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La Sinfónica de Tenerife ofrecerá uno de hitos del repertorio musical, el Triple concierto de Beethoven, en un programa dedicado al músico alemán que se completa con la Sinfonía número 2. Lorenza Borrani, especialista en el estilo clásico, será la encargada en calidad de directora y violinista de abordar, junto a Luise Buchberger al violonchelo y Ashok Gupta al piano, esta obra maestra el viernes [día 7], a las 19:30 horas, en la Sala Sinfónica del Auditorio de Tenerife.

El concierto para violín, piano y violonchelo en do menor op. 56, único en la literatura musical, destaca tanto por su originalidad como por su rareza. Beethoven no solo innovó al componer una partitura para más de un instrumento solista, sino también al hacerlo para una combinación totalmente nueva hasta la fecha: el trío de piano con orquesta. Si bien existen antecedentes de esta combinación, el lenguaje musical del compositor alemán lo convierten en una obra mucho más evolucionada.

En su interpretación, se intercalan momentos de gran virtuosismo en los solistas en un diálogo lleno de lirismo con la orquesta, a la que Beethoven equiparó en importancia con los solistas, otra de las grandes novedades que introdujo en esta partitura. En esta ocasión, la violinista y directora Lorenza Borrani, la violonchelista Luise Buchberger y  el pianista Ashok Gupta serán los encargados de hacer junto a la Sinfónica de Tenerife la lectura musical de esta obra tan querida en las salas de conciertos.

Para completar el programa, la orquesta tinerfeña llenará la Sala Sinfónica del Auditorio de Tenerife de la vitalidad y el optimismo de la Sinfonía nº 2 en Re mayor, op. 36. Llama la atención tal energía dado que fue escrita en 1802, un año trágico en la vida de su autor, coincidiendo con el testamento de Heiligenstadt, una carta en la que manifiesta pensamientos suicidas a causa de su sordera. Se trata de una obra llena de matices, con una rica y variada orquestación que permitirá a la formación del Cabildo ofrece una ejecución dinámica.

Las entradas se pueden adquirir en la taquilla del Auditorio de Tenerife, de 10:00 a 19:30 horas de forma ininterrumpida de lunes a sábado; por teléfono en el 902 317 327; o por internet a través de y en este enlace.

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The Cabildo de Tenerife through Ópera de Tenerife, has opened the call to take part in the seventh  Opera (e)Studio 2018, the academy that offers comprehensive training to young singers. This year it works under the auspices of the European Commission within the Creative Europe programme, Teatro Comunale di Bologna, Tbilisi Opera and Ballet State Theatre. The academy for future opera singers will open the next Tenerife opera season with L’elisir d’amore by Donizetti, which was chosen by the academy’s director Giulio Zappa, to show the work done by the singers.

The professional team at Ópera de Tenerife will be working with the singers selected from September through to the production of the opera, to be performed four times from 24 to 27 October 2019 at Sala Sinfónica in Auditorio de Tenerife. The same cast will also perform L’elisir d’amore at Teatro Comunale di Bologna and Tbilisi Opera and Ballet State Theatre in 2020. 

Opera (e)Studio will be carrying out auditions in four cities on 4, 5 and 6 February at Teatro Comunale di Bologna, in Bologna, Italy; on 8 & 9 February, at Tbilisi Opera and Ballet State Theatre, in Georgia; on 11, 13 & 14 February, at Escuela Superior de Canto in Madrid and at Auditorio de Tenerife on 16 February. 

Candidates will have to sing all the arias from memory, including extracts of their role in L’elixir d’amore. Singers can enter for more than one role. The titles requested for the five roles are: Nemorino (tenor) the arias Quanto è bella, quanto è cara and Una furtiva lágrima, the duets Caro elisir, sei mio (up to the Terzetto excluido) and La donna è un animale stravagante davvero; Adina (soprano) the arias Benedette queste carte and Prendi per me sei libero (with full cabaletta) and the duet Come sen va contento; Belcore (baritone) the aria Come Paride vezzoso and the duet La donna è un animale stravagante davvero; Dulcamara (baritone or bass-baritone or bass) the aria Udite, udite, o rustici and the duet  Voglio dire... lo stupendo elisir che desta amore; and Giannetta (soprano) the aria with choir Saria possibile? Possibilissimo.

For further information please see the regulations on Auditorio de Tenerife website here. Any opera singer who was born on or after 1 January 1987 can apply for the auditions. The deadline to receive applications is 20 January 2019 before 12:00 noon. 

This Ópera de Tenerife project was set up to give visibility to the work done on the Island, not just artistically but also stage designing and building as well as local production. Job creation for Canarian professionals is also encouraged by being part of a highly-specialised sector of international scope.

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Lava, Auditorio de Tenerife’s new dance company, goes on stage for the first time on Sunday, 2nd at 7:00 pm They will be presenting Beyond -a piece by National Dance Award winner La Intrusa- that has never been on stage before. The six dancers will also perform Behind the Walls, by Fernando Hernando Magadan, current director of Nederlands Dans Theater 2.

As part of  Festival de Tenerife, Sala Sinfónica in Auditorio de Tenerife is the venue chosen for Lava to make their debut with these two pieces, which are created by renowned choreographers selected by the company’s artistic director, Daniel Abreu, Premio Nacional de Danza 2014 and winner of three Max awards 2018. After the premiere, Lava is travelling to Las Palmas de Gran Canaria where they will put on the production in Teatro Pérez Galdós on 5th December at 8:00 pm.

Lava dancers, who have been working daily in Sala Castillo in Auditorio de Tenerife since September, are Luis Agorreta (Cáceres), Javier Arozena (Tenerife), Emiliana Battista Marino (Naples, Italia), Samuel Déniz (Gran Canaria), Carmen Fumero (Tenerife) and Virginia Martín (Madrid). Lava is the section dedicated to artistic creation of Tenerife Danza, which is part of Instituto de Artes Escénicas del Cabildo, within Tenerife 2030 strategy.

Bending the Wallsa KorzoTheater and NDT production, explores the world of restrictions and limitations in our search for happiness, freedom and understanding: physical and psychological limits inside every individual and in the world around us. On the other hand, Beyond, a work by Virginia García and Damián Muñoz of La intrusa, deals with the experience of searching through the emotional landscapes of memory, portraying an uncertain scenario that constantly forces us to create or reflect on our own life.

Tickets can be purchased at Auditorio de Tenerife box office from 10:00 am to 7:30 pm, Monday to Saturday; on the websites and www.festivaltenerife.comhere or calling 902 317 327. 

Also, at the box office you can Benefit from a 50% discount if you have proof of Having bought a ticket for another theatre or dance show of Festival de Tenerife. There are also group discounts at the box office: from 5 to 9 people, 20% for buying tickets for the same show; more than 10 people get, 30% off.

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Festival Internacional de Música Antigua de Tenerife (Fimante) [Tenerife Early Music International Festival] and Nova Ars Organorum series offer a musical weekend at Auditorio de Tenerife. On Saturday, 1st we’ll have the chance to enjoy La música como una pulsión at Sala Sinfónica. Basque interpreter Daniel Oyarzabal will play the Auditorio de Tenerife’s organ, which is unique in the world. At Sala de Cámara on Sunday 2nd, Catalan musician Pere Ros will be playing his 1699  viola de gamba (Joachim Tielke, Hamburg) in the concert Un encuentro en Hamburgo [A meeting in Hamburg], on Telemann’s fantasies. Both shows start at 12:30 pm.

The Nova Ars Organorum series closes the year with Oyarzabal, who has taken his art to more than 20 countries in Europa, Asia, Africa and America, in addition to being head organist at Getafe Cathedral and at Orquesta Nacional de España. He also conducts the famous organ concerts on Saturdays, Bach y Vermut, at Auditorio de Madrid, the orchestra’s main base.

The series artistic director, Rosario Álvarez, explained that the programme La música como una pulsión [The urge of music] “is a combination of the old and the new with a Choral and two famous Toccatas by Johann Sebastian Bach -who is always welcomed by the audience- and a series of not so well-known pieces, but which are also very attractive, by French Charles-Marie Widor, Camille Saint-Saëns and Olivier Messiaen, who will bring to us a world full of sonorous different sensations and pleasures. It will close with a transcription for organ made by Ruiz de Infante, of the famous Capriccio Espagnol by Rimski-Korsakov. This tour will help us to get familiarised with the timbres of this colossus of the 21st century through old repertoires from the Baroque and Romanticism, which is our main goal”, Álvarez points out.

The first Fimante concert in December is by Barcelona musician Pere Ros, a member of the viola quintet “Banchetto musicale” and accompanist to many renowned musicians across Europe. Having spent a long period in Switzerland and Germany, where he was a teacher and gave his first performances, he now teaches at Real Conservatorio Superior de Madrid.

Un encuentro en Hamburgo includes two valuable creations composed in Hamburg in the 18th century: the fantasies for solo viola da gamba by the music director of the city, Georg Philipp Telemann (1681-1767) and a viola da gamba of the performer’s own collection, built in 1699 by Hamburger luthier Joachim Tielke (1641-1719).

The programme consists of a selection of some of the twelve fantasies, which in 1735 were dedicated to Hamburg financier Pierre Chaunell, the son of French Huguenots who had sought refuge in the city. Fimante’s artistic director, Conrado Álvarez, revealed that “some of the pieces by his peers (J. Schenk, M. Marais, L. de Caix d’Hervelois, J. S. Bach or C. F. Abel) provide the framework for these fantasies in order to establish formal links with them”.

Tickets can be purchased at Auditorio de Tenerife box office from 10:00 am to 7:30 pm Monday to Saturday, on the website or calling 902 317 327.

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Cabildo’s Tenerife Danza has opened a call for a new production of their Pedagogic Unit. They are looking for moving arts professionals with theatrical background and wide performing skills; and actors with good body technique, dancing or movement skills.  People over 18 can apply before 5 December through the section Auditions and Calls on Auditorio de Tenerife’s website.

Auditions will take place on 8 and 9 December from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm at Sala Castillo in Auditorio de Tenerife. Specific skills on different stage art techniques, such as dance, movement, singing, and others will be assessed. The auditions will test different fields divided in sections: Contemporary Dance, Music and Voice, Dramaturgy and Characters, Creative Workshop related to the contents of the new show plus Personal Interviews.

If you wish to apply, please fill in the application form on the website and send it to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. attaching the required documents: artistic curriculum, photos and an approximately one-minute long video that must be sent either in a web or download link.  People selected must be available to start work immediately as sessions are expected to start in January 2019.

Tenerife Danza is the scheme that includes all the activities related to dance Cabildo’s Tenerife Strategy 2030 carries out. It is made up of three different projects: the Pedagogic Unit, coordinated by Helena Berthelius; Danza en Comunidad, coordinated by Laura Marrero; and Lava Dance Company, under the artistic direction of Daniel Abreu.

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Festival de Tenerife brings Akari to the Canary Islands for the first time. The show is a sound and visual experience for all the family that includes dance, lights and shadows. The show is for babies aged 6 months to 4-year-old kids and is taking place on Sunday, 25th at 5:00 pm at Sala Castillo in Auditorio de Tenerife. In the show, the Granada company Da.Te Danza deals with the concept of energy, its development and its relationship with children and their environment.

Akari looks into the properties of light and the special way it travels through the air with performers Inés García and David Barrera on stage under the direction of Omar Meza. Light, half-light, shadow and darkness are all part of the show as well as how we need to get close to a sunbeam to warm up our skin and why we close our eyes when we do so.

Shapes, colours, emotions, moods, links, relationships... It’s all narrated through dance guided by light. During the 45-minute show, we can read a short text written by stage director Julia Ruiz Carazo. Following Da.Te Danza method, the first phase is research, this time done by Catalina Sako, who is a specialist in the field of energy and has given her advice on the different stages of energy development in babies.

Tickets are available at Auditorio de Tenerife box office, from 10:00 am to 7:30 pm, Monday to Saturday, on websites and or calling 902 317 327.

You can benefit from a 50% discount when buying your tickets at the box office if you’ve purchased tickets for other Festival de Tenerife shows. Children under 2 do not pay for their tickets if they are not going to use a seat.

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La Sinfónica de Tenerife inicia hoy miércoles [21 de noviembre] la primera de las citas importantes que tiene esta temporada con el público escolar. El espectáculo De puntillas… ¡ssh! se desarrollará hasta el viernes [día 23] en la Sala de Cámara del Auditorio de Tenerife, donde más de 2.000 escolares de Educación Infantil procedentes de 28 centros de 8 municipios de la Isla serán partícipes de la danza y la música de cámara a través del canto y el juego. Ana Hernández-Sanchiz se hará cargo de presentar estos conciertos en los que conocidas partituras de Debussy, Bach, Strauss y Mozart pondrán melodía a la historia narrada por la bailarina Urielle Perona.

Esta propuesta, que se integra en el programa del área socieducativa de la orquesta, a través de la iniciativa Tenerife 2030 del Cabildo Insular, tendrá su interpretación abierta al público general con el concierto en familia, el sábado 24 en el mismo escenario, para la que se han programado dos funciones: una a las 11:00 horas exclusiva para familias con niños menores de 3 años y otra a las 12:30 horas para familias con niños mayores de 3 años.

La sesión destinada a familias con bebés ha agotado las inscripciones mientras que las entradas para la función de las 12:30 se pueden adquirir al precio único de 5 euros en la taquilla del Auditorio de Tenerife, de 10:00 a 19:30 horas de forma ininterrumpida de lunes a sábado; por teléfono en el 902 317 327; o por internet a través de y

Los pequeños que asistan De puntillas… ¡sssh! descubrirán uno a uno los instrumentos del ensemble formado por flauta y trío de cuerdas, que estará integrado en esta ocasión por Francisco García (flauta), Beata Estefan (violín), Alexandre Mikheile (viola) y Vaike Laanemagi (violonchelo). Mediante un formato de cuento musical, el público escolar y familiar se irá adueñando poco a poco del sonido de obras como Syrinx para flauta sola de Claude Debussy (1862-1918), Partita para violín en Mi mayor o Suite para violonchelo nº 1 en Sol mayor de Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750), fragmento para viola sola de Don Quijote de Richard Strauss (1864-1949) o el Cuarteto con flauta en Re mayor de Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791).

Con Urielle Perona como bailarina y narradora, en este concierto la combinación de un lenguaje artístico como la danza con sonoridades atrae la atención del público infantil de tal manera que disfrutan a la vez que entienden la escucha de música en directo. Para que el espectáculo se convierta en una experiencia única, su participación también es importante. Para ello, antes de la audición activa los escolares han realizado en clase una serie de actividades programadas por el área socioeducativa en colaboración con los centros escolares.

Con estas nuevas audiciones, la Sinfónica de Tenerife continúa con su labor didáctica, que viene ofreciendo a los más pequeños y a la comunidad educativa. A través su área socioeducativa, la formación del Cabildo desea poner la cultura de calidad al alcance de todos los públicos, especialmente el de menor edad, a través de propuestas innovadoras e interdisciplinares, a mismo tiempo que refuerza su compromiso para acercar la música a toda la sociedad, haciendo especial hincapié en aquellos colectivos más desfavorecidos o con necesidades específicas.

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For the first time in the Canary Islands, Festival de Tenerife presents the dance show Las muchas,, by Companyia Mariantònia Oliver. The piece, which deals with age as a source of wealth, includes eight women aged over 70 who on Tuesday, 20th started a workshop offered by the company. The full show, an invitation to exalt femininity in those who are still willing to dance, can be seen at Sala Castillo in Auditorio de Tenerife on Friday, 23rd at 7:00 pm.

Las muchas is about the frailty old age involves, about bodies which no longer belong in the social corpus, which stop being in the official market but which are full of life, and above all, freer: bodies which breathe, weigh, dance, seduce, move and are positioned differently. Las muchas is the result of the need choreographer Mariantònia Oliver (protagonist of the piece) felt to listen and take in her experiences. The idea this proposal starts from is a fish shoal, an emerging system, an organism made up of many individuals making one single movement. It is also based on common images citizens put together, their identity because in the end, they all share similar emotions and situations.

Companyia Mariantònia Oliver is a contemporary dance company based in a small village in the centre of Mallorca, Maria de la Salut. Throughout her career she has worked different disciplines in projects for adults or families. In recent years, she was awarded the Premio Escénica 2010, the Premio Mejor Espectáculo Illes Balears 2011 and Premio Proyectos Escénicos Ajuntament de Palma 2009 and 2011.

Tickets can be bought at Auditorio de Tenerife box office from 10:00 am to 7:30 pm, Monday to Saturday; on the website, in this link or calling 902 317 327. You can also get 50% discount by showing at the box office a ticket for a Festival de Tenerife show you had previously bought.

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Auditorio de Tenerife resident group Quantum Ensemble, is going to La Laguna University’s Paraninfo for their concert Despedida [Farewell] on Thursday, 22nd at 7:30 pm. They Will be playing String Quintet in C major, one of the last compositions by Franz Schubert, and Quartet for clarinet and string trio, by Krzysztof Penderecki.

David Ballesteros (violin), Adrián Marrero (violin), Cristo Barrios (clarinet), Lander Etxebarria (viola), Asier Polo (cello) and Iván Siso (cello) are the musicians who will be playing at the University’s Paraninfo. An hour before the concert, there will be a talk in the same venue by Juan Manuel Ruiz, composer, essayist, music critic and Member of the Real Academia Canaria de las Bellas Artes [Royal Canarian Academy of Fine Arts].

Finished two months before he died in 1828, String Quintet in C major is one of Franz Schubert’s last compositions. Ever since it was premiered in 1850, there has been speculation about it being a farewell; particularly because of the depth of its contents and the moment it was composed but also because of the unusual instrumentation. According to Cristo Barrios, “Schubert avoids adding a second viola to the traditional string quartet, as Mozart and Beethoven had done, and adds a second cello instead, possibly with the aim of getting a deeper sound”. Barrios highlights that “the quintet is fragile and vulnerable, feelings dear to Schubert and the Romantics in general”.

Krzysztof Penderecki’s Quartet for clarinet and string trio according is strongly influenced by the mood of Schubert’s quintet, and more widely by the musical personality of Alban Berg, according to Penderecki himself. “Therefore, the piece connects emotionally with the expressive tone of the 19th century, Schubert being its greatest exponent, while aesthetically is fully rooted in the 20th century”, Cristo Barrios explained.

Tickets can be bought at Auditorio de Tenerife box office from 10:00 am to 7:30 pm, Monday to Saturday; on the website on this link or calling 902 317 327. You can also buy them at Paraninfo box office in La Laguna University one and half hours before the show starts. Students will enjoy a special discount for this concert, in addition to the usual offers at Auditorio de Tenerife.

Also, as part of the outreach work Quantum Ensemble usually carries out, a group at risk of social exclusion will attend one of the rehearsals to enjoy a didactic session with the musicians.  This week, an association of people with autism will have a sensory session on Wednesday, 21st at 5:00 pm at the Paraninfo. On the day of the concert, Friday 23rd, Cristo Barrios, founding musician of Quantum Ensemble, is giving a Performance Class to students of the Conservatorio Profesional and Conservatorio Superior de Música de Santa Cruz de Tenerife, institutions that collaborate with this activity.

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Ópera de Tenerife premieres Donizetti’s Lucia de Lammermoor on Tuesday, 20 November. This coproduction of Auditorio de Tenerife, Teatro Colón de Buenos Aires and Fundación Ópera de Oviedo takes us to one of the most iconic Romantic operas with the noteworthy participation of Russian soprano Irina Lungu (Lucia) and Tenerife tenor Celso Albelo (Sir Edgardo di Ravenswood).

The plot, through vocal virtuosity and the difficulties of the score by Gaetano Donizetti, introduces us in the mishaps and tribulations of ties of blood and love. The cast also includes Andrei Kymach (Lord Enrico Ashton), David Astorga (Lord Arturo Buklaw), Vittoria Vimercatti (Alisa) and Klodjan Kaçani (Normanno). Due to an indisposition, Mariano Buccino cannot sing on the first performance so he will be replaced by Gabriele Sagona in the role of Raimondo Bidebent. The music is played by Sinfónica de Tenerife and Coro Ópera de Tenerife -directed by Carmen Cruz- is also taking part.

Christopher Franklin is the musical director while Nicola Berloffa takes care of stage management. The show is set in late 1940s Scotland, at the height of the postwar period. This post-conflict context serves to place the characters in a stifling, gloomy and unhappy atmosphere, thus reinforcing the dramatic nature of Donizetti’s opera. Costumes, designed by Justin Arienti, have a simple cut and use a low-key colour scheme, in line with the precarious clothing after the war, although there are references to Scottish culture by using kilts.

Tickets for the three performances -Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday- can be bought at Auditorio de Tenerife box office from 10:00 am to 7:30 pm, Monday to Saturday, on clicking here or calling 902 317 327.

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Lava, the new Auditorio de Tenerife resident dance company, premieres their first show on 2 December at 7:00 pm in Sala Sinfónica, as part of Festival de Tenerife. The details were disclosed on Monday, 19th by the Island Director for Culture and Education, José Luis Rivero; Lava artistic director, Daniel Abreu, and the choreographer of one of the pieces being premiered, Fernando Hernando Magadan.

About Lava José Luis Rivero said that “it was a project and now it’s real and we’re seeing it on the stage at last”. “We’re very excited about Lava, which places us at an interesting starting point at national level, and it’s much talked about outside the Island”, he explained.

Daniel Abreu, National Dance Award 2014 and winner of three Max awards in 2018, was in charge of selecting the choreographers for the first shows: Bending the Walls, by Fernando Hernando Magadan, and Beyond, by La Intrusa company. “I’m proud to be able to present Lava and show the world what happens naturally on the islands: quality dance”, the artistic director revealed. He also said that the show will be at Teatro Pérez Galdós in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria on 5 December at 8:00 pm.

Choreographer Fernando Hernando Magadan, current director of Nederlands Dans Theater 2, admitted that “it was a long time since I was last in Spain and working here is very special for me”. The artist explained that his piece “has a special closeness, and it’s about that, bending walls, limitations and it touches on that which makes us humans through the bodies, which make us feel sensitivities”. Bending the Walls, a Korzo Theater and NDT production, explores the world of restrictions and limitations in our search for happiness, freedom and understanding: physical and psychological limits inside every individual and in the world around us. It is a metaphor about the psychological, physical and emotional forces human beings can use to transcend palpable reality, overcome grief and escape to the world of the imagination.

The second piece of this double bill is Beyond, by Virginia García and Damián Muñoz of La intrusa, Premio Nacional de Danza 2015 [National Dance Award]. Beyond deals with the experience of searching through the landscapes of memory, portraying an uncertain scenario that constantly forces us to create or reflect on our own life, on the landscape everyone builds either consciously or accidentally.

Lava started work at Sala Castillo in Auditorio de Tenerife in September. The dancers have had classes with different experts, like Charo Febles, ballet teacher. Lava’s six dancers, chosen by public call, are Luis Agorreta (Cáceres), Javier Arozena (Tenerife), Emiliana Battista Marino (Nápoles, Italy), Samuel Déniz (Gran Canaria), Carmen Fumero (Tenerife) and Virginia Martín (Madrid). Lava is the artistic creation section of Tenerife Danza, which is part of the Instituto de Artes Escénicas del Cabildo, within the Tenerife 2030 Strategy.

Tickets can be purchased at Auditorio de Tenerife box office from 10:00 am to 7:30 pm, Monday to Saturday; on the websites and www.festivaltenerife.comhere or calling 902 317 327. 

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On Friday, 16th, Tenerife Danza’s social scheme, Danza en Comunidad, had a meeting with some thirty representatives of the 21 groups they work with, including programmers and collaborators. Their aim was to analyse the work done in the past year and design new goals for next year, starting in February 2019 with two new schemes.  The island director for Culture and Education of Cabildo de Tenerife, José Luis Rivero, welcomed the agents involved in Danza en Comunidad, and said that “in this work meeting we’ll find new ways of carrying on with our collective work”.

José Luis Rivero also stated that “when we started to outline this project, there was a wish to open this path; we knew it was going to be a collective process of trial and error and that it wasn’t going to be easy to get into the groups without being part of them”. About the meeting, he explained that “the project can’t go on wisely without contrasting experiences and needs of everyone involved.”

Danza en Comunidad’s coordinator, dancer Laura Marrero, explained that “the meeting was taken to the cafeteria” and said that “regarding social issues, it won’t work unless you have a good relationship”. She also thanked Helena Berthelius, coordinator of the Tenerife Danza’s Pedagogic Unit, for taking part at the start of the project.

One of the new programmes is called Transmisión, and it consists of taking a piece that has been practised by a group, with their values and processes, to another group of suitable sensitivity. Another new feature is making longer visits for certain groups, whose needs and characteristics require more than eight sessions a year to get results, as for example functional diversity groups. This way it will turn into a regular process and dance can become part of their routine, as is the case at Centro de Educación Especial Hermano Pedro.

The sixth Danza en Comunidad has just finished and the starting point was the concepts of identity and living together, so meetings in this regard have been held to open and close the year. In the first contact in February, major synergies arose, with Danza en Comunidad in the role of mediator. One of the people involved in the open call managed to get the social brand Dona Kolors included in the Feria Internacional de la Moda de Tenerife [Tenerife International Fashion Fair]. “This does not only benefit us but also the agents involved, as new collaborations may come up”, stated Marrero, who leads a group of professionals including Cristina Hernández, Raquel Jara and Carmen Cruz.

The work methodology used by Danza en Comunidad is to first start with meetings to discuss theories (like this one) that lead to practices where movement is the key. The process ends with a performance by the members of the group. Each group builds a different line of action. The idea is “for them to share with us the full experience of a professional dancer” Laura Marrero explained.

This year-long scheme allows people to start dancing in these groups and then go on in following seasons either individually or in weekly sessions held at Auditorio de Tenerife facilities. Also, the open call means that anyone who is interested in sharing these processes can take part in the sessions without having any experience or belonging to a group. 

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