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El proyecto social de Tenerife Danza, Danza en Comunidad, estrenó el jueves 27 de septiembre la pieza Tránsito. El espectáculo es el resultado de las sesiones celebradas durante el año con el grupo de diez participantes del Centro de Integración Mercedes Pinto y los voluntarios de la convocatoria de esta iniciativa, que promueve el Cabildo Insular dentro de su estrategia Tenerife 2030.

La coordinadora de este proyecto, Laura Marrero, explica que Tránsito fue tomando forma a partir de una pregunta que lanzó en clase: ¿Cuáles son los tres valores que hicieron al ser humano más humano? Comunicación, civilización, cultura, tolerancia, amor, humildad, confianza, empatía, honestidad, colaboración, respeto, conciencia de grupo, negociación, acuerdos, coordinación y el valor individual al servicio del grupo fueron las respuestas que dieron los participantes. A partir de estos conceptos, el grupo comenzó con el proceso creativo, probando e investigando movimientos y sensaciones hasta llegar a formar Tránsito, que habla sobre recordar, descubrir y transitar en un viaje hasta encontrarse en un espacio común y decidir bailar juntos.

Danza en Comunidad es un proyecto que lleva la danza hasta comunidades o colectivos de la sociedad que normalmente no tienen acceso a ella. Este proyecto, que cuenta con un equipo de profesionales compuesto por Raquel Jara, Carmen Macías, Cristina Hernández y Laura Marrero (coordinadora), es una de las tres vertientes de Tenerife Danza, que incluye además una rama pedagógica, la Unidad Didáctica de Tenerife Danza y otra artística, la compañía Lava.

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Three of the Auditorio de Tenerife projects are taking part in Festival Índice to showcase the work done during the year with young islanders. On Saturday, 29 September Musical.IES is offering a concert by Coro Juvenil de Auditorio de Tenerife and a performance by children from the Unidad Didáctica de Tenerife Danza.

The first group to go on stage is Musical.IES with an adaptation of the show Versus, directed by Melodie Pérez, and premiered in April by 200 students from 10 different schools across the Island. On this occasion, 35 students are taking part in the adaptation of the 40-minute musical which includes all the themes. They are performing at 12:00 noon on Saturday on an open-air stage to be placed between TEA Tenerife Espacio de las Artes and Museo de la Naturaleza y el Hombre.

At 1:00 pm 32 singers from Coro Juvenil de Auditorio de Tenerife, are offering a concert in the square at TEA. This group, led by Roxana Schmunk, will offer a repertoire that is very related to literature, including songs like Azul, by Julio Domínguez on texts by Rafael Arozarena; Canción de amor, by Dante Andreo on texts by de Rafael Alberti; Yo no quiero morirme, by Dante Andreo on texts by Elsa López; and Only in sleep, by Ēriks Ešenvalds on texts by Sara Teasdale.

At 6:00 pm we can see a play that has been designed to be enjoyed by the whole family: Drakaina Draco y las 7 semillas mágicas [Drakaina Draco and the 7 magic seeds]. Drakaina Draco (played by Guacimara Gil), Arbustus Robustus (Mathías Pérez) and Stelli Maris (Irene Álvarez) are set to find original dragon tree seeds on the seven islands with the aim of recovering a great dragon tree forest, which is endangered. This show by Unidad Didáctica de Tenerife Danza, was premiered in April, and can be seen in the entrance square to TEA in an outdoor version of a story that was created and directed by Helena Berthelius.

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Canarias Jazz Showroom turns ten and offers seventeen concerts across different islands to mark the occasion. To round it off, they will close the tour at Café Berlín in Madrid on 24 November. Four of their shows are to be held on 6 and 7 October at Sala de Cámara and the foyer at Auditorio de Tenerife, where Barreiro Project, Atcheré, CJS Reunion and Nicotine Swing are playing live. They are also publishing a record to showcase jazz made in the Canary Islands. During the concert on Sunday, 7th they will be giving awards to the most outstanding performances of previous years.

The Sala de Cámara at Auditorio is welcoming on Saturday, 6th at 7:30 pm Barreiro Project, a quintet led by Aarón Barreiro, a Canarian musician living in Barcelona, who have just published their first record, Good vibes. Their repertoire is a mixture of original music with a touch of jazz, black music, hip-hop, soul and R&B. The maturity of their interpretation contrasts with the age of the members of the group ranging from 20 to 25. After Barreiro’s concert, the foyer is hosting Atcheré, who are presenting their record Mestizo at 9:00 pm. The group, which is one of the best Latin jazz-fusion bands in the Canaries, have five records in the market and their repertoire is made up of original compositions. Their style is a cocktail of sounds including Latin rhythms, mainly Cuban and Brazilian, funk and jazz.

The concerts on Sunday 7th start at Sala de Cámara at 7:30 pm with  CJS Reunion, a project that was set up to celebrate the tenth anniversary of Canarias Jazz Showroom. The octet is made up of some of the best jazz musicians on the Islands: Kike Perdomo, Ramón Díaz, Idafe Pérez, David Quevedo, Tana Santana, Norberto Arteaga, Marcos Pérez, Yossi Itskovich and singer Esther Ovejero. Their repertoire pays tribute to the best groups that have played in the festival. The last concert of the 10th Canarias Jazz Showroom at Auditorio de Tenerife will take place at the foyer at 9:00 pm by Nicotine Swing, a group of swing/gipsy jazz set up in Tenerife in 2007 who is very well-liked by Canarian audiences. Their record Nuevo, presented at Canarias Jazz Showroom last year, was awarded best jazz record 2017 in the Canaries.

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The  Escuela del Espectador [Audience School] starts its 6th year with thirty students aged 18 to 64. The Island Director for Culture and Education, José Luis Rivero, welcomed the new group at the Auditorio de Tenerife and said that “there are no levels or assessments, all the opinions are valid”. Until July, the learners will take part in weekly two-hour sessions in which they will gain a deeper knowledge of music, dance and opera; they will also have master classes by artists and cultural experts and will attend the Auditorio de Tenerife shows so that they can use the analytic techniques they have learnt.

José Luis Rivero highlighted that “the process of learning about artistic languages at the Escuela is collective and horizontal, “we’re not looking for arty-farty people with learnedly opinions on a show, but people who can enjoy it from a natural point of view here and elsewhere in the world”.

The teacher at Escuela del Espectador, Iván Morales, explained to the students that in these sessions “your learning will help you to make the most of the shows and we’ll encourage you to try new disciplines you may not have dared to”. “We want them to be cultural ambassadors”, the expert said.

The first sessions will deal with introductory knowledge on each of the genres in Auditorio de Tenerife’s programme. They will also have specific talks on each show including free admission to see them followed by an analysis where discussion, agreement and disagreement and the encounter with the other are encouraged.

138 people applied to take part this year and 31 were selected taking into account certain features like municipality, age, gender, and professional profile. The idea of the programme, which is a public call and has no enrolment fee, is to have the widest possible range of Tenerife people: men and women, young and old, workers, students, pensioners, etc. The Escuela del Espectador is part of the Learning and Community Area of Auditorio de Tenerife, with the contribution of Fundación Cepsa and Obra Social “la Caixa”.

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La Sala Sinfónica del Auditorio de Tenerife se llenará de público familiar este domingo 16 con la puesta en escena del espectáculo infantil Yo tengo derecho a jugar. La propuesta del grupo Cantajuego se podrá disfrutar en dos funciones, que comienzan a las 12:30 y a las 17:00 horas.


Yo tengo derecho a jugar. Tour 2018 es la nueva propuesta de este exitoso grupo, que lleva más de 10 años girando ininterrumpidamente por España, convocando a toda la familia, para cantar, bailar y participar al ritmo de sus pegadizas canciones. Los componentes de Cantajuego despliegan toda su energía a través de las canciones más populares de su extenso repertorio, incluyendo los éxitos de Viva mi planeta, su último trabajo, nominado a los premios Grammy latinos, y Cantajuego In English, que ha sido número 1 en ventas. Además, contarán con los indispensables Coco, Pepe y Buby, a los que se suman muchos otros personajes que le dan color y alegría a un espectáculo vibrante y lleno de ritmo.


Las entradas pueden adquirirse en los canales habituales de Auditorio de Tenerife, en taquilla de 10:00 a 19:30 horas, de lunes a sábado; aquí o por teléfono en el 902 317 327. Los niños que el día del espectáculo no hayan cumplido los dos años no necesitarán adquirir entrada si no van a ocupar una butaca.

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Orquesta Barroca de Tenerife second season includes six concerts, four at Auditorio de Tenerife and two in Granadilla and Buenavista del Norte. In a press conference, the Cabildo’s Director for Culture, José Luis Rivero, and the director of Auditorio de Tenerife’s resident ensemble, Conrado Álvarez, talked about the second season, which will include a careful selection of Baroque compositions to be played by young musicians, mostly from Tenerife, and guest conductors like Juan de la Rubia or Bruno Procopio.

José Luis Rivero explained that “having a steady Baroque orchestra in Tenerife is a sign of the cultural maturity of musicians, who have received the right education, and also of the institutions which host them. This way a high quality programme can be made available to people on the Island”. Conrado Álvarez added that “the audience is ready to listen to this experience and go from the intangible, as for instance listening to Baroque music on Spotify, to the tangible and sensitive when listening live to early instruments music”.

The first meeting with Baroque music played with period instruments is taking place on Thursday, 13 September at 7:30 pm in Sala de Cámara [Chamber Hall] at Auditorio de Tenerife. This event, entitled Bachiana, is the first concert the Tenerife ensemble exclusively devotes to German composer Johann Sebastian Bach. It would be the first time two Baroque oboes and flute are played together. The orchestra conductor says that some of the maestro’s best-known pieces will be recognised but that others will surprise the audience. “We’ll have the chance to listen to the skilful Tenerife musician Pablo Sosa, who is playing with the Baroque for the first time”, Conrado Álvarez revealed.

On 13 December at 7:30 pm, the Orquesta Barroca is putting on the show Noël a la francesa, conducted by Bruno Procopio, a Brazilian harpsichord player resident in Paris. The French concertante style of the 17th and 18th centuries has differentiating features like melodic turns in duos that are full of ornaments within the tonal harmony, with plenty of chord progressions shaped from the colourful basso continuo with symmetrical uniform rhythms but full of inegalité.

The  Festival Internacional de Música Antigua de Tenerife  is offering two replicas of this concert on the Island. The first will be on 15 December at Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de la Merced, in Granadilla, at 7:00 pm. The following day, 16 December, the same repertoire will be offered in Iglesia Nuestra Señora de los Remedios, in Buenavista at 5:00 pm.  Admission to both concerts by Orquesta Barroca is free of charge. José Luis Rivero explains that “Making the Orquesta Barroca de Tenerife travel through the Festival Internacional de Música Antigua brings these programmes to people’s local churches”.

And there is yet more news this year: the QB Package  which offers an additional 15% discount on ticket prices for the autumn concerts of Orquesta Barroca de Tenerife and Quantum Ensemble.

The Baroque ensemble is giving their third concert on 14 March, Italianissimi, to be conducted by concertmaster Adrián Linares. The programme will include compositions by Pietro Antonio Locatelli (1695 - 1764) and Tomaso Giovanni Albinoni (1669-1751).

The last concert in Orquesta Barroca de Tenerife second season is Be water, my friend, which we can listen to on 23 May with Juan de la Rubia as harpsichord and guest conductor. Water is the leitmotiv of this meeting with Baroque music which includes a selection of works by Handel (1685-1759) and Telemann (1681-1767).

Tickets and packages can be bought via Auditorio de Tenerife’s usual channels: at the box office from 10:00 am to 7:30 pm, Monday to Saturday; through the website or calling 902 317 327.  Most of the period instruments played by the Orquesta Barroca de Tenerife belong to the collection of Real Academia Canaria de las Bellas Artes, in whose headquarters the Tenerife group holds some of their rehearsals. José Luis Rivero is grateful to the Academia for their collaboration because “playing with early instruments enables us to approach these repertoires from a historicist standpoint, in the sound conditions they were written”.

The Orquesta Barroca de Tenerife -part of the Tenerife 2030 strategy- was founded by Andmúsica, the Association for the Standardization of Early Music in the Canary Islands, to promote young Canarian players educated in Europe in period styles and instruments, providing the appropriate coordination platform to encourage the historical music heritage from other sound perspectives. This brings all musical forms from the 17th and 18th centuries to new audiences and adds value to the Canarian cultural scene.

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Auditorio de Tenerife abre un Plan de ayudas a la circulación exterior de grupos artísticos de Tenerife que hayan cerrado negocios en MAPAS Mercado de las Artes Performativas del Atlántico Sur.

Las ayudas tienen como objetivo incentivar a los grupos tinerfeños de interés en el ámbito cultural para que programen en el exterior acuerdos de gira negociados en el Mercado de Artes Performativas del Atlántico Sur (MAPAS) de 2018, cuyo objetivo es aumentar la visibilidad, movilidad y el ámbito de influencia profesional, tanto a nivel nacional como internacional.

Es un planteamiento que tiene carácter complementario a otras ayudas existentes con la misma finalidad, y ayudan a la movilidad exterior a los grupos de Tenerife que sean capaces de materializar acuerdos de contratación en el marco de MAPAS, entendiendo lo sugerente que puede ser para un programador sentarse a negociar con un grupo artístico que ya tiene prefinanciado parte de la movilidad para el acuerdo que alcancen.

Plazo y presentación y de solicitudes

Las ayudas pueden solicitarse exclusivamente por profesionales y empresas legal y físicamente constituidas en Tenerife.

Se admitirá para valoración los proyectos que por su complejidad o características particulares no se ajusten estrictamente a las condiciones de las bases. El plazo de presentación de solicitudes va desde la finalización del Mercado hasta el 31 de diciembre de 2018 o hasta finalización de la cantidad consignada, para actividades a realizar hasta el 31 de marzo de 2019.

Solo se admitirá la presentación de solicitudes mediante el formulario del programa, disponible en la web Las bases y el formulario se pueden descargar aquí. El formulario relleno y los documentos solicitados han de enviarse a This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Baritones Gianni Giuga and Jorge Eleazar Álvarez Mora believe that The Italian in Algiers is the best recognition we can give Rossini on the 150th anniversary of his death. Both singers are playing the role of Taddeo, the old Italian man in this comedy that will open the new Ópera de Tenerife season.

Mexican Álvarez trained at Conservatorio de Las Rosas and at Escuela Nacional de Música. He has heard about the work being done in Tenerife and has “great expectations regarding the artistic level of Ópera de Tenerife”. Sicilian Gianni Giuga graduated from Accademia Nazionale d’Arte Drammatica Giusto Monaco and does not hesitate to say that Opera (e)Studio “is one of the most sought-after and interesting theatrical opportunities in Europe for an opera singer”.

Regarding the academic experience that is to start shortly at Auditorio de Tenerife, Jorge Eleazar hopes to “grow artistically, professionally and as a human being”, and trusts that the Ópera de Tenerife team “will lead us to reach the very best level in the opera”. Gianni Giuga’s opinion is backed by “the experience of many friends who have come to the audition, have worked or studied in Tenerife in the past years”. This led him to make the decision to take part this year, which involves his “artistic and professional growth”.

About The Italian in Algiersthe Mexican highlights “the balance of beauty and comedy”, confirming that “it is a master piece we must all bear in mind”. The Italian does not fall short of praise and says it is “the paradise of opera buffa”, achieved thanks to “the dizzying complex colours, apart from quick textures for all the characters and voice registers”.

Regarding the role of Taddeo they are performing, Álvarez says that the most difficult aspect is “the great contrast in nuances in terms of music, performance and drama”, describing the character as “key in the plot and acting as a relief for the audience”. Giuca points out that this title “offers opportunity for voice and musical growth” mentioning “the particular phrasing necessary to better understand and perform the different peculiarities”.

Regarding possible future projects, Gianni Giuga clings on to “the ambition of singing and studying as much as possible”. As an admirer of the Italian composer he admits that one of his near future projects is “to reaffirm himself as a Rossini baritone”, Tenerife being “a great opportunity to carry it out”. When it comes to thinking of future characters, “Figaro, in The Barber of Seville and Dandini, in Cinderella, “represent me emotionally”, although he admits “he does not want to restrict himself to just one repertoire” and so he hopes “to be successful” when he sings everything the quality of his voice is fit for.

Jorge Elezazar has a similar opinion, stating that he would like to perform “everything” and leaves his voice to determine his career. He also says that one of his dreams is to cross the pond in order to “enter the professional European market, calmly and intelligently”. To accomplish this, he wishes to “grow with every rehearsal and performance until he achieves excellence”.

Both singers are arriving in Tenerife next week to take part in the sixth Opera (e)Studio, made up of thirteen singers. They will all benefit from a process of comprehensive artistic improvement, under the direction of Giulio Zappa, and that culminates with four performances of The Italian in Algiers, to be held at Sala Sinfónica of Auditorio de Tenerife from 25 to 28 October. This is the first time Nikolas Maximilian Nägele is the musical director for Ópera de Tenerife while Giorgia Guerra is the stage manager.

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The new Auditorio de Tenerife resident company, Lava, started work last week. This new Tenerife Danza project is made up of six dancers and is part of the Tenerife 2030 strategy, fostered by the Island Cabildo. Tenerife-born Daniel Abreu, who was awarded the Premio Nacional de Danza 2014, is in charge of the artistic direction.

The Island Director for Culture and Education of Cabildo, José Luis Rivero, paid a visit to Auditorio de Tenerife, where he talked to Daniel Abreu and the Lava dancers: Carmen Fumero, Julián Lazzaro, Emiliana Battista, Javier García Arozarena, Virginia Martín Mateos and Samuel Déniz Falcón.

Rivero highlights “we’re very excited to start this new project, we have great expectations” adding that “setting up Lava reaffirms the long-standing support given to dance by the Cabildo and Auditorio de Tenerife”. “The idea is to position Lava as a leading national and international company, with young choreographers of international scope who can bring to us the new discourses of dance”.

Daniel Abreu admits he is very excited about the project “which is part of Tenerife Danza, and has a more creative line; I’m happy to have been given the chance to direct it”. After the first working sessions, “I’m very happy to see how involved in the project the team at Auditorio Tenerife is, how they take care of it both artistically and creatively; I believe we’ve chosen a spectacular team of performers”.

Abreu points out that “we’ve had an initial contact with the whole team and they have a wonderful level of professionalism, are very eager and talented; with time we’ll shape the group and make it solid.”

Daniel Abreu reminds us that Lava is premiering a two-piece programme in the Festival de Tenerife. One of the pieces is with La intrusa company, which was awarded the Premio Nacional de Danza 2015; the other one is with Fernando Magadán, who is currently the director of Nederlands Dans Theater. “We’re starting with this double programme, I’m very happy and looking forward to it; I’ve always wanted creations to be very original, made specifically for our dancers”.

Abreu takes the opportunity to point out the high level of dance in the Canaries; “At this stage, it’s unquestionable; the Canaries are a source of nationally and internationally renowned dancers and creators, so it makes sense that half of the dancers at Lava are Canarian”.

The dancers will undergo a high-performance physical training through classes on classical technique and will also practise contemporary languages thanks to the different guest choreographers and masters to suit the repertoire being performed.

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The Tenerife Artes Escénicas programme, organized by the Cabildo with the collaboration of the town councils, starts the cultural calendar for September with six shows to be held between Saturday, 01 and Wednesday, 05 in Arico, Garachico and La Victoria de Acentejo.

Double act Aarón Gómez & Kike Pérez are offering two performances, one on Saturday, 01 at 9:00 pm in Plaza de Villa de Arico and another one on Tuesday, 04 at 9:30 pm in Plaza El Pinar in La Victoria. The show is called Contado Pierde, and in it the comedians offer a hilarious picture of Canarian idiosyncrasy that is suitable to all ages.

The company Contando Ando is putting on the theatre play ¿Te lo cuento otra vez? on Sunday, 02 at 6:00 pm in muelle viejo de Garachico (Garachico’s old harbour). This is a children’s show where Mariquita and Tontón, the main characters, will go through classical tales which everyone knows although they’ll introduce some changes at the end.

The Tenerife Artes Escénicas programme is also travelling to La Victoria de Acentejo on Sunday, 02. Comedian Juanfree Batista is offering a sarcastic monologue on social networks criticising the pressure they put on people. It is held in Plaza Rodríguez Lara at 7 pm.

On Monday, 03, at 6 pm in the same place, Medio Almud is performing La tragicomedia de la papa antigua de Canarias, a theatre proposal to raise environmental awareness and bring back the memory of traditional Canarian culture.

Vocal siete, a group that combines different musical disciplines, will be in Plaza Rodríguez Lara on Wednesday, 5 at 6:00 pm to perform Todo se transforma. The group does not use any instruments in their shows, only their voices and bodies.

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Maria Ostroukhova and Vittoria Vimercati are playing the part of Isabella, the young Italian who has the leading role in Rossini’s The Italian in Algiers, which opens the new Ópera de Tenerife season next October. Both singers agree it is “an amusing and intelligent opera”.

Ostroukhova and Vimercati are arriving on the Island next week to join the new group at Opera (e)Studio where the Russian mezzo soprano hopes to “gain a good command of her vocal skills and deepen her knowledge of Rossini’s brilliant style”, whom she greatly admires. On her part, the Italian singer admits that the great challenge for her in Tenerife is “facing a difficult task that challenges my musical and stage skills”. However, she affirms it is precisely that what “will allow me to grow as an artist”.

Vimercati, who is currently studying at Conservatorio di Musica Verdi in Milan, knows about the work with new talents carried out in Tenerife and thinks that “it’s a great opportunity as young singers get the chance to make their debut in an important season”.  Ostroukhova, who trained at Moscow State Tchaikovsky and at London’s Royal College of Music, admits that “I was in my own little bubble in the British musical scene” unaware of “European opera programmes”.

It is clear for both of them that The Italian in Algiers is an “amusing and intelligent opera”. Ostroukhova points out that it is “concise, entertaining and full of successes”, while in Vimercati’s opinion, the construction of the opera is “extremely intelligent both in terms of music and stage”. They think that the plot is still valid today and the characters are very funny.

Regarding the role of Isabella, they are going to perform from 25 to 28 October at Sala Sinfónica of Auditorio de Tenerife, Maria Ostroukhova says that since her graduation, she has only performed Baroque opera and she “is looking forward to going on stage”. She defines Isabella as “a rare example of a strong, sexually free woman every feminist would be proud of”. The main difficulty of the character lies on “her conflictive and contrasting personality” as it is deemed to be “a strong but seductive character, sarcastic but sincere and shy but challenging”.

In contrast with her colleague, this is not the first time Vittoria Vimercati is facing this role. In fact, at the Festival de Música de Ticino last July, she played the Italian heroine. In general terms, she says that “every character you approach must be tailor-made to your individuality”. In her view, the greatest difficulties in the performance are “in the virtuosities sung at great speed and the vocal range needed to perform them”.

Ostroukhova believes that “as long as there is music there is life”, so regarding future projects, she hopes “to be immersed in music and on the stage as long as she can”. She hesitates when it comes to choosing the role of her dreams although she mentions “Carmen or Rosina”, and amusingly concludes that “one day, when I’m old and wise, Isolde... who knows?”. Also, being a geology lover, she hopes to visit El Teide soon, as “I´ve admired it for years”.

Vimercati has no specific projects either, but she hopes to be able to take on “new roles and start her musical career after making her debut”. Although she admits that “every mezzo soprano usually dreams of singing Carmen”, she also says that she’d like to play “the role of Charlotte in Werther and Dalila in Samson and Dalila”.

Next week the young singers, along with eleven other artists, are starting the sixth Opera (e)Studio in Tenerife, where they will spend two months in a process of comprehensive artistic improvement, under the supervision of Giulio Zappa, which concludes with four performances of The Italian in Algiers to be held at Sala Sinfónica of Auditorio de Tenerife from 25 to 28 October. Musical director Nikolas Maximilian Nägele is working at Ópera de Tenerife for the first time this year and Giorgia Guerra is returning to the Island as stage manager.

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The programme Tenerife Artes Escénicas, fostered by the Cabildo with the collaboration of the town councils, is bringing to La Victoria de Acentejo the shows La Familia Pi, by puppet company Bolina, and El bosque de colores, by Komba Producciones. The shows are on in Plaza Rodríguez Lara, on Sunday, 26 at 5:00 pm

Bolina opens this cultural gathering in La Victoria with La Familia Pi [The Pi Family]. Jockeys, wading birds, chicks and leaping worms will make the youngest laugh and have a great time. In a passacaglia full of feathers and colours, these characters offer participative games and parade while interacting with the public.

At 6:00 pm, Plaza Rodríguez Lara welcomes El bosque de colores [The colourful forest]. This is a show for families and it includes magic, humour and participative songs. By interacting with the characters, the audience will meet the fantasy protagonists including a wicked witch who will try to spoil the party. With the help of magic and the audience, the cast makes the witch open her heart and let the party go on.

Tenerife Artes Escénicas is a professional programme for the performing arts and music by Cabildo de Tenerife, and it is part of the Tenerife 2030 strategy, which aims to develop coordination, administrative, economic and technical strategies to offer a quality artistic programme. This initiative has promoted more than 175 shows in all the municipalities in 2018.

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