, with sweeping fanfares. 

The Czech conductor Jiri Rozen makes his debut at the helm of the Symphony Orchestra of Tenerife. During this season he will also conduct the Orchestre National du Capitole de Toulouse, MDR Leipzig, the Polish National Radio Symphony Orchestra in Katowice, the St. Gallen Symphony and the Slovak Sinfonietta. 

Rozen studied musical direction at different conservatories and universities in Prague, Salzburg, Hamburg, Zürich and Glasgow. In the latter, he won the position of Leverhulme Conducting Fellow. His professional credits include Assistant Conductor at BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra, and he has performed at the BBC Proms and at the Edinburgh International Festival.

Jiri Rozen has been a finalist of the Nestlé and Salzburg Festival Young Conductors Award and of the Donatella Flick LSO Conducting Competition. His recent performances include those with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Royal Liverpool Philharmonic, Orchestre National de Belgique, Brussels Philharmonic, Antwerp Symphony, Orchestre Philharmonique Royal de Liège, Royal Scottish National Orchestra, Stavanger Symphony, Poznan Philharmonic and Staatsorchester Kassel. 

In recent years, critics have recognised the German violinist Arabella Steinbacher as one of the international leading violinists. This recognition has earned her several awards and nominations, including a double ECHO Klassik. Steinbacher currently plays a Booth Stradivarius built in 1716 and is frequently invited by different ensembles such as the New York Philharmonic, the London Symphony Orchestra, the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, the Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchestra or the Orchestre National de France. 

The audience is requested to arrive at the venue well in advance to enter the Auditorium in staggered "waves and to enjoy this cultural experience. By purchasing tickets, you accept of the measures implemented by the cultural centre to combat COVID-19, such as the correct use of masks and attendance to the event only with people you live with. All of the measures, as well as the contingency plan certified by AENOR, can be consulted on the Auditorium’s website.

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